Gray Barker, the man who proposed the concept of "Men in Black," was inspired by the Monster. This Wolfman, as I previously referred to it as, gave out a grunt and actually frowned at me for a few seconds before standing back up and walking to the other side of my car, and it jiggled the other door handle adjacent to the passenger side. Go Camping, West Virginia! Those who have reported these sightings describe a beast of varying sizes with white shaggy fur and long fangs that emits a chilling scream and alternates between moving on two legs and four. However, this is the first time I've heard of a creature with four eyes that terrorizes the woods around Beckly. Cumberland Spaceman (Solway Firth Spaceman), Pterosaurs and Pterodactyls in Cryptozoology, The Buru, Giant Lizards and Giant Crocodiles, The Death Dealing Tree of the Phillippines, The Mysterious Giant Snake Of North-Africa, Titanoboa and largest snakes of the world. Slamming hard on the accelerator, I bolted away and drove out of there like a bat out of hell; Im not pulling your leg here, but the distance from right where I was when I saw those things to my home I literally arrived home and pulled into the garage in just one minute. Bigfoot reports are also tied to these areas as well. I WISH TO COMMUNICATE. However, I took this time to do some intense research on what I saw, and thats when I came upon the Dogman phenomenon for the first time. Required fields are marked *. This could possibly be a reptilian version of the Flatwoods Monster, only without the skirt-like structure around its waist. In the anime series Sgt. They bear a striking resemblance to the Flatwoods monster. Throughout the twentieth century, a cluster of reported sightings of a cryptid specific to West Virginia known variously as the White Thing or Sheepsquatch have occurred on a mountain range that traverses Monongalia and Marion Counties known as Morgans Ridge. It had a "cowl" in the shape of an ace of spades behind a red round head. No face was seen, but the head was about three feet wide. Regardless, Ogua sightings offer historians a unique opportunity to draw connections between the rumor mills of the colonial borderlands and those of deindustrializing Cold War America. Unidentified Flying Creatures: Eyewitness Account of a Bat-like Encounter in Auburn Ravine, California, Reader Submission: Skunk Ape Sighting in Lake City, Florida. Numerous flashing red aircraft beacons can be seen from the area of the sighting, and the creature itself was probably a common barn owl, perched on a tree branch. At this point, I was absolutely shaking in my drivers seat with that same fear still latched onto my soul. When we both stared at each other, even while Im inside of my car, I heard what sounded like bones popping loudly, and to my absolute shock, I watched this wolf placed its hand on top of my car hood, raise itself off the ground, and stand up on two legs. With that said, this case shares many similarities with other reports. There's a large, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. I wasnt dreaming of this incident nor was I hallucinating it; it wasnt even a simple misidentification. Whatever theory Ive had to support any rational explanation for this unusual sighting were immediately shot away when this creature did something that Ill never forget for the rest of my life, something that still haunts my soul to this very day. The crowd was huge but everyone was polite and had a great time finally being back. chaospirations NCS Files, video September 20, 2020 11 Minutes. His cult of worshippers, who have taken over Point Pleasant, are not so benevolent however. Tales like Kozuls wove themselves into the folklore of the area, convincing many of their veracity despite some local residents later admitting to banging on neighbors houses and screeching to spread stories of the monster as teenagers. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Not to be outdone by Flatwoods, the town of Grafton in Taylor County, WV, has its own local monster. . Right as soon as I do that, theres a six-foot ledge on the left side of the road where some small trees have fallen over whereas on the other side, theres a steep hillside that has a path cleared through the thick underbrush where deer like to hide in. Sometimes they can aid in holding down or moving something that is holding their interest but the are limited in their ability to manipulate their surroundings with paws alone. In a letter written to Cockrell, Barker suggested the Grafton Monster could possibly be "an alien visitor from another planet". ". Sightings report that the creature has a dog-like head, but with goat or ram like horns, and sharp teeth and claws. I was driving home from taking an incredibly long drive. These are just a few of the many cryptids that are said to roam the state of West Virginia. Im 20-years old, and I live near a small town in Wayne County, West Virginia, called Lavalette. