By dagga19 Watch. However, if some tech-savvy want to do it, I'd gladly integrate it into FFBE Sync. He's a fine unit and if you've got an EX1 you should be happy. I maybe actually played and not just logged in for the dailies in the two weeks before NV. As a finisher though, he isn't as good as NV Tifa. In this case, his LB loses base power and Cloud won't benefit from TDH bonuses, unless you gear him for it, but in return it can actually chain. But it is always the same... "Dont pull for Cloud, Elena coming! The FF7 Remake versions of Cloud and Tifa along with Barret and Reno are here TODAY in … Afternoon Warriors of Light! On top of that, it's almost always worth it to equip a Large Sword on whale builds. He can also buff his ATK by 200% through Punisher Mode, which will be used for his Finisher rotation as it allows Cloud to buff up his best finisher move: Braver. See more ideas about final fantasy cloud, final fantasy vii, final fantasy vii remake. Unit Review: Cloud (FFVII REMAKE) Tips & Guides. Sal Romano Jun 19, 2019 at 11:35 PM EDT 0 Comment 6 NV Cloud is a strong unit to introduce us into Neo Visions and can be used as either damage dealing role and as a finisher won't fall off soon, though won't last as long as NV Tifa. While it has a 13000% base modifier, its damage has an awful split where the last hit of it is only 2/3 of the entire damage and the hits before can't really be capped / chained. Then give her Cloud (AC)'s STMR for a super strong 190 ATK weapon in her main hand as well as another 50% LB damage AND the 100% ATK from the Vision Card.Also 30% ATK to FF7 units! His passives are entirely the same except that we won't proc his poopy TMR ability (20% ATK/SPR), the rest of the stats are the same. 0. Endorsements. Add some LB damage and you'll have sweet chaining. Cloud_ffBE. Cloud has a monstrous base ATK that also significantly increases with higher EX levels while also having good bulky stats. Do you have to pull on the banner to receive the Vision Card and is it worth doing so? I just got him and Doctor Aiden at the same time, he seems to be pretty f*cking cool. Version. And with strange aeons even death may die." Please keep in mind that Spinning Slash's last hit is AoE, you won't chain it on everyone, just the last hit. 1.1 Overview: 1.2 Brave Shift: 1.3 How does he fare in the meta? I've got 10 of these Overdrive tickets and I'm trying to figure out if it's worth using them to just grab 50% STMR moogles or grab the Neo Rain shards for EX+2. Virus scan. Aug 14, 2020 - Explore Mari Liya's board "ff7", followed by 243 people on Pinterest. Even though his TMR ability is bad, his TMR during his normal form is still the best for TMR builds and has 170% ATK as well as 200% TDH, which isn't that amazing but keep in mind that with his own Vision Card he gains even more base ATK and 50% ATK.Cloud has a bunch of HP with 100% HP and a helpful Guts passive and the 80% DEF / 70% SPR will be needed, too, as TDH units tend to be frailer than TDW ones.For Dark Visions it's extremely important to note out his innate 100% machine / human killer as his base form has a much harder time to stack killers than TDW units and these two will be a huge help when they apply. Newest and first released NV unit alongside Tifa with some extra GL love and it definitely shows. Well, after the first two hits. Take a look at the first 2021 games you’ll be playing on PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Switch, and more. Something to keep in mind about the New Years Equip Summon, Wiki Ratings Update (Goodbye 7* damage dealers, rambling about finishers), Golden Vendor And Luxury Vendor Items 2021-01-08. 5.1 Learn more Then give her Cloud (AC)'s STMR for a super strong 190 ATK weapon in her main hand as well as another 50% LB damage AND the 100% ATK from the Vision Card. In times of uncertainty, video games allow us to escape from the stress of the real world. For this list, we’ll be looking at some of the best games released in the first half of 2020. He's classified as a DPS on the wiki, but far be it for me to say, he is not a DPS. Saved by Holly Clifford. Just at what I've seen initially, she's.... kind of fucking eye popping. He wields a buster sword, a weapon rivaling his own stature in size, with great ease. Trust Master Reward : Buster Sword (Large Sword) - 158 ATK, 2-Handed, STMR : Master of Fate (Materia) - 200% TDH. I'm way out in uncharted territory; I have no clue about JP meta and what's coming up. Does Spider-Man’s No Kill Rule apply to Aliens? And NV Tifa also has no Vision Card equipped (builder was buggy) in the calcs while Cloud may use his own, granting him a ton of base ATK and ATK passives.If you gave Tifa a proper one and a better LB damage build, her burst scales out of the roof on top of having a ton of free materia slots for more and more killers. Saved by Letitia. Final Fantasy VII Remake details story, Cloud, Aerith, event scenes, battle system, and locations New screenshots of the upcoming remake. On top of that, it's almost always worth it to equip a Large Sword on whale builds. Let's look at NV Tifa for example: She could equip an LB damage materia or a materia that enables the use of Greatswords. With one use per battle, Cloud can also buff his own LB damage by 100% for the next turn, which will be used in his chainer rotation. