The first path to the right of this section contains a dead Mandalorian and a weapon cache. After urging Revan to fulfill his objective and destroy the Emperor, Surik disappeared. When you're building one you should think about focusing on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. These red beasts can be found in the jungle. If she was a Jedi Guardian or Weapon Master, she would learn the Juyo discipline instead.[8]. Search for the file manually. It is similar to the handmaiden battles in the hidden base on Telos. She also destroyed the crime lord G0-T0's flagship, the Visionary. Arriving at Telos IV, Surik discovered a secret Jedi academy ran by Jedi Master Atris. Upload or insert images from URL. The problem was that I kept directing it to the Steam folder I had in Program Files (x86) when the local files were kept in the Steam folder on my desktop. Through the Force, Kreia informed Surik that Sion was not a beast of flesh and blood, and that it was not a battle that could be won. The only thing I'd change off the bat is the description for TSL Patcher. Hey, nice guide. Thanks a bunch. This fervent loyalty came at much to the disapproval of Kreia, and Brianna the Handmaiden. This improved model combines the best features of sonic and disruptor pistols. There is a crystal called Hurrikaine that can only be gained through the Giveitem cheat or by installing the Restored Content Mod. Install the Version of the program that matches your OS. While serving with the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, he participated in several battles, earning significant glory and prestige with his bold tactics and leadership. Before the arrival of Azkul's men to the battlefield, Surik bolstered Khoonda's defenses by persuading several civilians to join the Khoonda militia, healing those of the militia who were injured, planting more mines in the surrounding fields, and repairing damaged gun turrets and medical and combat droids. [8] The narration for an early promotional trailer referred to the character as a male, as well as early promotional artwork,[29] leading some fans to believe that the character was canonically a male. +2 STR, +1 DEX, +2 Vitality Regeneration, Keen (double critical range), +5 Damage, +1 Force Regeneration (Dark Jedi Only), +3 Damage, +1-8 Dark Side Damage, +3 Attack Bonus, +1 Ion Damage, +1-8 Droid Damage, +1-3 Critical Damage, +2 Ion Damage, +1-12 Droid Damage, +1-6 Critical Damage, 25% Chance to Slow for 2 Rounds DC10, -1 Defense, 25% Chance to Stun for 2 Rounds DC10, -1 Defense, 25% Chance to Stun for 3 Rounds DC14, -1 Defense, 25% Chance to Slow for 2 Rounds DC14, -3 Defense, 25% Chance to Stun for 2 Rounds DC14, -3 Defense, 25% Chance to Stun for 3 Rounds DC18, -3 Defense, 50% Chance to Slow for 3 Rounds DC18, -1 Defense, +1 Defense, -2 Blaster Bolt Deflection, +1 Energy Damage, +2 Defense, -2 Blaster Bolt Deflection, +2 Energy Damage, +1 Attack Bonus, +2 Blaster Bolt Deflection, +2 Attack Bonus, +3 Blaster Bolt Deflection, +1 Attack, -2 Blaster Bolt Deflection, +1 Energy Damage, +2 Attack, -3 Blaster Bolt Deflection, +2 Energy Damage, +3 Attack, -4 Blaster Bolt Deflection, +4 Energy Damage, +1 Energy Damage, Keen (double critical range), +1 Attack Bonus, +2 Energy Damage, Keen (double critical range), +1-8 Energy Damage, -1 Attack Bonus, -1 Defense Bonus, +2-12 Energy Damage, -1 Attack Bonus, -1 Defense Bonus. While queuing to land at Onderon your ship will be attacked by a fleet. Additionally, Surik kills the Jedi Masters herself upon visiting each planet, rather than having them converge on Dantooine. Thanks! Human[2][3] [8], Starting with her meeting of Kreia in the Peragus facility, Surik began once more to form bonds with people she met during her travels, people with whom she had an interest in helping to keep alive so that they, in turn, could protect her. She also learned Moving Meditation while trying to improve the functionality of her utility droid T3-M4. Ensure compress audio is selected (unchecking this *may* result in no audio on some configurations), Find the following hex values and edit them to match your desired resolution (use crtl + F to find the values), Ensure the .ini file is correctly set to your desired resolution, Open the Hex calculator and type 1920 (Or any, Write down the Hexadecimal value as a pair adding 0 to the start as necessary (Ex. In KOTOR 2, as in several times in Star Wars mythology, Mandalore is actually a title and character. [2] Both sets of statements imply she always had high potential and a naturally above-average facility for the Forceunnoticed in her youth due to a lack of proper focus. This armor is reserved for respected veteran