For example, a soccer ball, volleyball, basketball etc could all be appropriate depending on the age and power/strength level of your athlete(s). It transitioned to more multi-segmented forehands, or the modern forehands when grips started to move further around, giving players the ability to hit with a lot more spin. Each player uses a strung racket to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt (most of the time colored Optic Yellow.) Physicality and power The other weapon of choice today from this part of the court is the drive volley. Starting with the serve January 26, 2012 February 21, 2012 Mark Williams . Power and the social player It has been calculated that an hour-long game of singles tennis burns around 600 calories for men and 420 calories for women. Timing. First, general med ball exercises are usually multi-joint and therefore have a high coordinative demand. This results in a split-second pause between the legs extending (which adds power and lift to your stroke) and the actual moment of hitting the ball. If you’re trying to bazooka the ball and hit it out three times in a row, then it’s not going to be very enjoyable for an opponent or your friend. The player that can do this in the most efficient manner will be the player that has the overall athletic advantage in the match. They forget that one of the main reasons for missing strokes is playing too fast. It’s impressive watching the pros absolutely roasting the ball and natural that you’d want to do it too. This fact cannot be disputed; we need the ground to push off from to achieve power. Children, teens, parents, grandparents and great grandparents play. In tennis today, however, there’s no real need for the average punter to use anything heavier than what’s on the shelf. Throwing med balls from a variety of angles and in a variety of directions will help cover more variability with respect to power production. As you would probably suspect, this quality is quite important for tennis players - every time a player initiates movement, they are attempting to be explosive. "Balance is a key element for any good tennis shot," he explains. Draper is now Developmental Tennis Manager at Tennis Australia. That’s unbelievably heavy. Generating maximum power requires an absence of tension. With juniors, this may even mean using different types of balls that aren’t necessarily weighted. Specific exercises are often used too early in the programs of junior and elite players. In this case, the load is probably too heavy for him and should be adjusted. When you’re running at a steady sub-max pace, you’re still producing power - but I don’t think that’s the power a tennis player is after, do you? 3) Movements that recruit type 2 muscles fibers increase testosterone - this hormone is associated with improvement benefits across the board (increased strength, concentration, alertness and so on). From movement characteristics to its development during the execution of groundstrokes, serves and so forth. Either way, playing tennis is a good sport to maintain your health, fitness, strength and agility. Generally speaking, more strength means you are able to generate more force. It’s the speed from which the whip moves up and down that’s going to make it crack. So how do you win a point considering that the distance between hitting point A and hitting point B is so much greater? They set the stage for optimal power development and (hopefully) improvements in serve, groundstroke and movement outcomes. The serve is even more important in the power era. It is now played on a variety of surfaces. It only makes you a good hitter of the tennis ball. At beginner and intermediate level then surely the enjoyment in the game is to have a rally, especially if you’re hitting with a mate. Your first encounter with tennis strategy and tactics probably happened early in your tennis career. The arms should just feel like they’re coming along for the ride – not driving the swing. If you’re shorter and more rotational, it’s probably easier to use a slightly lighter racquet. Equipment is almost certainly the biggest contributing factor to the power revolution in the modern game. Why do tennis players need power? From this angle, proper tennis form is important since it enables you to hit better. You need muscle to matter in the modern game. A drill for hitting with spin is to try and hit the ball as hard as you can whilst keeping it inside the service line. Where players like Albert Costa or Sergi Bruguera – clay court specialists of the 1990s – had a lot more shape in their strokes. I’ve seen many players (and I’ve been victim to this in the past) using med balls that are just too heavy. Power isn’t always everything though. 2. This is ideal. Having this ability is vital in almost every movement scenario during tennis play. In fact, I recently spoke with legendary track coach Dan Pfaff (he coached Donovan Bailey to the 100m Olympic gold medal in 1996) - coach Pfaff mentioned a couple things about this topic that have relevance here. You can either use high-tech devices - like the PUSH Band (an accelerometer based device that can extract power & velocity metrics from a variety of strength/power movements) - OR, a coach’s eye. Here are some other ways in which power is prevalent in the modern game. Lastly, general movements potentiate specific movements - in other words, they augment the power of movements that you’ll encounter during tennis. The more spin on the ball, the slower the ball travels through the air. Thus, including strength training in your off-court workout is a smart move. More than spin… In other words, your legs. Having power generating capabilities within a large bandwidth of angles and planes will provide better transfer to unpredictable scenarios. The more flexible your body is, the greater effective range of motion (ROM) it will have. Initiating your legs start a kinetic chain, from which your technique basically unravels. At the same time, accuracy and a sustained ability to slug a ball from corner to corner needs to be extremely good. When there is a short ball, they can put it away. Don’t add weight