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Low Stat Tip: Lean Into The Lower Stat, but Don’t Overextend It. Without his BS form, he has no form of imbues and imperils and is quite limited. I mean you can't pass up 100 base ATK and a potential 100~130% ATK on top of that. ... Also 30% ATK to FF7 units! ... All abord the FF7 Remake Hype Train, my friends!! His Vision Card is one of the best even in JP.With a hefty 40-100 ATK, which count as base ATK, you can potentially give any unit 500 more ATK just by equipping it at max level and 400% ATK passives. His BS form also has a 100% LB damage buff, so you can buff it up twice in the entire fight. The first Cloud you should speak to is the one sitting in front of the image of Nibelheim at the back of the screen. Thankfully you don't really need either. Final Fantasy Cloud Final Fantasy Artwork Final Fantasy Vii Remake Fantasy Series Final Fantasy Xv Wallpapers Cloud And Tifa Cloud Strife Tifa Ff7 Remake Manga Anime. It's quite frustrating. Here with another Content review on our latest character, another DPS, with some insight and thoughts on their overall kit, S/TMRs, and value to the game. The Limit Burst itself is good for achieving high burst damage, which is currently more important as you might want to achieve high bursts for Dark Visions or after breaking the enemy (the new mechanic thingy you can already see in the challenge section). Although he participates in their mission to bomb Mako Reactor 1, he has no interest in Avalanche's ideals and sees this as merely another job. Overall, Fran isn't particularly spectacular for a DPS given that that's all she can really do. The ST damage will also benefit you in Dark Visions and the modifier boosts last 5 turns, thus causes massive average damage rather than higher burst. Over in JP he's still standing strong in average damage, though his burst is falling off compared to others, which imo is a lot more important. The versatility of swapping from chainer to finisher constantly makes him a great unit for everyone who wants to update their units now with Neo Visions or just got into the game, but if you're content with your NV Tifa as finisher and don't necessarily need chainers / more finishers, I'd skip him. I had this idea when I saw the trailer in which Aerith was introduced for the first time. A story about the Southern Empire, and my quest to establish my own Kingdom. Quick review for our free unit in this King Mog Banner, Knight of Pluto Zidane General Observations Boy this is an... odd unit. His base kit is very straight forward. People throw around the word useless in this community all the time. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. So the majority of the damage can be chained and has a 11700% base modifier. I feel like Gumi knows. 0. Your email address will not be published. Next Team Barrett Wallace Prev Team Cloud Strife. For Dark Visions it's extremely important to note out his innate 100% machine / human killer as his base form has a much harder time to stack killers than TDW units and these two will be a huge help when they apply. Currently, no fight should take more than two Limit Bursts frankly. No, pulling NVs will give you random Vision Cards. Azsuna WoW’s Legion server is a butcher job using other project’s data and holds no promises to uphold what they claim to be able to do. I ended up getting Cloud to EX+2, Tifa to EX+3, and I got Rain at EX+1. As a new NV unit, he has almost no competition. ! Sadly his normal mode LB is rather underwhelming. His Vision Card is one of the best even in JP. Event Elemental Battle Rerun - Grave Hexius. Don't worry, there are more units coming. Add some LB damage and you'll have sweet chaining. April 20, 2020 Wolf Knight Final Fantasy 7 Remake 0. So while Cloud has better average damage right now, I can guarantee you that, the better your gear, the more likely is it that your NV Tifa is scaling so much better than he does.Of course you can also apply a similar philosophy as whale LB damage builds will be the best option for almost every NV unit. Makes it a ton easier to auto MK, whilst Tifas is uninspiring. He can also buff his ATK by 200% through Punisher Mode, which will be used for his Finisher rotation as it allows Cloud to buff up his best finisher move: Braver. All of his chains, except for the LB, are Stardust Ray. That being said, you can't bring two of the same units in Dark Visions and having a second finisher who has high damage doesn't hurt at all. General Overview BS Fran (that's what I'm going with, I'm tired of these long names) is a T-Cast AMOE/BS DPS that specializes in TDH, focusing on Fire, Ice, and Earth for elements.,, Improve your physical Dark Visions score ussing TIFA + ZARGABAATH, Willster328 Unit Content Review: Blue Sky Belle Fran, Willster328 Unit Content Review: Knight of Pluto Zidane. New Year’s Stuff! Last updated 14 August 2019 11:02PM. Even if the unit can't inheritely use them. He can buff himself up with one of his CD abilities, which grants a self 300% ATK buff, boosting his ATK easily beyond the 5000 ATK mark. Behold! I'll probably use him for a while just because he's a reliable triple cast unit for "Chains". Why the water mechanic is an issue and how it can be reimagined and added back in. I had almost forgotten how much OTP goodness the 2nd disc of FF7 provides us! The announcement trailer showed him riding the Hardy-Daytona while wielding the Buster Sword. Over in JP he's still standing strong in average damage, though his burst is falling off compared to others, which imo is a lot more important.But even if you'll stop using Cloud at some point, you can't get enough of his awesome Vision Card. I don't have the time/will to reverse engineer a way to make FFBE Sync works with the new design. Without his BS form, he has no form of imbues and imperils and is quite limited. Final Fantasy 7 Remake : Cloud x Tifa. Day 4: Cloud (FFVII REMAKE) Fragment x10 ... FFBE 4th Anniversary: Overdrive SOON™ Medal Trial Quests II End of maintenance, Thursday, 8/27 - Start of maintenance, Wednesday, 9/9 PDT.