Mandalorians. [15] The only Jedi under Revan able to turn away from the dark side after Malachor V, she was also the only Jedi to willingly return to the Jedi Temple on the Galactic Capital Coruscant and face trial for her actionsand also to defend them. It also affects the optional romantic subplots, with the male player character able to pursue a relationship with Brianna or Visas Marr. Ensure that all relevant fields (ie Fix Enabled) are checked. After this, tell everyone at the camp of his embarrassing misstep. Welcome, to my first build for one of my favorite games, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, and my first build for General Gaming. She was highly skilled in the art of lightsaber combat, utilizing the lightsaber forms Shii-Cho, Makashi, and Soresu, and was known to have used at least one advanced Force technique, known as Force Channel. These red beasts can be found in the jungle. There are also boatloads of side quests that start in this area which are listed below. If it still fails to work check out the video below for troubleshooting. The resulting explosion destroyed both the facility and the planet itself, though the Ebon Hawk and the Sith on board the Harbinger were able to escape. The Emperor's retaliation was swift and brutal. [8], Surik served as one of Revan's most trusted generals during the Mandalorian Wars. After she left, the Council discussed the true nature of her exile; they feared the "wound" in the Force that surrounded her. The result is the potency of an advanced blaster rifle in a one-handed weapon. Throughout her life, Surik formed bonds with her comrades, even those who were supposedly her superiors or lesser in rank. Again some info here:VIDEO, The dialogue is cut off at the bottom of the screen when I set the game to widescreen. Others i suspect skip the step due to the effort. The most common ranged weapon in the galaxy is the basic blaster pistol, firing a bolt of intense coherent light powered by a replaceable power pack. [3] She was also an accomplished swoop racer, winning sector championships on the Telos Citadel Station, Nar Shaddaa, and Onderon, and was also proficient at playing pazaak, a popular card game in which the goal was to reach 20 without going over. The micro-hydraulics of this armor provides the operator with both protection and strength enhancement. This method is based off of THIS post over on the lucasforums. Bo-Katan does not accept the Darksaber from the Mandalorian. It was believed by Masters Zez-Kai Ell, Kavar, and Vrook Lamar that this was because of the wound in the Force that surrounded her, which allowed herlike Darth Nihilusto feed on the death of other life forms to sustain her Force powers. Click batch process. Inspired by her former Master Kavar, who had fought in the early skirmishes, she soon joined the ongoing battle,[3] and became part of the Jedi Knight Revan's faction of Jedi after being personally recruited by Malak himself. This changed however, when Surik told her that because her mother had been the Jedi Master Arren Kae, that she too had the potential to become a Jedi. If you need help watch this- VIDEO2) You have a resolution of 1366x768 and under. She instead speaks with Kreia alone at the rebuilt Dantooine Jedi Academy, and Kreia knocks her unconscious and goes to Malachor V. When Surik confronts Atris after Kreia left her, she kills the fallen Jedi Master upon defeating her. The Field Survival Pistol is a versatile back-up weapon. [8], While exploring the shyrack cave near the Sith Academy, she found the hidden tomb of the Sith Lord Ludo Kressh. Thirty-seven Mandalorians were executed for being him until sightings declined. She eventually found Revan imprisoned on Dromund Kaas, the capital world of a Sith Empire, believed to have been destroyed over a thousand years prior. Species Faced with this new information, Brianna made the difficult choice of forsaking her oaths like her parents had done before her, and pledged herself to Surik's teachings, becoming a Jedi Guardian. With Revan's resolve restored, Meetra Surik disappeared once more.