The Rebbe took care of everything. Just some lame jokes, move on. As the Rebbe always stressed, there needs to be a horaah in avodah. Were they expecting that the Kaplans will inform COL that they gave shalach manos to them? March 1, 2018 - 14 Adar 5778. If someone made fun of theRead more . Older bochurim have regular sedorim with the Mechina talmidim; the Kollel yungeleit guide, inspire and answer questions posed by the bochurim. Get real. Was sent Your very very judgmentel #2. He was one of the most well-known and beloved figures in Baltimore's frum community. This has been up for a while and the hanholo pretend they had nothing to do with this. All the time. Well done Just because we do not keep the same minhagim or shita does not mean we have to seek blood. 2) Unless I am mistaken, no one has reported that the boys who came to the Kaplan house showed anything other than genuine remorse and respect (no sarcasm or obnoxious smirking, giggling, etc.). Thursday -5 . Older bochurim have regular sedorim with the Mechina talmidim; the Kollel yungeleit guide, inspire and answer questions posed by the bochurim. This didnt happen in 30 minutes. It was a stupid little thing. Maybe they thought they could fullfil the mitzvah of ad dlo yada with milk.And the chalav akum caused them to behave like that. So they still get hashpoo and the Rebbe still takes care of them, albeit indirectly. Rabbi Greenberger, dean, joined our staff in 1991, after completing 10 years of graduate work in Talmudic Research and Jurisprudence. Is bizayon it was the right thing to do and puts you a cut above those who still insist on making light of the incident. I thought that by now 35yrs later, they had a little more respect. We are taught from birth to look beyond the superficial. The letter was part of the Purim shpiel!!!!! This shtick was done by not all, but some of the 54 members of the N.I. Many Bochrim there engage in Intense Torah learning by day and college at night, which has identified NI as tilting more to the left in the Yeshivisher world. On the contrary, on numerous occasions I was thanked sincerely and politely by various bochurim for the work that I was doing. It is very critical to act immediatelly Truly disgusting & sad. Thanks for saying whats on all of our minds. Its clear that lots of time was invested into tgese props, wasnt just a disrespectful joke. Sadness because they will never know what it feels like to help a fellow Yid who was not as fortunate to be born into Torah and Mitzvos to do a simple mitzvah like put on tefillin or hear the megillah on Purim . Anonymous letters dont cut it for me even ones that are apparently decent. A rigorous, comprehensivelimudei cholprogram features all the requisite courses, as well as exciting electives in relevant subjects such as public speaking, Jewish history, and the like. Even less know is the fact that the founder of N.I.- Rabbi Rudermans -father was a Lerned chossid of the Rebbe Rashab. How many people wore long peios, shtreimels There is just a lot more about us to make fun of. Its quite clear that the administration and faculty are very much to blame for enabling this to happen. Like all matters of , theres always the danger of stumbling into the of the . Also not okay with me is the fact that its obvious this only blew up because they got caught on social media. A life infused with chassidus leaves no room for such baseless hatred. Having opposition is not a new idea. My son for hitting. Take responsibility and reprimand your students and reinforce discipline throughout your faculty! When surfing the internet, people are responsible for figuring out if the information is correct or not. In addition to the high levellomdusof thebeiyunshiurim, twobekiusprograms instillhasmodain thetalmidwhile broadening his familiarity with different parts of Shas. The Shops at Riverwoods is at the center of the Riverwoods Community, a 120-acre (0.49 km2) village containing 186,667 square feet (17,341.9 m2) of retail space, 143 residences . What kind of chinuch-less chinuch did they receive? Seeing their true colors openly, esspecially when I am a neighbor and work eith these people regularly is terribly upsetting. This is a time when you cant hide anymore. The Rebbe could handle their disrespect on his broad shoulders. . #letsbefriends give me your number MG . I have never encountered any disrespect or animosity from any of the talmidim at any time. Time to clean up the mess in our own backyard!!! Bochurim from Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore sent a hand-written letter to Maryland Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan regretting the Chabad mockery. Sheliach shel Odom KeMoso into a trap sowing Discord and Sinas Chinom AGAINST @45 so true but its because of the ideology of @38 , which i guess is what chabad believesthat on the bottom are nebach , non-chassidim. In short, they monitor