If a HA entity becomes stable and it has sense to collect its data, I include this entity to the DB configuration. Looking at the graph is cool, but it doesnt make it easy to see what the temperature outside is right now, or what was the lowest/highest temperature for the period. Luckily for us, Home Assistant already has InfluxDB export capability built in, so all we need to do is configure it. This is optional, but highly recommended. Were going to run a query to create a new database just for Home Assistant. This adds a yellow line, and the entire graph now has the living room temperature compared to the outside temperature. In "Name" field enter a name that makes sense. Defines the units of measurement of the sensor, if any. I can add the data source in Grafana fine, it confirms the home_assistant database is created fine but HA gives an error and does not connect. In this window we'll set connection and display parameters for communication between Grafana and InfluxDB. You can run it as its own Docker container and manage other containers on the host system. Theres a few options for this, but one with great support in Home Assistant is InfluxDB. If you cant see the menu where to add it from, on the left-hand-side near each row are three vertical ellipsis. No, there is no way to get this on Hassbian, add-ons are a Hassio feature. If there's a tag named "entity_id" with that value, it will be dropped, and if instead there's a field, nothing will happen. This is us setting up Grafana so it knows where to pull our stats from. Wessel's Blog. Hey Phil , sorry for my late answer i had a packed day and thank you for your time, By using that command i am unable to access grafana afterwards. is that 3 or 4 addons this week! The list of attribute names to ignore when reporting to InfluxDB. You might be able to use a template sensor for that. Thank you so much again @frenck , you truly are amazing. SHOW TAG KEYS ON "" FROM " eg: C", Query template: Needed with username configuration variable. 2:49 PM setup.py (ERROR) Name of the bucket within your Organization to read from. After I noticed that no data was being populated I changed the address in my YAML file to the actual internal ip address. To obtain this, open the UI of your 2.xx installation, the URL at the top will have it after /orgs. Can you give me a hint how to do it? I get to influxdb but nothing under http://serveraddress:3003. Youll be presented with a blank graph now. Also check the username and password for influxdb. (sorry for al those questions). Thats awesome. This makes it easy to read the battery levels into Grafana. Run a quick curl command to query for the databases created: Now that we know InfluxDB is up you can boot up Home Assistant: Note that InfluxDB must be up and running before Home Assistant, how ever you start your Docker containers on reboot will need to account for this. It was also a little more complicated because all of the examples were Influx 1, not 2. Hi, Awsome article! However if didnt split them out with a template sensor, there isnt much you can do. You must configure the influxdb history component in order to create influxdb sensors. Include all entities matching a listed pattern. The InfluxDB integration was introduced in Home Assistant 0.9, and it's used by, # Example filter to include specified domains and exclude specified entities, filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "value" and r.domain == "sensor" and strings.containsStr(v: r.entity_id, substr: "humidity")), filter(fn: (r) => r._domain == "person" and r._entity_id == "me" and r._value != "{{ states('person.me') }}"), filter(fn: (r) => r.domain == "sensor" and r._field == "value" and regexp.matchRegexpString(r: /_power$/, v: r.entity_id)), states('sensor.current_cost_per_kwh')|float, https://us-west-2-1.aws.cloud2.influxdata.com/orgs/{OrganizationID}, Full configuration for 1.xx installations, Full configuration for 2.xx installations, Entity listed in entities include: include, Otherwise, entity matches domain include: include, Otherwise, entity matches glob include: include, Otherwise, entity matches domain exclude: exclude, Otherwise, entity matches glob exclude: exclude, Domain and/or glob includes (may also have excludes), Otherwise, entity listed in entities exclude: exclude, Domain and/or glob excludes (no domain and/or glob includes), Otherwise, entity listed in exclude: exclude, No Domain and/or glob includes or excludes. Oh, one of the great things about using InfluxDB is that you could have it running on a separate machine. Hi Phil, Im wondering how to edit the grafana.ini? Seems like a way to add multiple points of failure. This ensures Home Assistant has a lean database, and I can debug something that went wrong by looking in the recorder. Click "Select" button to go back to previous window. This add-on comes with Chronograf & Kapacitor pre-installed as well. This is a basic way to look at the data captured by Home Assistant. Visualizing that data can help you see long term trends in how your smart home is used. If theres anything you dont want recorded in there, you can use the exclude parameter. Best to check the latest docker run command on the repo at https://github.com/philhawthorne/docker-influxdb-grafana to get the latest port numbers to use. Now weve got an easy way to get battery levels into InfluxDB and Grafana, lets set up a gauge to display the battery percentage of a door sensor. The group function to be used. Well be presented with the InfluxDB Web