[6]. Use the file path there and try again. REALISTIC NAR SHADDAA SKYBOX:Video(coming soon). Typically, I run him with dual-Sith Tremor. If you have a multicore CPU changing the affinity for kotor 2 may help. Shortly thereafter, Surik participated in the Battle of Telos IV and faced off with Darth Nihilus on the bridge of his flagship Ravager to keep him from destroying Telos, which he was doing to fuel his hunger for the Force. After defeating Kreia at the Trayus Core on Malachor V, Kreia's prediction of Surik's companions also change, due to Surik falling to the dark side. All blaster pistols have Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency Blaster Pistol, and are Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand. This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game. However, after she helped Queen Talia and the Onderon Royalists defeat General Vaklu and his traitorous forces, Kavar told Surik that he tried to convince her to become a Jedi Guardian like he was, saying that they could have used someone like her. The Revan Build. I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! Despite an impassioned plea, the Jedi High Council decreed that because she had followed Revan to war, she was to be cast out of the Jedi Order. May the Force be with you. Get mad! At the onset there are two paths to take leading up hill. Star Wars: The Old Republic, Galactic History 83class. Yes, yes. If you dont know, Kreia spills it at the end of the game when you ask her about Mandalore's future. Use of this ruthless weapon is a major violation of Republic code. Soon after his liberation, Revan was visited by the spirit of Meetra Surik. ? [8] However, in the non-canon male storyline in which Surik is a male, Brianna the Handmaiden would join Surik's party after departing the Jedi Academy. Upload to other sites, include in your own mod, etc. War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength, In a galaxy not too far, far away, but pretty close, Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach. If money is the root of all evil..why is the world not destroyed? When Surik traveled the galaxy, killing hundreds in her search for the Masters, she unconsciously fed on all that death, fuelling her powers. Sign up for a new account in our community. According to the Masters, the Sith had learned their ability to feed on the Force from her, and thus she was a threat to all living beings, and possibly the Force itself, and in time she might possess the same magnitude of power like Darth Nihilus and ultimately consume the galaxy, which wasn't true. She and Lamar fought in the ensuing battle, killing Azkul and his mercenaries. The armor is particularly resistant to blaster fire. In the moments before leaving the detention area, Surik remembered that she was still carrying Revan's mask and presented it to him. [36], In the established Legends storyline for The Sith Lords, the only time Surik would meet Brianna was at the Telosian Jedi Academy after speaking to Atris. The above add-ons make your lightsaber a crit monster. After a Telosian investigation proved their innocence, they were asked by Lieutenant Dol Grenn to stay on-station until the Republic's inquiry was complete. This will help isolate if and crashing / errors that occur later are a result of a mod or from the game itself. Strength is your most important stat, followed by Constitution and then by charisma. This large animal is immune to force powers and does some nasty damage with its bits. And those are the best lightsabers in Kotor 2! 3.1 Field Survival Pistol; 3.2 Scout Enforcer; She was taken as an informal Padawan by the Jedi Knight Kavar. The main screen is not changed? This blaster is the staple of the Zabrak mercenary, known for deadly accuracy and exceptional damage. They are armed with conventional weapons and don't put up that much of a fight, especially against you lightsaber. [3] There, she found Brianna defeated at the hands of a corrupted Atris. After Brianna defeated her sisters, Atris confronted and tortured her with Force lightning, out of jealousy. Kotor 2 includes the same two crystal slots as the original but now has the option to add a cell, an emitter, and a lens. Related:Star Wars: Who The Admiral Leading The Empire's Forces In Squadrons Is. Surik, instead of capitalizing on an opportunity to kill the Emperor, chose to save Revan's life during the fight. There is also a third choice: help the soldier out of his predicament, then extort him for a reward back at the camp. To add to the mystery, Surik's severed Force connection slowly began to return; while searching for a way off the station she found a male scoundrel named Atton Rand, who was imprisoned within a force cage in the station's brig. She learned the light-sided Force technique known as Force Enlightenment, after nearly being severed from the Force by the reconvened Jedi Council, and after Kreia, who had revealed herself as the former Darth Traya, stripped away the Masters' bond with the Force.[8]. They then traveled to Telos, since it was the only available destination in the Peragus facility's navigational charts. Because of her experiences in the Mandalorian Wars, she also understood the nature of war and battle and the hard choices that had to be made when conflict was inevitable.