The Administration of the Holy Spirit - Sunday Service Creflo Dollar Ministries One Ministry, One Church, One Message Worldwide DONATE Home Prayer Testify eStore About Us About us Dr. Creflo Dollar Ps. Since the Holy Spirit is God and Lord Himself, He will be able to see perfectly into our futures and what we will need from the Lord before we will know it. For born-again believers, we all need the conviction of the Holy Spirit from time to time, so we can be shown the errors of our ways and where we are going wrong at times. It served as a great review of the benefits I received during the salvation process and ongoing. And notice how God words what is going to happen to them on the inside once they get saved. The empowering work of the Holy Spirit is given to all Christians. To God the glory, Very helpful and encouraging since some of this teachings are rarely taught in church, What a soul touching message Glory be to God. If would like to see a very good detailed article on these 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit, please go to our article titled, “The 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit.” Since I have already gone in-depth on this subject matter in this article, I will not go any further with it under this caption. It is unfortunate that the translators of the King James Version used the term Ghost instead of Spirit. With God already having told us in His Word that every single man and woman has sinned and fallen short of His glory, every single person on the face of this earth needs to receive the conviction of the Holy Spirit so we can all be shown what the real truth is regarding our fallen sinful state before the Lord. As a result, He will be way ahead of us and be praying to God the Father on many different needs that we will not even be aware of. Christian spirituality is simple. I believe Paul found a major secret very early on in his walk with the Lord, and that major secret was that he could make direct contact with the Holy Spirit Himself and form out a good personal relationship with Him – and from there, learn how to be led and empowered by Him so he could fulfill all of his divine missions for the Lord. That means that he longs for us to know him and to understand his ways. He was afraid to make any kind of direct contact with Him, as he did not want to get flakey and out of balance in his walk with the Lord, as he had seen too many Christians over the years get goofy and crazy with some of the wild things that can occur once the Holy Spirit starts to manifest. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc Hallelujah! This requires wisdom and discernment. The title of this article is, “How to Be Led by the Holy Spirit,” and it is in the Bible Basics section of our site. This is the most incredible book on The Gifts of the Holy Spirit I have ever found. We usually talk about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit during Pentecost, the feast we celebrate 50 days after Easter when the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles.. Long story short, God then introduced him to the Holy Spirit, and once He made direct contact with the Holy Spirit, his whole life changed and he has never looked back since. And once God sets this perfect plan and destiny up for your life, then He will start to lead you step-by-step into the fulfillment of that divine destiny. The Holy Spirit is not a mystical power; He is a person just as Jesus is a person. Again, this is why you should never be afraid to step out and witness to other people as the Spirit leads, as you will have both God the Father and the Holy Spirit right there by your side as you are witnessing to them. And once the Holy Spirit enters in on the inside of each believer, some very powerful and profound things will start to happen in their lives if they will open themselves up to some of His different ministries. I just asked, and now people are not only being drawn to me, but my wife now. Being one among the 'Triune God' the Holy Spirit helps us all come closer to our spirituality and faith through the seven gifts. 7 Keys To Breaking The Spirit of Stagnation – Minister Kevin Campbell. Not only will the Holy Spirit open up the Bible for us and help us understand what all of the different Scripture verses mean and how they can apply to the different parts of our lives, but He can also give us knowledge on anything else in our lives. When God starts to sanctify you, what He will do is consecrate and set you apart unto Himself. WELCOME TO SWORD OF THE SPIRIT MINISTRIES We are a multi-cultural Another way of saying this is that it is the Holy Spirit who makes us distinct from the animals. The Holy Spirit is one of the members of the triune God and, therefore, we meet the Holy Spirit all through the Bible. May our Lord in Heaven Jesus Christ bless you with joy, wisdom and thanksgiving Definition A spiritual gift is a specific God-given ability for Christian service.. 2. And this is where all of these different ministries are going to be coming in, as the Holy Spirit will show you exactly what can happen to you and your life if you will learn how to walk with Him and in Him. The reason Jesus can say this is that the truth which the Spirit is teaching is the truth which He hears from our Lord. Along with a renewed interest in the person and work of the Holy Spirit has come increased confusion. In this article, we have some very heavy verses showing you the extreme importance that we all be seekers after God’s knowledge for our lives, for with out it, we will never grow in this life the way He would like. If He drops a thought into your mind to do something, do it. The 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit are the following: Now here is the verse where this incredible revelation is being given to us by the Lord: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” (Galatians 5:22). But the reverse is also true. While Jesus will be physically absent, the Holy Spirit will be present among and within them. