This type of fast was evident in 2 Chronicles 20:3 where Jehoshaphat proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah. 4- Breaks satanic strongholds. Not only in the thing you are praying for but also for every area of your life. Benefits of Prayer and Fasting: 1- Builds spiritual intimacy. In addition, she desires for women to develop an intense yearning to draw closer to God through reading and writing out the Bible. Most fasting involves food, but it can be abstaining from electronics, media, an action, or something of your choice. Fasting is not for God’s benefit, rather, it is for our benefit. 21 Days of prayer and fasting With Rev Lucy Natasha. Today, when we talking about fasting, we voluntarily go without food, drinking water only. Use simple words in your prayers i.e. You cannot fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard on high. This leads, then, to the ultimate reward of Christian fasting, and the “best of all” purposes we highlighted above: God himself. FASTING AND PRAYER Christian spiritual discipline benefits, PRAYER FOR GUIDANCE, Direction, Clarity, and Wisdom, THANKSGIVING DINNER PRAYER Thanksgiving Day 2020, PRAYER FOR PENTECOST SUNDAY. Let’s look at what God said about fasting in Isaiah 58 verses 6 to 8: “Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, To undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free, And that you break every yoke? There are many misunderstandings concerning fasting and prayer; therefore, many do not fully understand Its true meaning and relationship to the Christian life. Cindy teaches hundreds of women in her private online Bible Study Group who express their joy of growing deeper in their spiritual walk. There are so many benefits to fasting (natural and spiritual) that there is no way to go into detail in this limited space. You may ask, what ‘kind’ was Jesus referring to? Therefore, when you fast, you should: Being able to understand the purpose of Christian fasting and prayer as a spiritual discipline, will enable you to grow effectively as a Christian. Praise God! It is a non-negotiable requirement, ordained by God for us to experience specific benefits in our lives. Murkomen: We Will Not Allow The Removal Of Kang’ata As Senate Majority Whip . However, there are times when the fervent prayer goes hand in hand with the added boost of fasting before God. 1st Fasting humbles our soul. By Corine Gatti Fasting has amazing benefits. Isaiah 58:3-6 highlights how Isaiah rebuked the nation of Israel for their insincere fast. You may also want to read 7 Benefits of Biblical Fasting: How to Fast the Right Way by Kelly R Baker who gives fasting tips to help you get started. 0 . Whilst men may live on substances (such as bread), as food for the physical body, God is able to support both physical and spiritual life by other means. Benefits of Prayer and Fasting. This fast is going without food for a pre-determined period during which you consume only liquids (water and/or juice). There are rewards of fasting. Fasting and prayer could be seen as a season of preparation for one’s God given purpose. When we fast, we add a spiritual weapon to our prayers that will break the bonds of wickedness and break the heavy yoke, Isaiah 58:6. Neither is it the Biblical definition of fasting. It will minister to Him and will bring glory and honour to Him. Throughout the Bible we read how God’s people fasted, and God acted. Blessings, Cindy. Fasting cleanses the body from built-up chemicals, metals, and other toxins. We are targeted by the enemy and need God’s divine help in winning the victory. Sonya Downing Contributing Writer Jesus taught us the importance of fasting for Christians today. Prayer and Fasting Go Together . Blessings, Cindy. He will give you a clear mind and better understanding. In this post, I share 7 benefits of using a prayer and fasting journal. That is awesome that your church is doing the 21 Days of Prayer now. 4. 3. In this message, Pastor John Lindell shares a powerful sermon titled, "The Benefits of Fasting & Prayer." It is a handful as compared to a plateful. Susan Nelson of Woman of Noble Character has a great post about biblical fasting and includes the sexual fast that I didn’t mention. Spiritual Fasting Gives Power to our Prayers. When Daniel sought the LORD for help, he fasted for 21 days to gain understanding and wisdom for his situation. very powerful and helpful for my spiritual life. It is so important and vital for every believer, that it should be practiced on a regular… Her passion is to teach women how to study the Bible using this method. Don’t make your prayers complicated. Fasting therefore should not be simply a ‘non-eating’ exercise. Acknowledge who He is. Marilyn Hickey: The combination of fasting and praying is not a fad