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Sunset on August 27, 2017 in Lavalette, West Virginia was at 8:07PM, so it would have been getting dark around the time of your encounter. The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word cryptid as "An animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated, such as . Many of the cryptids on this page feature prominently in developer Bethesda's 2018 online role playing game, Fallout 76. Flatwoods Monster - West Virginia Cryptid Cryptid Figure Cryptozoology Collectibles. The full report is below including an extended discussion on the YouTube program Bigfoot The Truth Told.. Set in the head were two eyes, described as "portholes", glowing green-orange and the size of half-dollars. In a possibleconflict of interest, Cockrell published thestory of his sighting, followed by numerous other articles and interviews detailingother sightings that same summer. North America (Minus Mexico and Caribbean), Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology. Cockrell's initial sighting, and others not long after, describe the monster as a large, white or greyish bipedal creature with no visible head. You never know what you might see. We have included sources for further reading, but must caution that all featured monsters, these sources, andthe study of them, are questionable. They looked different from what I see in the eyes of any canine I know of; they looked much more intelligent than anything Ive ever seen. However, he gave no suggestions as to where it could have escaped from. This creature, however, looked nothing like the original Mothman. Again, I am not stating that the above witness observed a bear. Can anyone fill me in? Finally, I gained this overwhelming sense of dread after seeing it walk to my side of the car on two legs, slowly bent down to level its eyes with mine, and I froze in pure, unadulterated horror when it used its hand to jiggle the door handle to try and open my car door. Additional Report of "The Beast of Beckley West Virginia". The couple, circling the vehicle in hopes of spotting the culprit, spotted something far worse than they could have imagined. It is always seen by the person who is about to die, and sometimes by others who are close to the person. It was last autumn on August 27, 2017 when my experiences first began; it was a Saturday evening between 6:30-7:30 PM, I think it was. Various sightings across the region in the mid 1990s describethe Sheepsquatch as a large, furry or woolly white creature, usually a quadruped, although sometimes bipedal. The other thing to consider is if perhaps the creature that the witness described is perhaps related to the skinwalkers of Navajo lore. The Flatwoods Monster appears as the final boss of the NES videogame Amagon and the stage 02 boss of the video game Space Harrier II. This is a narration of the sighting. A farmer then noticed two small lights over to the left of the object,and directed his flashlight towards them, revealing the creature, which was reported to have emitted a shrill hissing noise before gliding towards them, changing direction and then heading off towards the red light. Now, on this road, theres a blind curve next to an old, abandoned white church in which I always slow down on before driving around the curve, just to make sure nobody was gonna come flying around the corner that night. Regardless, today, there is a statue of the Mothman in Point Pleasant, and a yearly festival celebrating the creature, and the town. This creature, thought to be the same creature sighted in Flatwoods, is known as the Frametown Monster. Google Earth Image Sparks Controversy: Is it Really Bigfoot in Colorados Uncompahgre National Forest? Black bears (the state animal! In the Fallout 76 game set in Appalachia, there is a cryptid enemy known as the, Two Flatwoods Monsters appear on the cover of the album. More than 20 calls came in from people who allegedly sighted the monster. It had a massive head similar to that of a wolf or a large German Shepard, but bigger in proportion with pointed ears and tuffs of fur at the tip of each ear, as well as a long muzzle with these great, big fangs gouging out at the front of his snout. This page was created for those who have encountered cryptids and strange creatures Now there's help. From the waist up, however, it was a reptilian humanoid. It also appeared to be partially plant based, and possessed large ears with striking eyes that oscillated in colors. The Mothman Festival is an annual commemoration of the visit of the cryptid known as the Mothman. I was ecstatic at first to actually see a wolf in the wild, but at the same time, I realized there was something rather off about my encounter. But the eyes the eyes were the one thing, the only thing about my encounter that night, that Ill never forget and even writing about it to you all right now sends a bone-chilling fear down my spine. (1971). On November 12th, 1966, a group of grave diggers in Clendenin claimed they saw a man like figure flying low through the trees near a cemetery. Institution. Cryptid By State: West Virginia. Leading this group is John "Trapper" Tice, who hopes to track and capture some of the most allegedly evasive beasts. Moreover, the