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Names of Jesus: Who is Jesus According to the Scriptures? If you truly seek, truly ask with a pure heart, He will give it. Now more than ever, we need to the Holy Spirit to tenderize people’s hearts, as the Bible tells us in the latter days that the love of many will be growing cold. Both of these verses are coming direct from the apostle Paul, and I do not have to tell you what a great man of God he became, all because he worked with the grace and power that God gave him through the Holy Spirit. When you really study and meditate on all of the above ministries from the Holy Spirit, we are talking about something so profound and so powerful, that I think many Christians are missing what we have available to us from the Holy Spirit. Really grab a hold of the revelation that is in the following 4 verses, as they will help break off any fears you may have on witnessing to other unsaved people in this life. (John 15:2,8.) The Holy Spirit came to me on June 16, 2018. Series 15 Study 6 STEPHEN: FULL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Many say this is when the Holy Spirit baptizes us into the body of Christ at conversion, but … Here are 11 very good verses all showing you that God will sanctify you by His Word and Spirit. Timothy C. Tennent is the President of Asbury Theological Seminary and a Professor of Global Christianity. We are too busy. Copyright © 2005-2019 by Michael Bradley and Chris Bradley. I believe there are spiritual laws that are in operation in God’s kingdom, and if we do not put forth any effort to seek after God and all of His ways, then He is not going to be interacting back with us to any significant degree. When you really look at each one these different ministries that the Holy Spirit has with all of us, you can really feel the power on each one of them and that there is no way you will not be able to really progress in your own walk and call with the Lord once the Holy Spirit starts to become very active in your daily life with all of these different ministries. Once you open yourself up to the Lord and start walking very closely with Him as you journey through this life, He will simply blow you away with how many times He will help you, guide you, and teach you, not to mention how He will start to mold and shape you into a better and more holy person through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit. If you enter into this realm with the Holy Spirit, He will at times allow you to see things from His point of view so you can see what the real truth is on many different matters in your life. Once you look very closely at the different Scripture verses I will be listing under the captions below, you will see that God the Father did not send His Holy Spirit down here just to remain idle and dormant in our spirits. But in the Original King James Version of these verses, they are calling Him the Comforter. Baptism in the Holy Spirit means to be immersed in God’s Spirit. They are going to receive the Holy Spirit and once that occurs, their hard heart of stone is going to be replaced with a heart of flesh. ... 5 And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. The Holy Spirit is a person—not simply a power or force—and He, along with the other two members of the Trinity, was involved in creation. Holy Spirit; 0 comments; March 05, 2012; I Corinthians 14:39 – “Wherefore, Brethren, covet to Prophesy (desire the Gift of Prophecy), and forbid not to speak with Tongues. These different ministries of the Holy Spirit need to be taught to every single believer so they will know exactly what they have available to them from the Lord. 18 The Holy Spirit gives us the wisdom and discernment when we need it. And again, this is the job of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to be our personal Teacher so we can learn everything the Lord will want to teach us in this life. He has to show us the errors of our ways and that we are all sinners in the eyes of God. And the Holy Spirit is only too anxious and willing to work through each individual believer who will be willing to work with Him on these types of deliverance missions. 2 Timothy 1:7. You do your part be reading from the Word, and then the Holy Spirit will do His part by sanctifying you on the inside of your being to the degree that God would really like. The Holy Spirit will not only guide you into your divine destiny for the Lord, but He will also guide you as to who God will want you to marry in this life if it will be in His perfect will that you get married. An unbeliever cannot get saved unless they are first convicted by the Holy Spirit. This is absolute truth! However, once he really made direct contact with the Holy Spirit Himself, all of those fears immediately fell off him, as he found out very quickly that there was nothing to be afraid of with the Holy Spirit, and that He was sent into his life to help him out in his walk with the Lord, not to hurt him or ruin his walk with the Lord. We all face many decisions in our lives, as well as the need to understand how to raise our children, or how to respond to various challenges in the surrounding culture. And this is