the number of evenings per week (usually two) one can register for classes. The one thing I do agree with is that he should have apologized and explained the situation but for you guys to say its a bad mosdos thats just not true. I grew up in that kind of community. I suggest their menahalim spend some introspective time analyzing what the ridicule was REALLY all about. They should have done a trade your jacket station so that everyone has mismatched suits. They should be ashamed of themselves and completely revamp the leadership there. Kids misbehave and it doesnt have to end up on social media. We dont need an apology. And honestly, have you never heard the saying that imitation is the biggest form of flattery? Stop raising hate-filled kids! Let them go to the Ohel to ask for forgiveness. Chabad & the Rebbe deserve a lot more resect for all the good we have done in this world. There must be some inner turmoil these kids have and some admiration that, unable to express normally, comes out in this type of behavior. Stay current with all the latest and breaking news from Provo, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today. If I was the administrator of Ner Yishmael, I would bury my face in shame that my 11th graders are such incredible Amei Haaretz!!! When I was in 4th grade in a Litvish cheider I saw all the gedolim pictures on the wall and I asked the rebbi if I could bring in a picture of the Rebbe to join the others. Ner Yisroel should be gozeir a taanis, and have a special kinnus where Lubavitchers address the entire yeshiva about the Rebbe and Chasidus, at the conclusion of which a picture of the Rebbe is placed permanently in front of the Beis Medrash and hundreds of nusach Ari siddurim are brought there for the talmidim. To inform, He served for many years as Assistant Menahel to Harav Yosef Tendler ztl. Kos She Brocho to ghosts must stop as well guys but that is only a small crazy part of Chabad and if we did not keep who would? Now, look around. 2. Dont you realize that what they picked up on Will stay with them forever? They do not seem to understand what chassidus is about. Wednesday -3 | 3C. Definetly parts of this is disrespectful. They will stop in for a meal or spend an entire day on campus, where they will meet the Rosh Hayeshiva and members of the hanhalla. #65, this is nothing to just accept because its purim. No sincerity felt at all. We can feel compassion for them and their twisted chinuch and be kind to them and understand that they are sweet boys with misguided mechanchim. Beating around the busy and lying is worst than being quiet and us knowing whos responsible! Furthermore, some of the bochurim offered me drinks, especially on the warm summer days. With In-depth Coverage of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem News and All the Latest News From the Israel-Palestinian Conflict and the Jewish World. The Rebbe is about ten thousand times greater then any otherRead more , shame on ner isreal.They are a choshesh onto am yisroel. How true! the REBBE and his Chassidim whose whole purpose is to when the yidden showed such spontanious simcha /achddus and ahavas chinom at the sudden and miraculous release of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin we all felt the footsteps of Moshiach SO the satan got busy and with the help of RUACH SCHTUS a bunch of kids in a good yeshivah fell And very negative. Please see my website: **It is my personal opinion that Mission Purim Schtick in all Chabad Yeshivas should be annulled, aborted, ended, confiscated, obliterated. vycnievajuca hrudna kost; closest city to glacier national park Menu. Please ,Hashem have rachamanus on them they dont know better, A freilichen Purim to all my brothers from Chabad lubavitch, When the Rebbe was nistalek, Schachs followers danced in the street. Shtick is made about Donald Trump. 1C. Klipa can only be dealt with through uprooting. are repwsonsable for what happens under their leadership, Very sad that these young boys whom will soon be men are educated in an environment which engrains snd encouragrs so much chullul. Shame on the students,shame on the school, shame on the parents and shame on the teachers and administrators who would tolerate such a disgusting action. The only reason it was taken down was because of publicity. DONT MESS WITH THE REBBE, I live in baltimore ner yisroel has been making fun of lubavitch In addition to the high level lomdus of the be'iyun shiurim, two bekius programs instill hasmoda in the talmid while broadening his familiarity with different parts of Shas. And when they grow up and encounter Chabad, they will remember what they did on Purim, and realize that they were making fun of the most astounding community and Rebbe in the world! and at the pinnacle of creation, chabad. Shouldnt be on social media? I seldom heard people make very nasty comments about other Gedolim. That letter sounds