Interface. Grafana can be used to read this data and display some very pretty graphs. If I determine that the Supervised HA doesn't hold any particular benefits for me, I'll most likely migrate that to Docker as well in the future. Wait about a minute for the container to start, then open a web browser and point it to (replace with your IP). Watch on. Images, code and a full step by step guide on how to use Grafana and integrate it with Home Assistant for beautiful and functional dashboards! If omitted, then a filter of limit(n: 1) will be added to the end instead to restrict to one result per table. Watch your Home Assistant log files for any errors to make sure the connection to InfluxDB is working as expected. In my case it's Home. After a restart Home Assistant will now start writing data to the InfluxDB database. I am not sure if HASSIO supports this though. {{ states.zwave.fibaro_system_fgms001zw5_motion_sensor.attributes.battery_level }} Port 3004 not works: server not respond host: Well, for the Home Assistant UI, once youve made your attributes their own sensors with template sensors it should be a simple matter of just adding the applicable entity_id to your groups file. The logbook shows last actions, while this gives me insights in the history. I decided to go with MariaDB in a docker container and this step should improve performance and make my SD card last a lot longer. The personal homepage of Frenck: an Internet of Things explorer, a home automation fanatic, open source contributor, software developer, and Home Assistant addict! Is it only to ssh to the container and update ? However, I'm also using a zigbee usb stick and the Synology NAS can only expose that to HA through a VM. It sounds like the Home Assistant container cant access the InfluxDB container. Heres where it can get a bit tricky. On the next screen choose the "InfluxDB" from the list of databases. Configure which integrations should be excluded from recording to InfluxDB. So now we have the basic understanding of how to create a dashboard in Grafana (dont forget to hit the save button!!). influxdb: host: 172.23..2. verify_ssl: false. Then use the new sensor.sonos_volume in your Grafana instance. Do so and continue. On the next screen I chose the "Quick Start" button, since I like that local db metric collection will be setup :-), Section 3 - Setting up access in Influx DB for HomeAssistant and Grafana. Now we have to use the Flux query language which expects us to type things in. To do it via ssh [emailprotected] -p 22022 and then to edit the file doesnt work for me anymore. Set this to specify the time precision sent to influxdb. The list of domains to be excluded from recording to InfluxDB. Ive been pointed in the direction of a bug within Chronograf. In Grafana web GUI, click on the third icon from the top. With this Grafana is ready to be connected to InfluxDB so that you can start visualizing the data. The influxdb integration makes it possible to transfer all state changes to an external InfluxDB database. On the left menu click on the "InfluxDB Admin". See range_start above for how this is used in query. That dashboard looks sexy! Just note that if you ever destroy the container, the updates will be lost. The first thing youll need to do is setup a username and password. Lets click Panel Title to bring up the context menu to edit the graph. Then add Name and URL, where the URL should be the hostname where the InfluxDB is installed. 2.xx only - Organization ID to write to. I used your docker image top setup InfluxDB and Grafana. You should see a token for your username already created. Going to do this during the upcoming weekend. 2018-06-18 14:38:55 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain influxdb took 7.1 seconds. Lowers and rises blinds in bedroom automatically, when I turn lights on or off after dark, Turns on red Hue bulb outside of my study, when I'm on a WebEx call. Btw there is one bug in Grafana which the team is pushing on InfluxDB about displaying no graphs for a queried time range if there was no value written to the DB. Whats the average temperature inside during the summer months, compared to winter? Go back to Synology Docker and open the "Registry" section again. Or we could choose just to aggregate all the sensors into one, and just display the Outside vs Inside temperature on this graph. This will help to keep the config file clean, and means the integration config can easily be removed if required. I'm a Sitecore, OrderCloud and .Net developer, Dad, cyclist and all round nerd from Melbourne, Australia. Expand the A query to see how it is built. I looked around, but ended up creating my own Docker image based on this awesome Docker setup by Samuele Bistoletti, Samss does everything I need, but it comes installed with StatsD/Telegraf, and uses MySQL. Once selected, change the SELECT field(value) so it reads field(battery_level). Best to check the readme on the Github repo, but this should work for you now. influxdb:api_version: 2ssl: falsehost: influxdb.exmaple.comport: 8086token: organization: Home Assistantbucket: home_assistanttags:source: HomeAssistanttags_attributes:- friendly_name- device_classdefault_measurement: units, And an example query: https://imgur.com/a/7fpf2Dw. You can then login to Grafana on the downstairs tablet, knowing someone wont be able to access the upstairs dashboard without the correct username and password. I would like to have an access in order to 'download' the database or a way to make a query