or reps, just perform more sets. Although the mechanisms for this are not fully understood, many elite coaches believe this is due to both neuromuscular and hormonal factors. They have shaped tennis through their deeds, their example, their behaviour (for better or worse), their playing and personal styles and their character. Elements of power For example, it is the speed of the arms coming through holding a racquet that determines how fast the racquet is traveling and how hard the ball is … "Ideally you want your upper body to remain rather straight, your head very still, and then you rotate around this axis which does not move." The above videos are only a few examples of exercises that can be incorporated. Add These Movements to Your Warm-upFor potentiation purposes, these exercises may help improve power during matchplay. Ryan Harrison has described his relationship with Donald Young as almost irreparable after... More, Roberta Vinci appeared on Italian TV and was put to the test - were the grunts she was hea... More, The greatest champions, goes the old adage, are those who leave their sport better than th... More, Tennis is a funny old game. Actually, you realized that technique doesn’t mean anything against experienced players. As artistry evolves so too do players hard-hitting weapons. Anything else will be counterproductive and may contribute to fatigue. Perform Few RepsThe aim is to have MAX INTENT on every throw - this will provide better assurance that power is being maximized. In many cases, the only way is through changing your physicality. Other flexibility tests should also be performed. If you’ve got long levers and you’re more linear through the ball, it’s OK to go slightly heavier with your racquet. “Increasing your muscle power is useless if you can’t get your body to hit all at once.” In all … Furthermore, a 6-week training study by Genevois et al (2013) saw an 11% increase in forehand speed from pre to post. It’s absolute full-blooded hooks, a swing to the face. The game, once upon a time, was more artistry. Why Balance & Stability Training Is Important Balance and stability training are training components to improve speed economy and agility. Even if you were a boxer, it was more about using the jab to set the opponent up for the swinging hook. Let’s briefly explore both types of movements and provide examples. String section This is an important component of fitness for tennis. As a double-hander, you start with both backhand and forehand grips ready. Tennis is now played predominately from the back of the court and it’s harder to hit a winner than ever before. They can be on the dead run, and you’ll see players nearly doing the splits and creating incredible power from the back of the court. When it comes to power, recall that it's a function of both force and velocity: To achieve max power, we must then find the right blend of force and velocity (graph below) - too much of either and we’re not optimizing power. Some of them play all sorts of shots with sometimes awkward, sometimes funny movements and yet they win matches. "Balance is a key element for any good tennis shot," he explains. The fitness test batteries assist in examining tennis players’ capabilities for performance at different levels in the laboratory as well as in the field, in the junior or elite level. Overall, this is more demanding than simply throwing against a wall. Photo: Getty Images. This is a worthy goal, but before endurance can be optimized, players should strive to improve the high end of power output and build capacity on top of that. Here are some suggestions to add power to your game: First, grab a basket of balls, have a friend feed some balls to you and you do the same for them. If you create tension in a whip, that whip is not going to travel as fast. Here are 2 Futures players that I work with doing a MB Side Throw exercise. In fact, a 2015 study (Kara et al) used throws in a med ball circuit routine - these elite players saw significant increases in serve speed after 6 weeks of training. Gain Volume Through Added SetsNeed a greater stimulus? Tennis is an impact game, and each time you strike or run for the tennis ball your body absorbs serious impact. Insufficient training will lead to a player’s inability to return the ball on the opponent’s court. The important thing to realize is that tennis balls lose more energy than tennis strings. Think about it. In a tennis match, each player or team … Performing power exercises the day before (or even the day of) competition, can have tremendous performance enhancing benefits because of hormonal factors. It's not simply a matter of hitting the ball with the racket, but which spot on the racket is used to hit the ball. There are local, state, regional, national and international age group competitions for age 8 & under to age 90 and over. Developed between 1859 and 1865, tennis is a sport played between two players (singles) or between two teams of two players each (doubles). As a single-hander, you have to adapt your grip as the ball is approaching. Why Tennis? Take the time to research his site with excellent articles on tennis … Weigh up your options Wiki User Answered . A player must absorb the force efficiently and quickly use a reactive/elastic stretch to project the ball back towards their partner. Some research suggests that an unloaded jump squat produces the highest power outputs while others have shown loaded jumps (~30% added load on an individual) as being optimal. You need to create a torque in your body that in turn allows for an elastic band effect. 