what the Holy Spirit will do for every single believer. I have a presentation in my church on this topic and the information here is so useful for me. The last two verses will also confirm this revelation, as it is showing us that the Holy Spirit will fall upon those who are being witnessed to, along with opening up their hearts and minds so they will be able to understand what is being preached to them. These next 6 verses will show you that God will also sanctify you by His Word. The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit is the title of a Roman Catholic devotional practice derived from the passage, rather than an exposition of Isaiah 11:1-2. The Seven Ministries of the Holy Spirit at Salvation 1. They bud in the Old Testament, and they come into full flowering in the New Testament. These 9 fruits are divine attributes and qualities that will be coming direct from the Holy Spirit, not from ourselves. You, too, can be filled with the Holy Spirit, and it will change your life and the life of your church forever. Additional Scriptures on the 7 Spirits of God “To the angel of the church in Sardis write: These are the words of Him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars.” The Holy Spirit is … Notice what the Holy Spirit will convict everyone of – sin!! The fruit of the Holy Spirit is an expression of our own character transformation brought by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and our relationship with Christ. Again, the Holy Spirit needs something to work with to spiritually grow us in this life and that something is knowledge. God bless you servant of God. Just as God is one but has three distinct personhoods: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, so the Holy Spirit is One but with seven distinct expressions. I have been so blessed. The Holy Spirit is God and Lord Himself and He is literally living right there on the inside of you – and He is only too anxious to get all of this going with you if you will just be open and willing to receive this kind of divine help from Him. This is a very powerful and profound revelation when you really chew and meditate on what these three verses alone are trying to tell us. Notice the first verse tells us that we have direct access to God the Father “by one Spirit.” And that one Spirit is none other than the Holy Spirit Himself since the “S” in the word “Spirit” is with a capital “S.”, The second verse then tells us that the Lord abides in us “by the Spirit.” And again, it is referring direct to the Holy Spirit since the “S” in the word “Spirit” is with a capital “S.”. The Bible, and especially the book of Revelation, uses the number 7 to refer to perfection and completion. After we have heard His voice, we need to heed His call — making every effort to stand firm with His empowering presence in our lives. This first ministry of the Holy Spirit is without a doubt the most important one of all, as we only have one earthly lifetime to try and reach as many people as possible with the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 1) The Holy Spirit Possesses the Attributes of Personhood The basic definition for personhood is the presence of intellect, emotion, and will. What a wonderful teaching, I am bless and thee Lord bless you and increase your GRACE in Jesus name. God wants us to grow in His knowledge in this life. But before the Holy Spirit will really move you into this sanctification realm, you have to give Him something to work with and that something is knowledge. They preceded their decision by the wonderful phrase, “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these essentials” (Acts 15:28). The seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord. And we all need plenty of comforting from time to time due to all of the tragedy and misfortune that can hit anyone of us at anytime. One way of thinking about the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament is to examine every mention of the Holy Spirit and try to understand what we can learn about the Spirit. In this series, R.C. Too many Christians are walking in the flesh in this life instead of walking in the Holy Spirit. While most people have heard about the Holy Spirit, only a few really know its role in our lives. Without question, we all need the Holy Spirit as our Helper in this life. Jesus Christ makes this all possible by the finished work of the CROSS…suffering, shedding of His precious blood, His death, burial and RESURRECTION…a NEW LIFE in Jesus Christ! In addition to the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit, the Bible also tells us that there are 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit.. For the record, we feel that the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit are much more important than the 9 gifts are. John Calvin himself has rightly been described as “the theologian of the Holy Spirit” (B.B. This knowledge and revelation from the Lord really needs to be meditated on and fully understood so you cannot only have it for your own storehouse of knowledge in the Lord, but so you can also have it to help educate others, especially newborns, as they need immediate discipling and mentoring right off the bat once they get saved and born again in the Lord. The words, “but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit,“ are definitely telling us that we are saved by God’s grace and mercy and that when He does save us – He is saving us “through” the regeneration of the Holy Spirit. Sign Gifts of the Holy Spirit Moody maintains that there is one baptism of the Holy Spirit that occurs at the