[8]. Open the folder using XnView and select all of the files. [8] Surik remained the only known light-sided Jedi that used the technique to it's greatest extent (most Jedi that used the technique employed an inverse variant or in limited applications only). It is designed for multi-purpose use, though obviously is best against droids. ^ Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum They still play but they're probably hidden behind the interface. Marr quelled her outrage by confessing that she wished only to serve and protect him, just as Brianna did, and that she could "see" from her movements that she was growing to care for him. Years later, Ordo is tasked by Revan with reuniting the Mandalorians, where Ordo gathers them on the planet Dxun. However, after Sion confronted her himself, he called off his assassins and allowed her to escape. Youll melt through droids with your added +5-26 Ion Damage, +3 Attack Bonus, +2-12 Fire Damage, +1-6 Bonus Crit Damage, +2 Defense, and +5-15 Energy Damage. Use parts on the cables right next to the officer to fix them. Though modest in performance, it is fully upgradeable. [2], The ensuing battle was entirely one-sidedSurik and Scourge, despite their formidable skills, were no match for a member of the Dark Council. In KOTOR 2, your first lightsaber must be built, using components which are found in your travels. **If this step fails something is wrong with your .exe file for Kotor 2. She then met with Jedi Master Zez-Kai Ell and convinced him to go to the ruins of the Dantooine Jedi Enclave. [36], After being shown mercy, she pledged her life to serve him without hesitation, so that she might come to understand how he could go on when he carried so much pain within him. When the bounty hunter and scout Mira joined the crew of the Ebon Hawk, she first noticed Rand's close attention of Surik and Mical, and came close to figuring out his secret. Under[Graphics options] add the lineAllowWindowedMode=1 to the bottom of the list. Cumbersome, but powerful armor, M'uhk'gfa is the battle plate used by elite Gammorean warriors. Surik then joined him in an attempt to assassinate the Sith Emperor, who planned to consume all life in the galaxy in order to live indefinitely. You can find him on Twitter @DragonQuaustin. The headers link to videos on the topics that are under 2 min long. The player may also choose to play a male or female character. Return to the officer at the console to receive experience, spikes, and repair parts. You cannot just let it play itself out like with the strength build. . [31], In 2006, The New Essential Guide to Droids established the Exile as a female, using the term "heroine" and female pronouns in a number of entries on droids that appeared in The Sith Lords. Search the perimeter of this camp to find a plethora of items. If you have any suggestions for the list please let me know, /u/Snigaroo over on Reddit has an awesome set of mods that I would highly recommend you check out- HERE, There is also a spoiler-free version of the build- HERE, This is where I will describe the mod to you in detail, Xarrwarz OTE: Peragus+Telos & Colour Pack, An ongoing series of mods that attempt to recreate the textures of each planet in HD. The once-populated, once-agricultural world had no living things of any kind anywhere on the planet, and the whole world was a dead spot in the Force. After her departure, her former Master Kavar mentioned that there was much defiance in her. As a veteran of the Mandalorian Wars, Surik was skilled in military tactics and the art of war. Surik and T3 located a government building and sliced into its network to retrieve files on the nature of the planet. The game is an unfinished mess without the mod so do yourself a favor and install it. An advanced survival pistol, the Scout Enforcer is an effective weapon for desperate situations. Surik and Scourge were able to take advantage of the chaos as the elite Imperial Guard units assaulted Nyriss' personal compound, killing every soldier, charge, and slave loyal to the traitorous Sith lady. When Surik awoke from her torpor in the mining facility's medlab, she found Kreia unconscious. Lord Mayn Christopher Lloyd and Tim Meadows will also join the cast, adding to the excitement in store for Star Wars fans. You are now ready to hit the planet's surface. But Kreia would not have it; though she was warmed by the thought that her former pupil would still care enough to try and "save" her. Kreia was very impressed with the speed in which she learned this power. Mandalorians show up at the oddest of places in both games. Run the game as an administrator if you have issues.