outside Home Assistant. If you are looking for an even better shortcut in your smart home journey check out my new Grafana & Home Assistant guide here! This allows changing the name, icon and entity_id from the web interface. We can configure Home Assistant to write data for some (or all) devices to this new database. Overall it looks really good (I think), definitely better than in Home Assistant and only cost me one evening of work. So I have no idea why its not working for you. 4. You can set z-wave parameters from within Home Assistant. If you are looking to change anything about the visualization you will find all those options at the right side of the screen in the Panel and Field tabs. You can change the IP address to the IP address where your InfluxDB install is running if needed. As a habit, Ive always created template sensors to extract the battery levels so I can display them in Home Assistant. Basically if you have sensors who only occasionally update your graphs might be empty because Grafana is not able to just display the latest value. You can find out how to create one here. So, from my Google research it looks like you have to set the connection pool when connecting to InfluxDB. Your Grafana instance is now configured to retrieve and display data from InfluxDB. You need to do the following steps in order to get this working: Click on "OPEN WEB UI" to open the admin web-interface provided by this add-on. Any advise would be appreciated as to where i am going wrong, would be of help. Jens. I did that change some weeks ago and follows a slightly outdated guide but got it working. Youll also need to check which version of InfluxDB youre running. Click on the "Add data source" button. I kind of liked the idea of the "whole" supervised HA VM and not just the bare docker deployment. You can always change the retention, so that data gets dropped after a certain period. It will allow you to visualize data as well. Continuing the fridge/freezer example, if it starts to use more power than usual for the day, send an alert. In my case normal load CPU load is about 20%, with glances running it nearly doubled. Once you are done with that you can create a new dashboard and start adding panels with data visualizations. As the name suggests this will download the latest image, which is currently 2.0.7. Thanks for posting your docker run command. Usually if you set up a new panel you just need to add queries (at the bottom menu) for each item you want to display here. We'll check if HomeAssistant is properly storing data in our bucket. InfluxDB - Home Assistant Community Add-ons. Are there any logs in the HA logs files? First, is the database. We could adjust our GROUP BY interval higher, to something like an hour which might solve that. I'm a very Newbie but nevertheless managed to start a couple of integrations successfully. So, its still a work in progress for the time being. Thanks a lot for your reply. On the other hand, I wanted to have separate InfluxDB and Grafana, so that I could have both more control over versions (with HA addons, you're locked into what HA provides) and also simpler ability to use InfluxDB for some other potential thing in the future. It exposes an HTTP API for client interaction and if often used in combination with Grafana to visualize the data. Your best bet is to execute the queries from Chronograf to create the database. The only problem is the volume is shown as a value between 0 and 1 so it is showing .45% etc. Click on "Environment" tab. Im curious, how are you using this? You should get a response back with a list of measurements being taken. Add your timezone in the environment variables, so that you'll have proper timestamps in your database entries. For my own future reference and anyone looking to clean up data spikes over a specific time range, heres what worked for me: USE ""; DELETE FROM "" WHERE ("" = "") AND time > "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" AND time < "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss", Example if deleting all data on a given day: If you want to build dynamic panels or see my newer dashboard then checkout this post. Under the retention policy setting, you can edit the Duration for which InfluxDB will hold data. Simply drag-and-drop an icon onto your dashboard. You can omit the include section, and Home Assistant will send the whole firehose of sensor data to InfluxDB. Going to give you another option to try. Thats what I have in for my setup as well. Or is that another sensor youve exposed? Open HomeAssistant "configuration.yaml" file. u/ShittyFrogMeme I did a small modification to your configuration: adding device_class as a tag_attribute. Home assistant makes it super-easy to capture data from devices around your home by adding plugins, and it makes that data available in the history tab, so you can keep track of whats going on, like this. When creating a new query, instead of choosing the unit of measurement first, like % or KB/s, select the entity_id you would like to get the attribute for. Todays article looks at a time series database called InfuxDB that Home Assistant can use to store all your sensor data in a database. Home Assistant is awesome but it lacks advanced support for showing data, especially over time. For more information, please see our Thank you. The database must already exist. Watch on. We can accomplish that with the docker-compose config below: So lets break this configuration down a bit: The docker containers start up. If so, just use the same as above, but switch out the name to the new sensor in the value_template. For instructions on how to create a database check the InfluxDB documentation relevant to the version you have installed. InfluxDB, Home Assistant & Grafana - Energy & Power. There are a couple of InfluxDB docker images floating around for the Raspberry Pi, but I went with this one. Anyone has a query to delete any/all data and entity itself from influx? First panel in the first dashboard is finished. 