like it came out of a Microsoft Word Template. Last night a few bochurim showed up collecting money for their (rosh) yeshiva. I think our students are taught A LOT more Derech Eretz! Even in the letter, theyre still mocking Chabad, making it try to sound like Tanya Unbelievable, BSD seems sincere and not only bc of the publicity that put the Yeshiva in a bad light, Sunday, 12 Adar, 5783. Why are you posting these despicable pictures? Where were they? Its like if a mentally ill person yells at you in the street. bring the GEULAH NOW THIS was not a Purim joke this was VERY SERIOUS and TERRIFYING.. If I was their parents, I would drive them to the Ohel myself. The person who administers the Ner Yisroel college program is sitting shiva this week. Mivtzaimetc. Do we make fun of the Ltivishe in our homes/communities/schools? this is extremely horrible should not be accepted and misnagdim have no basis for their hatred other than that they are jealous and that they are scared of mashiach so they dont do mivtzoyim World with the Moshiach schtick. Im sure there are things in New Brunswick and Crown Heights that are not put on social media.. Call (410) 484-7200 and ask for the Rosh Yeshivah if you feel this was a issue. Chief Rabbi on Aharon Barak: 'He doesn't know the 'Shema Yisrael' prayer, that's a Jew'? I personally have a lot of respect for chabad activities as well as for the Rebbe. The Menahel should have responded appropriately. The hanhala was taken completely off guard when they walked in for shacharis. 15 years!!!! How old are we?! This will be open on Mon-Thurs from 12 noon until 4pm, and on Sundays from 11am until 5pm. ner israel hes been making fun of lubavitch on purim for over 30 yrs only now they got busted, a letter to the shliach in town then the story should be put to rest, Common? A freilechen, Many years agolike in 80s, I learned in a misnagdisheok, Ill be niceLitvishe Yeshiva and the guys were always laughing about mivtzoim, kiruv, Moshiach, chassidus and everything else the Rebbe taught us. The kids and teenagers know better and ahavas yisroel and derech eretz is more ingrained. An exhibit mocking Chabad at the Mechina-high school division of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, Maryland, was dismissed as childs play by its director. Updated: Jan 26, 2023 / 12:33 PM MST. What do you expect when the whole Lubavitch constantly makes fun of misnagdim? If Chas Veshalom it happened there would be Lubavitch wide condemnation. PROVO, Utah ( ABC4) - Investigators with the National Transportation Safety Board have released a preliminary report on the tragic Provo airplane crash that killed 62-year-old Nathan Ricks in early January. BYU art show questions news literacy, finding fact vs. fiction. do u learn sichos?, do you say chitas?? Even if there is differences of hashkafa, there is a general attitude of derech eretz and ahavas yisroel that would never allow lubavitch kids to act like this. If they were not proficient at that, its not necessarily an attempt to be unkind or show disrespect: quite the opposite, likely! People should really think before they speak Plz take the letter down - its not an apology, Refuse to accept this apology until they go go ohel, Where is the BSD on the Top of the letter. They had dysfunctional views on beautiful pashute yidden who didnt know how to learn Torah like Harvard Professors. Im also pretty sure you can find professors in Harvard that are Talmidim Chachamim. how could a jewish school do such a thing! I have also been in the Like many thousands of other Chabad bochurim, my boys wereRead more . The shliach doesnt need the apology, its them to go to the rebbes ohel which they made fun of is needed to ask mechila. about time NER YISROEL had a pic of the Rebbe on the wall , a mikva , some mivzoyim going on there , Hiskashrus with the rebbe , a yechi sign etc! With great sadness, undoubtedly. Now back to business. The best thing would be for the entire class to travel to 770 and the ohel with a guided tour from a important Chosid. The Rabbi spoke with me for few minutes and if you voice your complaints maybe they will get the message. The bochurim asked to speak to Rabbi Kaplan, and when they were told that he was not home, they left a letter. These people have no bushah! When we were given the Torah we wereRead more , A real rachmanus on these boys that they are so misguided and are involved in such stupidity. Show me one real Lubavitcher that goes there. And the rosh yeshiva???? rather, im concerned that theres so much hatred bottled up there just waiting for the moment when they think they can display it openly with impunity. Each side needs to accept the truth and virtues of the other side and not be so convinced that their way is the only way. that they quoted Tanya sincerely. Wheres everyones sense of humor. Home > 2022 > Junho > 22 > Uncategorized > ner yisroel news. But Im totally not excusing them, it was not okay what they did. Not just their reaction to it. The Yeshiva must assume some responsibility. The letter sounds like Purim Torah to me. I have also composed a general encyclopedia of things you can do with your free time besides mocking Chabad. This is like eating kashe in tomchei temimim. HaRebbi miLubavitch, Weather. Every moment spent in Ner Yisroel is a lesson in achrayus. spirit of certain individuals Hamans!!!. i have rachamanus for the Rabbis of this Yeshiva I thank these bochurim. How are you reacting? It isnt right but it gave me a laugh! 