Ohio and Kanawha Valleys were once home to a vast network of mounds and sacred earthworks. I COME IN PEACE. What cryptid are you? Not far from this encounter, at an amusement park in Huntington, lies the third-largest burial mound in West Virginia. Liz Pavlovic is a graphic designer and illustrator based in Morgantown, WV. In 1968, in the woods around Fairmont WV, Jennings Frederick was out for a hunt. One of the few pages with information about this creature. Whites description of what he saw was less detailed than those of others, but included a glimpse of a serpentine tail that quickly led readers of his account to draw the connection with earlier ones that depicted a large, turtle-like beast with two heads, a long tail, and a penchant for dragging its victims to an underwater lair. Their car came to a sudden stop and refused to start again. ", "In Cherokee lore, the sudden appearance of a white wolf heralds a magic, premature death. Just as I slowly drove around the corner, I saw this thing step onto the road on all fours. White Things, White Devils or Devil Dogs, most notably the Sheepsquatch, which appears on the show Mountain Monsters, are amongst the most historically infamous cryptids in West Virginia. and our I live in eastern VA and I am very curious. Cryptid Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. The day after the Flatwoods incident, a couple taking a leisurely drive through the mountains of Frametown, West Virginia, at dusk were met with a similarly horrific experience. He's a Cryptid in West Virginia folklore associated with mothman and is really neat. Fortunately, all the doors to my car were locked and every window werent open, but this still horrified me to a point where I couldnt even breathe. The Grafton Monster or Beast of Grafton was a cryptid from Taylor County, West Virginia sighted in 1964. They also gathered a statement from the mother of the local farmer, in which she said that, at the approximate time of the crash, her house had been violently shaken and her radio had cut out for 45 minutes, and a report from the director of the local Board of Education in which he claimed to have seen a flying saucer taking off at 6:30 in the morning of September 13th (the morning after the creature was sighted). Have you heard the story of Grafton's monster? The identity or location of its head is unclear though if it actually doesn't have one close to its chest like most people think; some say that this strange beast might be nine feet tall (3 meters) making it taller than many predators on land. The Sheepsquatch myth was an obsession for a cryptid hunter named Calvin van Lowe who devoted his life to hunting down this creature that many people claim they've seen in their travels through southern Appalachia's Mountains, A storyteller talks at length about what happened when you encounter this monsters-how did they come into being? For the upcoming film, see. Or maybe, whatever this is a form of energy that manifests itself in strange ways. Hundreds of eyewitness accounts have been documented in newsprint, books and films. As soon as it did that, I couldve sworn right there and then that it wasnt alone. That same night, a meteor was sighted across West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Maryland, accounting for the trail of light. I looked over its shoulders and I could see multiple pairs of eyes staring directly at me; I knew they were the same creatures as the first one because they held the same eye-shine and gave off the same growls, too. The Mothman is said to be a winged creature with glowing red eyes. There's a few YouTube vids about him. I COME AS A FRIEND. I drove from my home to the town of Wayne, then past Tolsia and Louisa, and finally, as far as Chapmansville. If you all think encountering one werewolf-like creature was terrifying enough, imagine how I felt when I saw there was more than one creature there with this one. The counties with the most sightings are Boone, Kanawha, Putnam and Mason, with a surge in sightings taking place in Boone County during the mid-1990s. 124125. The evidence of a UFO landing was consistent with a truck, leaking oil, also having investigated the meteor. It was an honor to speak at this event which locals are estimating topped over 20,000 attendees on the first day alone. On the road you were on at the time of the encounter, was it dusk, failing light, or were there trees shading the road from the light? West Virginia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action We can't cover all the regional cryptids in this list, but here's some others that have allegedly been spotted in and near Appalachia. Field guide of whales and dolphins. How about the rest of you? Any copyrighted material used on this site is done so under Section 107 Fair Use. It just so happens that these areas are renowned for paranormal activity. Anyone interested in trying to catch a glimpse of the Blue Devil today may do so by traveling down scenic Grassy Creek Road in Webster County between Jumbo and Grassy Creek. According to many in Webster County, the animal was