2.xx only - List of sensors to expose in Home Assistant. Sending data to InfluxDB with Node-Red. So nothing in my log except some unrelated issues with XKNX, sensor: We're going to run a query to create a new database just for Home Assistant. Ex. If you do, then click on the "Submit" button on the extreme right side of the screen. To do so, modify your Home Assistant configuration.yaml to include the details of your InfluxDB installation. My approach to cleanup the InfluxDB: influxdb: host: username: homeassistant password: passwd . We tend to think of this data as sensor readings. To test, can you change your docker run command to. 2018-06-17 21:10:03 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [homeassistant.components.influxdb] Database host is not accessible due to HTTPConnectionPool(host=, port=8086): Max retries exceeded with url: /query?q=SHOW+SERIES+LIMIT+1%3B&db=home_assistant (Caused by NewConnectionError(: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused,)), please check your entries in the configuration file (host, port, etc.) I can connect to p3003 fine for Grafana, and 3004 fine for Chronograf but how do I get to the Influxdb landing page in your video so that I can set up an influx db? Hi Phil, adguardhome-sync is a small tool that allows you to set up an auto synced backup instance for Adguard Read more, Home Assistant is an awesome system but when you get started the terminology can be confusing. For 2.xx SSL verification is required, library provides no way to disable it. Great stuff Ill investigate! I guess they can be removed. Watch on. rtsecs). Just remember that youll only be able to report on values with numbers. Of course these are just some ideas Ive had. Any ideas why this would be? Node-RED is a flow-based development tool for visual programming which can be added to home assistant as a integration / add-on. Click "Add" button and in the "variable" field enter TZ and in the "Value" field enter your timezone in format continent/City. Verify SSL certificate for HTTPS request. It looks like this: influxdb: host: a0d7b954-influxdb port: 8086 database: homeassistant username: homeassistant password: my_password max_retries: 3 default_measurement: state include: domains: - sensor. In the include section, I'm specifying which sensors' data I want to be sent to InfluxDB. Contribute to hassio-addons/addon-influxdb development by creating an account on GitHub. First, theres heaps of types of data we can graph now: Now we can take a look at this data over longer periods, for fun and potentially to save money. Seems to work with $interval. I chose docker/influxdb. Home Assistant is already pretty good at this. If you want to show your appreciation, consider supporting me for buying a cup of high octane wakey juice via one of the platforms below! Published by Oliver on 02.05.202102.05.2021. Port to use. 2.xx - Defaults to true for 2.xx, false otherwise false. This is the default InfluxDB port and all the instructions will refer to it in all the guides. Press the + button next to the entity_id to add to the query. I definitely hope to do as trusty mentioned - I want to replace my logbook and history. Port 3003 works: I see the page from Grafana What is your congiruation YAML like for connecting to Influx? Once logged in, the command youll want to run is, I changed the owner in File Station to my User and now grafana works . If youre using my Docker container, heres how Ive set it up. That doesnt really help you for the moment. It wont take you long before your Home Assistant database sizes are in gigabytes, and your home automation starts to slow down because of it. By the way: In order to get the new versions I had to use the edge flag instead of latest, is that the correct way to use? hey is it ok to show me step by step , i tried to copy your query but it did not execute the command and gave me an error message. No problem, and can you see the attributes for the battery level in the states panel? I copied the following docker run command: docker run -d (I go by @Frenck in there as well). That will bind the container to the host network, which will hopefully work. Under Options select To the right to move the table inline with the graph. I've got 6 Aeotec 6 Multisensors that are reporting in 5 sec intervals. Exactly, warning not error. Rinse and repeat for other graphs you might want to create as well, like Lux/Brightness, download speeds, etc. Cookie Notice I believe there is a Z-wave set config service, or it might be available from the Config panel. On the left side choose the "Explore" icon. Entries will be limited, since they will start from the moment that you have added HomeAssistant->InfluxDB config into HomeAssistant. Then you can easily restore back to the older version if necessary. Maybe the entity_id has changed or something. I have done minimal configuration for the InfluxDB that I thought would work, but I miss many of the entities - most importantly I miss all of the temperature sensors, which I wanted