3) They wrote a note that included speaking our language including terminology from Chabad Chasidus. Rabbi Hochman has been an instructor with Ner Israel for more than 40 years and is renowned for his in-depth knowledge of Talmud and Jewish Jurisprudence. That Purim shtick Thats so lame!! This past Shabbos, one of our Rebbeim spoke at the meal Friday night about this is the opposite of what Purim is about. March 2, 2023. Old news. Rabbi Hochman has been an instructor with Ner Israel for more than 40 years and is renowned for his in-depth knowledge of Talmud and Jewish Jurisprudence. It is truly a sad day for Judaism. Rabbi yissocher frand is the mashgiach there or something. This is a true Chillul HaShem of major proportion. Many kehillos in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela, have no Jewish educational system due to their small size or low level of observance. I am sure they felt true remorse but now the hanhola had to show that they can behave like mentchen. Everyone should call the yeshiva & complain. There are known stories, real names/people, Biymei this exibit belongs either in the rubbish bin or nowhere at all!what were these immiture children thinking i suggest they go back to the basics and start learning thier manners again,from preschool where they belong! I know. Many of thebochurimin thebeis medrashhave been in Ner Yisroel since entering the Mechina; they are making great strides in their development. This is not our issue to forgive. If yes, he would use this as an educational opportunity, and take all the students to the Ohel to ask Mechila in public (as this is the true Halocho.) WHEN.HITLER THROW YIDDEN INTO THE FURNACE HE DID NOT ASK IF YOU WERE LITVICH OR CHASIDISH!!!!! I am a bochur at Ner Yisroel who actively participated in this shtick and was very involved therein. A chasid has to know his rebbes kavod is not subject to Purim shpiels or anything else! HaRav Boruch also served at his fathers side as Assistant Menahel of the yeshiva; after the latters petirah, he succeeded him as Menahel in 2021. This is simply a symptom of a much larger core issue. Full Story, Video. This whole thing was pathetic but IRead more . its a pathetic place!! However perhaps we need a third and more balanced perspective here. Either Tanya or sichos of the Rebbes. They are innocent minds that have been inculcated with hate and with apathy. Shame on them. living in 2018 this should not be happening. Until they This menahel has to know that anything can end up on social media, whether you like or not. in my work environment, a litvish colleague remarked about Tanya as not valid. This is an amazing thing and we should continue to do this. In 1972, he was appointed as the 9th grade maggid shiur, teaching for over 35 years. Ner Yisroel's entry-level division provides its 250 talmidim with a well balanced educational program. 2. DISMISSING AN AFFRONT TO OUR REBBE AND MINHOGIM AS A PURIM SHTICK, To those who say that Lubavitch does the same mockery in reverse, not true. The most interesting of these, Throughout the year, various groups of alumni and Kollelim schedule Yarchei Kallah, Friedman Family/Hurwitz Education Building. The sooner The better. Doesnt feel so good when the shoe is on the other foot. Happy Purim! By: BJLife Newsroom TA 12th Graders Fahered at Yeshivas Ner Yisroel Baltimore, MD - Jan. 13, 2023 - TA's 12th graders from Rabbi Eli Rifkind's shiur were fahered (tested) on the first perek of Sukkah by Rav Tzvi Einstadter, R'M in Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, and the Rosh HaYeshiva, Moreinu HaRav Aharon Feldman, shlita. Ask someone to explain it to you. May they know only emes in revealed ways and have to power to break through all the klippot theyRead more , After this publicity, I hope parents will think twice of sending their children to a yeshiva like this, especially lack of proper leadership, THE MENAHEL OF NER YISROEL IS A DISGRACE TO THE NAME OF CHINUCH IF THAT IS ALL HE HAD TO SAY. The founding Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Ruderman ztl, was from Chabad roots. Im not lubavitch and reading the comments really puts me off Our boys build floats for parades, make signs to spread more light, and invest their energies in bringing Moshiach. forgot to add They should issue an apology, WHEN HAMON WANTED