time a person is born again, 1 placing that one into the body of Christ. Have been dodging the Holy Spirit but now I willingly bring the will of my spirit under His will, very helpful, i have gain more insight. It is the Holy Spirit's gift to us, God's alternative to the belief in sin, guilt and As the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit have to do with God imparting part of His divine nature into the core of our personalities to help make us into a much better and holy people. This question is raised by a Jehowa Witness. § Jesus speaks about Him in John 14, 15, and 16. God bless. The Baptism of or in the Spirit has to do with the gifts (spirituals or manifestations) of the Holy Spirit. There will be many different steps you will have to take to eventually reach that goal, along with many different land mines that you are going to have to stay away from. I will now give you two more good verses to put the icing on this cake that we can make direct contact with the Holy Spirit and learn how to walk with Him in this life. And we, as born-again Christians, have direct access into all of this if we will just seek after it and work with the Lord once He starts it up in us. As you will see in the first verse I will list below, it says sometimes we will “not know how to pray as we ought.”. Scripture taken from New King James The things which the Spirit teaches them are the things which Jesus will be teaching them. On the day of Pentecost, Peter affirms that the promise of the empowering work of the Holy Spirit is given to all that the Lord calls to Himself. They are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and awe (fear) of the Lord. Praise God, for He makes everything good! The Holy Spirit, coming like fire, burns away any binding grip that the Enemy has imposed on us. Their answer was, "We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost" (Acts 19:2). Jesus taught that the Holy Spirit comes to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment (See John 16:7-11). And last, but certainly not least, there are 9 very special fruits that the Holy Spirit can transmit and impart into our personalities. In this article we show you the different ways that the Holy Spirit will communicate to you so you can pick up exactly what He will want you to do. If you do not spend some kind of good regular quality time in the Bible learning what God wants to change about you, then the Holy Spirit is not going to move on the inside of you to sanctify you to the degree that God would really like in this lifetime. My life has been nothing but crying and emotions and studying and lonesome the last 2 months. This Is the 6 There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons. Like I always do, I will first give you these 12 specific ministries right at the top of this article in a numbered, bolded format so you can have all of them right at the top of this article. Rev. Then there is the argument whether between Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit are they the same being or separate. Then I felt this strong overwhelming, indescribable, amazing, unbelievable presence in my sons room; He saved me. John Calvin himself has rightly been described as “the theologian of the Holy Spirit” (B.B. Put this ministry in with the ministry of imparting the above 9 fruits into our personalities, and we are looking at an unbelievable, incredible, supernatural reality with the Holy Spirit. If God highly anointed the first set of apostles to walk with His divine power so they could fully accomplish everything He wanted them to do for Him, then He can also anoint all born-again believers in this day and age with that very same power so we too can fully accomplish everything He will want us to do for Him in the perfect plan and destiny that He has set up for our lives. The Holy Spirit is our source of power. If you study all of the passages together, you will discover that there are seven key ministries of the Holy Spirit found in the Old Testament. It was the Holy Spirit who spoke to the church at Antioch and called Paul and Barnabus into the fruitful, church-planting work that we know today as his three missionary journeys (see Acts 13:1–3). I am totally willing to explore maximally on the ministry of the Holy Spirit. He is talking about the day they will end up getting saved in Jesus. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are an enumeration of seven spiritual gifts originating from patristic authors, later elaborated by five intellectual virtues and four other groups of ethical characteristics. But as the Lord has poured out His Spirit on all His people, this is impossible. He asked if they had received the Holy Spirit since they believed. Wonderful teaching.. I am so grateful. Share your email and we’ll send you To Sow for A Great Awakening: A Call to Travailing Prayer, as well as weekly updates, announcements of new releases, special promotions, and more! By New Dimensions Ministries February 4, ... we desire less. Once you go through the profound experience of accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, then you will want to do everything you can to get to know both Him and God the Father much better. Thank you for allowing God to use you in sharing what the Lord has given to you. Are these studies available in print? All nine graces form the “fruit” of the spirit. And again, the Original King James Version is using the word “Comforter” instead of the word “Helper.” The word “Comforter” is telling us that the Holy Spirit can also help comfort us in this life. Not only will the Holy Spirit be our personal Guide in this life, but He will also be our personal Teacher. Here are two major power verses that will show you that the Holy Spirit has been given to us by the Lord so that He can teach us all things. