INFJs often have a strong sense of justice and are determined to make the world a better place. He is the father of Jem Finch and Scout Finch. Even when hes ridiculed, Atticus doesnt betray his values but continues to treat every person with empathy, dignity, and respect. The following quote depicts the Counselor personality type of Diane Nguyen. Jigsaw is clearly guided by his introverted intuition. Felix Mendelssohn was a famous INFJ composer, pianist, and conductor. She is the host of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, which is the most popular daytime talk show in the United States. Includes career matches, strategies and charts. INFJ stock characters are commonly decipted as the Wise Old Man , the Chosen One , the Mentor , and Romantic Hero . Bill Belichick This renowned NFL head coach is the longest-tenured coach with a single team in NFL history. This personality type can also pick up on outside feelings and emotions easily, which gives them the ability to successfully predict what others would do. Although she continued to put our albums, Morissette added activism to her CV, running marathons for NEDA and Equality Now, which aligns well with the Advocate personality. The following quote captures the depth of Mahatma Gandhis INFJ personality. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a2b02d49db735e0 When we consider an INFJ, we think of a highly idealistic, gentle and deeply intuitive psychological type. He is best known for his abolitionist views and his Gettysburg Address, which is considered one of the greatest speeches in American history. So, lets take a deeper look at the INFJs who have shaped the world we live in. She makes it a point to punish bad behavior and help people who do good deeds. In music, these people find an unconventional outlet to channel their thoughts and feelings. One of the key INFJ strengths is empathy, which allows INFJs to not only understand people but also accurately read them. She is also the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador. 42 Famous People with the INFJ Personality, Final Thoughts about INFJ Personality Type, Do I Have an Inferiority Complex? Icelandic singer-songwriter, producer, and actress. In Rossettis famous sonnet, Remember, she introduced themes like love, death, and reaction to ones death, which aligns with the sensitive and empathic nature of the famous INFJ people. Although hes married, Whistler has yet to reveal his wifes identity. In recognition of her work and influence, Eleanor Roosevelt was posthumously awarded the first ever UN Human Rights Prize. Roosevelt chaired the United Nations Human Rights Committee that approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and co-chaired the Office of Civilian Defence during WWII. The INFJs out-of-the-box thinking may make entrepreneurship a good INFJ career path. Karma is perhaps the most well-developed INFJ fictional character in video games. INFJ Love: What Happens When an INFJ Falls in Love? Vote up your favorite INFJ characters, and downvote any you don't like as much on this INFJ fictional characters list. They are likely to view acting as a means to protect their identity, a shell they can successfully hide inside. Christina Rossettis successful book includes her greatest poems, such as When I am dead, my dearest, and Remember. Frodo displays many INFJ characteristics, such as his compassion for others and his dedication to his cause. In true INFJ fashion, Nicole is also very driven, intuitive and soft-spoken. From quietly powerful heroes to insightful mentors, INFJ characters are strongly favored by fiction writers. Oprah also opened a school for girls in Africa. Albus Dumbledore is the ultimate INFJ fictional character. List of Famous People With INFJ Personality Description for this block. For many INFJs, discovering their personality type is a wonderfully affirming moment. Michael has a strong sense of community and doesnt hesitate when he needs to fight for justice. Galadriel is another INFJ fictional character that heavily uses both of her primary cognitive functions - introverted intuition and extraverted feeling. Leonard Cohen also possessed a lot of unnoticed and unforced charisma, with his deep raspy voice and polite approach to everything and everyone. As is typical of INFJs, Razor is both spiritual and intuitive, and hes always ready to fight for justice. Thanks to our ENFJ memes, youll see some funny examples of how loveable, devoted, but also intense this personality type can be! When working alone, The Sage has the opportunity to pour out their imagination and creativity undisturbed by others. Amy uses her introverted intuition to create an elaborate plan to ruin her husbands life. Her writing style also shows a deep attention to detail in regards to world-building and she has been known to use a detailed scene list to outline her early drafts. Lauryn Hill shares similar INFJ insight and empathy in the following quote. He is wise, thoughtful, and reflective, always taking time to think things through. It tells There are even INFJ anime characters, such as Armin Arlelt from Attack on Titan and Kaworu Nagisa from Neon Genesis Evangelion. 