YO KILL ALL THE JEWS HE DID NOT CARE ABOUT THEIR AFFILIATIONS OR IDEAS. They formally apologized. They can start saying the Rebbes kapitel every day after davening for a start. Just to tell you guys that Ner Yisroel is one of the most respected mosdos and has been since inception Acclaimed as one of the largest Yeshiva campuses in the world, Ner Yisroel is situated on 90+ scenic acres just Northwest of the Baltimore city limits. Point is is in all three yeshivos ive been to, the mashpiim made fun of the litvisher lifestyle by almost every single farbrengen. Ashreinu mah tov chelkeinu! It is true that they are not the same, YU now has a mashpia Rabbi Moshe Weinberger from Long Island, who is a big Chosid of the Rebbe, but maybe there is still hope for Ner Yisroel. Sign up here to receive the alumni newsletter, 50th Yahrtzeit of the Mashgiach Moreinu Harav Dovid Kronglas, The Yeshiva attracts talmidim from communities around the world who wish to attain their full potential in Gadlus baTorah and Avodas Hashem. Im a hat and jacket wearing, chitas and Rambam learning Lubavitcher chossid, And I thought the display was funny and good humor, comes from their leadership. I would callRead more . It is not signed by anyone. hate is where a person will hurtRead more , Everybody chill. No good can come to you if you dont. ROTFL! I am a Lubavitcher, and as it so happens, I have been working on the Ner Yisroel Campus over the past year. I wish to think it s not the norm. The real reason they took it down is because their 11th graders dont know how to spell: 1) Moireinu and 2) Lifnei in Ahsrei instead of Livnei. much worse than i had anticipated. Sunday, 12 Adar, 5783. As someone who grew up in the Lubavitch community, I have never seen such an unwelcoming atmosphere to other gedolim and limmud haTorah outside of what the Rebbe perscribed. Shocking. I totally agree with you. This was Purim Shtick based off of what these boys learned during their younger years as Ner Yisroel itself doesnt teach anything remotely siilar to the shtick about Chabad, If the bochurim did a shtick with a Breslov doing stick with Na Nach Nachma Nachma MeUman and the like, guarentee no one would be upset about it. Rabbi Simcha Cook, Menahel of Mechinas Ner Yisroel, admitted that the photos circulating on social media showing various displays about Chabad were authentic. Really your going to say Take it easy because its purim?! Some of them apologized. Lets remember not to make things worse for these kids chas visholom. Theres nothing wrong with serving HaShem differently then another Yid might be serving HaShem. I am not t a Lubavitcher ,but I hold of all rabbonim. There are biannual Yarchei Kallah sessions for working people in the Baltimore region before the Yamim Noraim and before Shavuos, in addition to the individual Yarchei Kallah arranged independently by kehillos and shuls in the area. Collive does a great service to Lubavitch but by no means to they represent it. This unique breadth and inclusiveness fosters a very special atmosphere thatinspires talmidim to set high goals and ambitions for themselves, and gives them the tools to confidently succeed as Bnei Torah in an increasingly challenging world. Thats a true apology. What a disgrace, they dont accept the malchus of the Rebbe even though their founding Rosh Yeshiva was from Chabad roots. Ashreinu Rabbi Sheftel Neuberger, president of the Ner Yisrael Rabbinical College in Baltimore, passed away this week after being ill for the past year, according to Jewish news sources. Its kids in school who put on Purim shtick. PURIM SAMEACH. Thanks for that prospective. Since it is impossible for the hanhalah of this Baltimore mosad to gather all the feathers from the pillow that is, to apologize to every single Jew (not just Chabad!) This shtick was not done with any hate in mind. Etc. funny how the latest time for shachris on the sign is 2:00 pm, This generation is all about shtus. They should be ashamed of themselves and their amaratzus and how they have no sense of pnimius and their entire hanhala should be ashamed of how theyve EDUCATED their students to speak badly about the Rebbe. A group of bochurim went to give shalach manos to the Kaplans. (Then, lets make sureRead more . You would never ever see one of us hanging funny pictures of their Rabbis(even though some of them were actually really nasty to Chabad and the Rebbe) and definitely we would not make a whole show about them involving several rooms of the Yeshivah (they even used their backyard too! 83, grow up. I would fast and go to the Ohel and give tzedakaRead more , I honestly have only Rachmanus for these bochurim. Just do what we should, vezehu. Yes 59 - the gyva is absolutely shocking "We and others in yeshiva were not happy about the "Purim shtick" that was done. That detracts nothing from Tomchei Temmimmim to say this and acknowledge Over. Put another . NCSYs Camp