responsible for the deaths of a growing number of livestock over the period it stalked the land. They range from the widely known Mothman of Point Pleasant to the Flatwoods Monster in Braxton County. He rushed home terrified and called his friends Jerry Morse and Jim Mouser to accompany him for further investigation at the scene. West Virginia has played host to an extraordinary number of unusual creatures. The most common, or popular, cryptids that most people would know about areBigfoot / Sasquatch, and the Loch Ness Monster. He never found it, but he enjoyed the hunt. Yes, there are famous creatures here but you know I won't be talking about them. West Virginia was part of Virginia until the area refused to endorse the ordinance of secession in 1861. For the following witnesses to living cryptids, there is no dispute. The reptilian version of the Flatwoods Monster. My parents were concerned about the state I was in and asked me what happened I basically told them everything that transpired just before I pulled in. The town is known as Flatwoods, and it's home to the Flatwoods Monster. Perhaps the key (or a key) to this case (and maybe to the phenomenon in general) lies in the concentration of ancient burial mounds in the area. 2. r/Cryptozoology. One of the locals' dog ran ahead out of sight and started barking, and moments later ran back to the group with its tail between its legs. The Wolfman did it to us in Kentucky, and just things you see, you know are way faster than we are. Early the next morning, the reporter visited the site of the encounter for a second time and discovered two tracks in the mud, as well as traces of a thick black liquid. Today the Grafton Monster is one of the most well-known West Virginia cryptids and cryptozoologists and enthusiasts frequent the town every year in their search for evidence of the beasts existence. Anyone interested in searching for the Ogua themselves may do so from the pedestrian walkway located on the bridge crossing the Paw Paw Creek where it meets the Monongahela. Getting back to the strange eyes of the creature, a report from West Virginias Northern Panhandle recounted a monster with glowing red eyes. In my opinion, I think he was the alpha male of this pack. The monster as it appears in Fallout 76, complete with the image posted. The witness said the creature stood at eight feet in height. And a shapeshifting dog manthat certainly cannot exist in the natural world. When I received this report, I contacted one of my friends Denver Michaels (author of Wild & Wonderful (and Paranormal) West Virginia). (Going from red to yellow rapidly.) Flatwoods Monster and Mothman in Tomodachi Life. On November 15th, two young couples reported to police that they spotted a large, grey, flying man with red eyes near the TNT area north of Point Pleasant. My family and I originally lived in Jacksonville, Florida during my childhood, but we eventually moved up north because we couldnt handle the humidity and oncoming hurricanes. There was no sight of the monster but the grass was trampled where the it once stood and a low whistling sound followed them as they investigated. It also had these dexterous hands that looked almost like raccoon hands, but with more elongated fingers and long, jet-black claws at each fingertip; they looked like they can be used to easily manipulate any kind of prey in its clutches and they looked like they could easily rip me to shreds, or maybe they can do more than just that. Bears with mange appear very different than their healthy counterparts, and it is common for bears can stand and walk upright for short periods of time. Shortly thereafter, a putrid sulfuric odor filled the air. , on Destination America, the AIMS team goes to Braxton County, West Virginia to investigate a similar cryptid, the Shadow Creature. These accounts included the story of a mother and her 21 year-old-daughter, who claimed to have encountered a creature with the same appearance and odor a week prior to the September 12 incident; the encounter reportedly affected the daughter so badly that she was confined to a hospital for three weeks. Listed on Mar 1, 2023 North America (Minus Mexico and Caribbean), Mysterious Creatures: A Guide to Cryptozoology. Also features the first year they were each spotted and where they're from/most seen in state. They range from the widely known Mothman of Point Pleasant to the Flatwoods Monster in Braxton County. Gathering their friends and families, they returned to the sight of what they suspected to be a UFO crash, and encountered a strange red glowing light, and a strong smell. On the ends of its long fingers were suction cups which had thorns protruding from them. What West Virginia Monster are you?! The town placed a sign at the site in 2018 to commemorate Cockrells 1964 sighting, but a theft of the sign shortly thereafter motivated its relocation to the downtown area upon its recovery. After two years West Virginia's largest cryptid celebration returned and it returned to record numbers. There is no fossil evidence or evidence of an upright-walking bipedal canid.