7 Fictional Characters That You'll Relate To If You're An INFJ Anyone who has achieved excellence in any form knows that it comes as a result of ceaseless concentration. Louise Brooks. In The Hours, Nicole Kidman played the role of Virginia Woolf, which earned won her first Academy Award. HSP INFJs are people with an INFJ personality type and a sensitive nervous system. In addition to birthing the hairstyle emblematic of the 1920s, Louise Brooks rose to fame as a silent film actress after signing with Paramount Pictures when she was still 19. Last Updated on January 18, 2023 by Neil Surban. Watson has been a strong advocate for gender equality and womens rights. If you think you may have this personality, you can take at test at THE TYPEFINDER PERSONALITY TEST. INFJ Pop Culture Figures: Comedians, Film & TV Crew, Film Directors, Hosts and Presenters, Models, Performers, Voice Actors Ingmar Bergman Film Directors It's easy to interpret Bergman as some sort of Fi user with his heavy slant on portraying an individuated quality of human feeling. The overpowering force of INFJ helped him accomplish his goal without the use of army. Who are best INFJ fictional characters? Below are five famous authors and writers with an INFJ personality type. My life is an indivisible whole, and all my activities run into one anotherthey all have their rise in my insatiable love of mankind. Mahatma Gandhi. Im a real person operating in the world. You know that saying, bad things dont happen to good people? Thats a lie. Tori Amos. *) Ted Mosby in How I Met Your Mother INFJ 4w5 Anime Characters Sigma in the anime Bungou Stray Dogs Yoichi Isagi in the anime Blue Lock Hiro in the anime Darling in the Franxx INFJ 4w5 Celebrities Frank James (Who doesn't know him) INFP demonstrates an individual who is Energized by time alone (Introverted), who centers around thoughts and ideas as opposed to facts Unit #2007 Mahwah, NJ 07430, careers in the arts, writing, counseling, or politics. Rogers was a strong advocate for peace and compassion. Shes courageous, stubborn, and bravely fights for justice. In addition to films, John Williams composed two symphonies and numerous concertos. While both these personality types have strong altruistic and warm characteristics, they differ in their execution. INFJ is a personality type defined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test. Nonetheless, it took Yoda more than 800 years to reach his potential, so dont be so hard on yourself if you have trouble developing your Ti! Fictional characters are not by any means a substitute for real friends, but they can help fill an INFJ's hunger to learn about as many different people and perspectives as possible without wearing themselves out. Discover 55 famous INFJ people including celebrities from the film & music industries, authors, philosophers, politicians & 3 controversial INFJs. Continue to read the list of more than 10,000 INFJ famous people and fictional characters of all categories on PDB. He is the first African American president and is known for his progressive policies, such as increasing healthcare coverage and reforming the education system. from Hunter x Hunter, Attack on Titan, Death Note, Naruto, and more! This personality type is soft-spoken, romantic and has a preference for expressing themselves in a poetic way. Zendaya got her first big film break in The Greatest Showman, followed by Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home. Now that we have a better understanding of this personality, let's look at some real life and fictional people who possess this personality trait and see what kind of company youd keep! Most notably, Thomas Jefferson advocated for the total separation of the church and state, wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, and founded the University of Virginia. If theres one archetypal INFJ fictional character in literature, its Atticus Finch. The following quote summarizes Thomas Jeffersons INFJ nature. From a young age, you felt different from the people around you. He remains a beloved figure to this day. Balk first made a name on TV in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever before her INFJ meticulousness in her craft allowed her to beat over a thousand other girls to play Dorothy in the movie Return to Oz. Borsellinos INFJ honor was depicted in the biographical film A Judge of Honor. John Kramer, usually called Jigsaw, is an excellent example of a very unhealthy INFJ fictional character. In this regard, Princess Zelda is no different - she is often disconnected or absent from the physical world. Although she is private and doesnt openly share her feelings, Bonnie is quick to stand up to injustice, manipulation, and cruelty. Learn about the differences between INFJ-A and INFJ-T subtypes. Hitler used his INFJ creativity to write his dangerous manifesto, Mein Kampf, while serving a prison sentence for treason. Essentially, like most INFJs, Karma is empathetic. At the height of her career, Fairuza Balk decided to take another route away from the limelight, characterized by her INFJ introverted personality. This in-depth guide covers the primary and shadow INFJ cognitive functions. He approaches his dream in a