to keep in history. This will store all data points in a single measurement. However long-term trends and data can also be important. Remember, you dont need to be running Home Assistant and InfluxDB on the same server, thats just how Ive got it currently set up. That indentation doesn't look correct, and I think you need to specify the entities explicitly, rather than from a group. Then, click select tag value to choose an entity_id of another temperature sensor. After exploring just some of the data exploration and dashboard features available directly in the Home Assistant Community Add-on: InfluxDB, its enough for . For some reason Im unable to get the logbook to show anything. Nice job! Well follow the exact steps as above for the outside temperature, but this time selecting the entity ID for the temperature of the living room sensor. About Home Assistant. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. A smart home captures a lot of data. Choose the "Latest" tag and click on the "Select" button. Using CLI tool influx you can set csv output format for results: influx -host your_host -port 8086 -database 'your_db' -execute 'select * from your_metric' -format 'csv'. Will be merged with the default ignore_attributes list when processing a state change event for a particular entity. Although I cant see why not exactly. Youll then need to setup how Grafana will communicate with InfluxDB. Trying to show the volume of my Sonos using singlestat and its working. The influxdb sensor allows you to use values from an InfluxDB database to populate a sensor state. HomeAssistant - Running in a VM as Home Assistant Operating System on one host - IP, InfluxDB, Grafana - Running in Docker containers on another host (Synology) - IP I'm using a Synology to run HA on and wish I could use docker for it. Wondering if its a DSM6 network kind of issue. Measurement name to use instead of unit or default measurement. By default this is going to send everything to InfluxDB. Here we will point Grafana towards the bucket on the InfluxDB server. This space is exported using snapshots as well. I haven't yet had time to dig into details of this thing :-), Followed your config and the integration worked perfectly, thank you for posting. $__interval should be used instead.. Just keep in mind by increasing the frequency of these reports, youll be using more of the battery, so battery life will be affected. This is a new Query language and may be slightly more complicated but I haven't found a good way to connect to InfluxDB 2.x with IfluxQL. What component is it? Once youve run that query, a new database will have been created for Home Assistant to use. Paste the query into the query "A" field in the bottom half of the "New dashboard / Edit panel" window which should still be open. This can take on boolean values false or true. Both running on docker on the same host I feel like it polls initially and then stops. Our next step is to configure Home Assistant to start logging changes to InfluxDB. Just as I'm typing this, maybe it is possible to fit an array of values in a sensor entity and use that to create a historic graph in HA. : In case you want to ask me a question: AMA (Ask Me Anything). In my case this is This first username and password will be the root user, which will have complete access to Grafana. You should be able to expose that to Grafana, Getting Started with Grafana & InfluxDB for Home Assistant, https://philhawthorne.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/philhawthorne_black.png, https://philhawthorne.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/grafana_screen_mac.jpg, '{% if states.sensor.fibaro_system_fgms001zw5_motion_sensor_battery_level is not none %}, {{ states.sensor.fibaro_system_fgms001zw5_motion_sensor_battery_level }}, Making Home Assistants Presence Detection not so Binary, HA-Dockermon Use Home Assistant to monitor, start or stop Docker Containers, Home Assistant database sizes are in gigabytes, Automating your shopping list with Home Assistant and Grocy, Breaking down Presence Detection with Home Assistant, http://docs.grafana.org/reference/templating/, https://github.com/influxdata/influxdb-python/issues/349, https://github.com/simpss/home-assistant/pull/1, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/74d7d5c1b2d72bb85e1cfbe6919afc6c1400ad447fe8a0a773a8437120be8124.jpg, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bd57a5daa931c1379c57e296f4b358ab6e80a1950257bf014de60dba55bd1c20.jpg, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bc4da4039404e2db4b3c8697ddb404f9b3ffcccd2ef383985271282a4583e97b.jpg, https://github.com/philhawthorne/docker-influxdb-grafana. You can always try to get support from the community here at the Home Assistant community forums, join the conversation! I tryed to install your container on my Synology NAS with DSM 6.2 but it seems not work properly. and Jekyll. All my sensors from hassio are reporting to that influxdb next to my mariadb (short term). Something like. I did it according to your proposal and indeed the upgrade went seamless. Some workarounds include having a HA script write the latest sensor value to Influx every hour although this still might result in empty graphs. I've got several Aeotec 6 sensors to monitor environment. Reduce the complexity until something . But I just found out something: I have no clue where I could actually check the bucket size :-D I guess that info could come in handy Great write up. Thanks in advance for a short hint and support.