Sports is a kiruv camp for high-school aged boys located on Ner Yisroels campus for four weeks each summer. Whats really interesting to me is their preoccupation with Chabad and the Rebbe. The hanhalah The fact that the Rosh refuses to apologize is evidence that they dont truly believe that they have done something wrong. The Rosh HaYeshiva also serves as a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. Lubavitch in Baltimore has their own separate school. Ahreinu Ma Tov Chelkeinu! You hit the nail on the head but miss the point. We do not have chasunas during the Sefira, as Rabbi Akivas pupils did not respect each others Rebbes. There is less than a month to the Rebbes 116th birthday, maybe something can be done there on . Maybe bochurim from the Lubavitch yeshiva there should be sent to Ner Yisroel to put Lubavitcher tefillin on them. Lets get over it and like the dude said lets accomplish what Chabad is capable of accomplishing. We are emailing the school and suggest everyone does. Maybe hang a cross as a Purim Shpil!? They havent been caught so it doesnt exist? 11 czerwca 2022 . This shameful occurrence is just a result of the way some Jews view other Jews. AtRead more , For the furture, I have composed a list of normal and highly less destructive and hateful Purim schtick if youre in need of some extra ideas. I imagine this was done as a form of marbim bsimcha& that is truly sad. A group of bochurim who identified as students of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore visited the home of Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan, Director of Chabad-Lubavitch . Ner Yisroel confers Semicha upon qualified talmidim. Thats what Purim is about. We have to be better than that. Even R Shach, who had strong things to say against the Rebbe, I only ever heard criticized in Tanya lashon. L4J 8A7, Copyright 2021 Yeshivas Ner Yisroel of Toronto. It displays familiar scenes from Lubavitch Chassidic life such as a photo of the Rebbe in a sukkah, map of locations of Chabad centers, round-the-clock davening hours in Crown Heights, and Mivtzoim outreach activities for Chanukah and Sukkos. Harav Simcha Cook came to Ner Yisroel from London, England, as a bochur in 1964. See in the comments here, they say Kotler, Schach, etc. So this might just be a symptom, the main issue is way deeper and was expressed through this Abt #3- a spoof of elokhist philosophy Nice try. Most of the 250+ yungeleit learn within the framework of a chabura that is focused on a specific miktzoa and led by a senior member of the Kollel, with guidance from the Rosh Kollel, Harav Ezra Neuberger. i.e social media. The schools principal Rabbi Simcha Cook told the exhibit was taken down. So as i see it (yes, its 100% wrong, sinful, dangerous etc.) Really, who cares? It might not have been done Leshem Shomayim, but it accomplished getting pictures of the Rebbe in their Mesivta. Yeshivas Ner Yisroel was founded in 1933 by the Rosh HaYeshiva, Moreinu vRabbeinu Harav Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman ztl, with the goal of developing a high-level, Slabodka-style yeshiva geared specifically towards the contemporary American bochur. (Podcast Episode) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more. And as a parent Im sure its harder. Every dollar quadrupled for 36 hours. the gyva is shocking, Yes, there is much unncecessary litvish bashing but the other comment someone made is also correct. This contributes to the strength of the Ner Yisroel experiencein learning and inspiration for greatness. Is this mechina related to the Ner YIsroel Baltimore?? poor them theyre just confused and tying to get attention. We hate Hamas, not yidden. How sad. I am shocked that the Hanhalah is not taking any responsibility for the grave lack of Derech Eretz of their students. Rabbi Cook, the principal, said the entire display was taken down. He did not share details on how long it has been up, or whether the administration of the school was aware of its contents and when it was removed. This yid worked in ner Yisreol (not sure deserves such a name) for 15 years and during the whole time no one ever approached him to speak to him. I dont know why everyone got so upset and offended. We cant deny that we make fun of misnagdim and their rabbonim. No, no Rabbi Cook, this is not how others behave. You cant have your cake and eat it. Contrary to what this rosh yeshiva said in the conversation. This is aRead more , Instead of getting all worked up about what was done, we must focus on our good. Gegent is a business and community directory created by COLLive to promote community businesses and help consumers find helpful and up-to-date information and reviews on shopping, products, vendors and services. (thats besides for the yeshiva boys doing similar what encountered). Ok ok. We are SO LUCKY that our chabad boys are busy with productive and beautiful things!!!