visionary and idealistic way, while often being able to successfully predict what the future holds. Personality-database INFJs | INFJ Forum While both Mediators and Advocates are sensitive souls who are value-led, INFPs tend to daydream and lean towards more creative industries. Iconic quotes from INFJ characters often include or imply "I understand you more than you think". Angelou has received numerous awards and honors, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Patriotism is not enough. Rowling admits that she is a people pleaser, and constantly aims to avoid conflict and create a harmonious environment. It is one of the 16 types that make up the test. Writing encompasses one of their favorite things working alone. She is a perfectionist and has an idealistic view of the world. Juan Pablo and his band made an immediate splash in the Latin music scene with their debut album, Sombre el Amor y Sus Efectos Secundarios, in 2016. Ultimately, she strives for freedom and depends on her intuitive insights to guide her through life. The elven queen is mysterious and elusive, moving through the world with admirable grace and dignity. She doesnt like small talk and instead prefers to gain a deeper understanding about the inner world of people around her. During her remarkable life, Helen Keller received honorary doctoral degrees from major universities in and outside the US, a Distinguished Service Medal, a Presidential Medal of Freedom, and an induction to the Womens Hall of Fame. INFJ 6w7 Fictional Characters Yang Do-Hyeok (Nevertheless) Rumplestiltskin / The Coward (Once Upon a Time) Lee Shi Woo (Forecasting Love and Weather) INFJ 6w7 Anime Characters Yutaro Kurose (Chainsaw Man) Oohashi Umi (Qualia Under the Snow) Keita Amano (Gamers!) A complete guide to INFJ compatibility and relationships. It is nice to die for what you believe in; those who are afraid die every day those who are not afraid die only once. Paolo Borsellino. As an artist and writer, who also happens to be a Libra sign, I strongly identify with all of these traits. However, Nightingale remained a substantial influence in nursing and public health through books, presentations, and letters. INFJ personalities are introspective and intuitive, with a keen sense of intuition and insight. Others were infected by his noble vision and were quick to follow him, struck by his rooting emotions and belief. Below are the four most famous fictional characters with INFJ traits. Films created by INFJs might not be everyones cup of tea, but thats not a problem for this enigmatic personality type. Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui was a well-known INFJ and the 9th Inca ruler who transformed the Inca Empire. He follows his emotions and chooses options that benefit Daisy, as his happiness is based upon her. One must believe in it. The INFJ personality trait is clear-cut in Borsellinos unwavering integrity and passion, which shaped his career as an Italian judge and most of his life until death. Next to her insightfulness, she is also a skilled diplomat, while still being wary of mortal motivations. And it isnt enough to believe in it. Rose feels different from other people, but this doesnt stop her from being kind to others. American comedian, television host, actress, and writer. Why Are So Many INFJs Obsessed With Fictional Characters? Taylor Swift, U.S. singer-songwriter. As an INFJ, you most likely enjoy immersing yourself in a fantasy world. Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman is an INFJ celebrity, actress, singer, and dancer who rose to fame for her comedic portrayals on the Disney Channel. After releasing her debut album, The Fame, Lady Gaga released more successful albums like Born This Way and the 2014 Cheek to Cheek with Tony Bennett. She is confident, soft-spoken, driven and intuitive. Instead, she is guided by her inner values and her own vision of the future. Gandhis need to leave a positive mark on the world was very strong and as he himself believed, change always started from the individual first. INFJ Characters and Celebrities - Personality Database They are also known for their strong intuition and for being able to see the potential in people. Some might even surprise you! He is the most decorated Olympian of all time, with 28 medals (23 of which are gold). A comprehensive guide to INFJ friendships, including 3 tips to overcome INFJ friendship issues, 3 ways to befriend an INFJ, and much more! However, Teds introverted thinking clearly isnt his strongest suit - his actions are often illogical and counterproductive. He had 7 Oscar nominations to his name and one win for his role as Frank Slade in "Scent of a Woman". Plato is best known for his work, The Republic, in which he lays out his ideas on justice and governance. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Whats more, like most INFJs, Obi-Wan is thoughtful and cautious, as he doesnt make rash decisions. Some of these fictional characters, however, depict what INFJs look like at their worst. Thomas Jefferson was a well-known INFJ statesman, diplomat, and philosopher who served as the third US President. The keeper of Nenya, one of the three Elven rings of power.