4) This is exactly why the level of intensity of your game is judged more or less with the amount of times you’ve broken, or been broken. Creating a rotational effect is how you create racquet head speed – and that’s the generation of power in simple terms. or via traditional plyometric activities (jumps, bounds, sprints etc. Strength and Power In other words, once you develop placement your power will follow. It’s an especially difficult question given that you’re playing on slower surfaces and with slower balls. Power: a ball that has no spin on it, is the most effective and fastest way of getting the ball to travel from point A to point B. Using the proper progression is a necessity. Reasons why Speed, Strength and Power is important for the game of soccer. by Matt Kuzdub. Greater ball speeds place more pressure on an opponent by decreasing the time needed to get to and prepare for the shot. Partner Throws Add Another DimensionWhen performing side throws with a partner, there is a greater demand eccentrically (i.e. if power not then not good game play. Look at form & the resultant velocity of the throw. String is the main reason. Tennis players should include a variety of movements into their programs. This ‘put away’ ball is usually struck somewhere between the baseline and service line. ROM is King. It’s not easy but experienced coaches can see whether a med ball, for example, is too light or too heavy for an athlete. Nobody does that anymore. Tennis has been blessed with singular champions who have transformed and transcended the game; power players who have changed the way the game is played, or perceived, or both. Get a grip Ball speed also limits the opponent’s options and makes it more difficult for him or her to produce the shot. June 12, 2012: Nike Tennis Camps sits down with Jay Lapidus, former head men's tennis coach at Duke University to discuss the importance of balance while hitting the ball. As soon as there’s stiffness, there’s an inability to displace the racquet as far as needed. That said, it's the principles that matter - max intent, appropriate loads, sets, reps and rest. A grip that goes too far, such as the western grip, makes hitting the ball flat when required generally more difficult (especially at end range). 1) He explained that if an athlete has difficulty with general movements, you cannot progress to more specific ones. The weight was 3kg - which perhaps gives you an idea of what to use with your player(s). A fast arm If throwing mechanics change, something has broken down. We saw earlier that explosive … Point to point Coordination In Tennis … The origins of the game can be traced to a 12th–13th-century French handball game called jeu de paume (“game of the palm”), from which was derived a complex indoor racket-and-ball game: real tennis. Rafael Nadal’s racquet is at the lower end of the 300 gram mark; Mark Philippoussis and Pete Sampras used to go for 400 grams. Tennis can be played for life because it is a low-impact and non-contact sport. June 29, 2017 Scott Draper explains the place of power and some ways you can achieve it. Scott Draper was a top-50 player on the ATP Tour, achieving fourth round finishes at the French Open in 1995 and 1996, as well as the US Open in 1997. The results - 1-arm MB forehand throws were significantly correlated with higher forehand speeds in elite players. Check out this post for a comprehensive analysis. Asked by Wiki User. The more spin on the ball, the slower the ball travels through the air. The ball is fast off the racquet and jumps off the court at the other end – this is what’s known as today’s ‘heavy ball’. Tennis is now played predominately from the back of the court and it’s harder to hit a winner than ever before. No matter what shot it is – the serve, forehand or backhand – you’re trying to create a position for your legs to drive from. Likewise, if a player has a 2 handed backhand, then using 2 hands to throw a med ball would be more realistic and would theoretically have a better transfer to performance. Play Better Tennis With Proper Placement Not More Power would like to thank Scott Baker from for this excellent article regarding developing your strokes and of course tennis strategy. Notice that the player on the far right has more difficulties compared to the player on the left. Just take caution, don’t perform more than 1-2 sets and make sure the rep ranges aren't fatiguing. Use Appropriate Loads This is the most important component. The arm action in serving is on the low-force high-velocity end of the spectrum while the first step in tennis is more on the high-force low-velocity end. While that makes it sound like an endurance sport relying primarily on the aerobic energy system, maximal – or anaerobic – energy production is required at many points during a game. If you let gravity work, there’s an absence of tension. Comparing tennis today to the game of the past is like comparing a boxer and fencer. It is a global sport. This is only achievable if you give it plenty of rip. Many coaches and players often speak of the importance of power in tennis. The transfer of oxygen to the muscles is important to maintain the power and speed of each stroke that a player will unleash in the tennis court. Control rackets, on the other hand, are all about ball control. (Message automatically replaces this text), Check out this post for a comprehensive analysis. Tougher tools When it comes to training max power for tennis players, we have 2 basic options - general exercises and specific exercises. Tennis is a sport where hand-eye coordination is important so that your hand and the other parts of your body quickly react to do the right moves. To be able to serve fast, you need solid throwing mechanics. 4) This is exactly why the level of intensity of your game is judged more or less with the amount of times you’ve broken, or been broken. June 12, 2012: Nike Tennis Camps sits down with Jay Lapidus, former head men's tennis coach at Duke University to discuss the importance of balance while hitting the ball. Tennis is a game of strategy, strength, and fast reflexes. Speed is not limited to only running; it is involved in movement of the limbs and body in different actions. For example, a study by Genevois et al (2014) compared a 1-arm MB forehand throw versus a 2-arm MB forehand throw. You don’t have to necessarily rest for 2-3min (you can if that’s what you need) but the feeling should be, "I’m ready to throw the ball through the rough". Many tennis matches can exceed three hours in length and require frequent repetitions hitting groundstrokes and serves and running the court. 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