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.” (Ezekiel 36:26). Fifth, the Spirit convicts of sin and unites our hearts that we might not sin. God bless you brother and may the Spirit of the Lord continue to shine His light through you to be able to fulfill the purposes He has for you! But then God the Father wants to take this whole scenario one step further in that He wants to literally have His Holy Spirit enter in on the inside of every person who is willing to accept His Son Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. It simply does not get any better than this!! Thank you for this. Just like in the area of sanctification, you need both the Word and the Spirit working together to cause any kind of true spiritual growth to occur in this life. The Holy Spirit, for example, is the one who prompts our heart to ask someone to forgive us, or prompts us to pray for someone, or give them a word of encouragement. Their story can tell us a great deal about following God today. And this is where the Holy Spirit will be coming in big time, as He now has the personal ministry of leading all of us into the perfect plan and destiny of God for our lives. Davis. Oil, as we shall explore, is one of the symbols of the Holy Spirit in the Bible. It is the Holy Spirit's gift to us, God's alternative to … And when the Holy Spirit does convict us from time to time, it is always for our own good. It has changed my life. The Bible says that the truth will make you free – but you first have to see and understand exactly what that truth is before it can work to set you free. The Holy Spirit will also guide you across the board of your entire life if you are open to receiving this kind of divine guidance from Him. It continues on throughout our Christian lives as he purifies us and makes us holy. for all the days of your life. In other words, this will be God’s love, joy, and peace that will start to flow and operate through us, not our own limited and imperfect love, joy, and peace. • The Holy Spirit is the one who leads us into all truth. Losing The Filling of the Holy Spirit. We know this because when God created mankind, He said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness” (Gen. 1:26). Here are the two main verses from our Bible that will show you that it is the job of the Holy Spirit to lead us in this life and to guide us into all truth. If you do, God will then take you very seriously and from there, He and His Spirit will start to slowly take you into some of the above ministries at a pace that He knows you will be able to comfortably handle. He is not a floating fog or some kind of ghostlike emanation. 1. My God!! The last verse adds a little more to this when it tells us that God abides in us because He has given us His Holy Spirit. These ministries of the Holy Spirit are powerful and life-changing, and they will completely alter the course of your life if you decide to embark on this supernatural journey with the Lord. (This proclaims the fact that all the instructions he has given are not meant to disallow Tongues, but rather to put them in their rightful order. These next two verses are huge, and I mean huge. If God is calling you to be a pastor, evangelist, doctor, teacher, or an attorney, then He will anoint you with His divine power so you can be very good in that specific calling. Take your time with this and really meditate and ponder on what God is trying to tell you through His Word on this subject matter. Who is the Holy Spirit and what is His role in redemption? These two verses are talking about us “walking in the Spirit.” Here they are: The first verse is flat out telling us that since we are already living in the Spirit since He is already living on the inside of us, then we need to take this one step further, and that is to learn how to walk in Him as well. Once you get saved and born again in the Lord, that is just the beginning. Our appetites can also be spoilt with negative desires and bad food. Jesus Introduces the Holy Spirit to His Disciples JOHN 14 … So again, realize that every single time you lead an unbeliever to eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, you are also opening them up to be able to receive the Holy Spirit on the inside of them, where from there He can get down into their spirits and fully regenerate them. Now here are some extremely powerful verses from the Bible showing you that God can anoint you with the divine power of His Holy Spirit. And if the Holy Spirit is the One who is forming out this divine connection between us and the Lord in heaven, then it only stands to reason He will now be working very closely with us to form out a very special, close, personal relationship with the Lord. 7. Unlike the Holy Spirit’s ministries to the believer in regeneration, baptism, indwelling, and sealing, His filling can be lost due to disobedience (sin). However, this is not the case. thank you. If that is the meaning of the “seven” in the "seven spirits," then it is not referring to seven different spirits of God, but rather the perfect and complete Holy Spirit. And they are all readily available to every single Christian if they will just simply go to God the Father in sincere and heart-felt prayer and ask Him to open up this realm for them. That unites all of this article is, “ seeking after the knowledge of ”. 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