or a novelty approach to spiritual discipline. Jesus fasted before his temptation by Satan (Matthew 4:1-11). Lyrics and Chords. Learn how your comment data is processed. There are many people who are unable to abstain from food for medical reasons. It’s a decision to momentarily die to our flesh to fulfill the greater things of a mighty God who seeks us. Before you begin fasting, it is important that you do not stop eating without combining your fast with prayer, meditation and reading the Word of God. Hello, Rejoice! So when believers voluntarily “afflict their soul” with the fasting of food, they are humbling themselves. Often through a combination of fasting and prayer, our minds become clearer and our hearts are more sensitive to God. Yet, He is merciful and gracious, kind and loving. You can read more about this in Is Humility Part of Fasting and Prayer? Even Jesus was tempted in the wilderness and is our example of how to face it. He fasted 40 days and nights (4:2) before commencing His public ministry. When we are humble before God, spiritual benefits will follow. God who is the word, feeds us with His word, and therefore in a period of fasting, we too must study and meditate on the word of God which comes from God himself. All distractions are removed from our hearts and we are able to focus on our spiritual growth and salvation. Many people have testified of receiving many benefits through prayer with fasting. If you desire community, please consider my DIG Bible Study Community where we write out the Word, study, and pray together. Hello, Asheesh! January 6, 2021. 1.1 Fasting causes us to Rely on God 1.2 Fasting Helps us be Filled with the Fruits of the Spirit 1.3 Fasting Opens our Heart to Hearing God’s Voice 1.4 Fasting Renews our Appreciation for God and His Blessings Understand the spiritual purpose and benefits of your fast. And, yes, fasting and prayer has been on my heart and mind a lot lately too. Ensure you read the Word of God when you pray. As you spend time in fasting and prayer, believe that God will give you wisdom and understanding. She is a serious student of the Word, focusing on the Inductive Bible Study Method since 2007. Fasting enables a person to refocus their attention back to the things of God and His commandments. 2. In this passage, we are told to submit to God, resist the devil, draw close to God, humble yourself in God’s sight and He will lift you up. One more thing to remember, the goal of fasting is not simply to receive the benefits, it is primarily to draw closer to God as you petition Him with your request(s). Finally our entire family had to move into a small room renting for only $10.00 a month. It draws you closer to God, gives perspective, and boosts your health. The Holy Spirit responded with the direction to send out Barnabas and Saul for ministry to where He was calling them. 2. Fasting must be sincere. There are so many benefits and reasons for fasting and so many ways to do it. SEVEN REASONS TO PRAY DAILY Provide, Forgive, Heal, Protect. 2- Open up your spirit to hear the voice of God. Table Of ContentsTo Build Intimacy With GodVictory Over Temptations Helps Us To Refocus On Jesus Breaks Satanic Strongholds What comes to mind when you hear the word fasting? According to research, fasting does have many health benefits, such as weight loss, reduced cholesterol as well as it helps to lower blood pressure. A chosen fast means that God has appointed it and it is set apart for Him. BP-Pub-1 - March 14, 2017 . ‘Why have we fasted,’ they say, ‘and you have not seen it? , Hi, Kelly! A prayer and fasting journal practically helps us actively consider what Yah has done in us, for us and through us. Meditate on The LORD: Who He is. It gives the believer an edge over physical things first as being subdued then spiritual: worship of the Almighty. Benefits of Fasting and Prayer 1. While we are not perfect, we are also not powerless. Fasting was not a stranger to the early church. Benefits of Fasting and Prayer For those who inquire as to whether fasting and prayer may be profitable for them, I want to explain in detail how fasting and prayer can benefit a Christian's life. If you can’t fast food for a day, give up coffee or sweets. The outcome will be His perfect will in your circumstances. I am considering fasting along with my fervent prayer. You can stay in touch with Cindy on Facebook through 215 Ministry. I didn’t find anything about why, exactly, prayer is supposed to be part of the fasting process. Fasting and prayer is also a Christian spiritual discipline to seek God’s guidance. The Benefits of Fasting and Prayer. It helps you to do the same works of Jesus. I am a serious seeker of God’s will for my life. We deny our carnal nature in order to fulfill the desires of God. Prayer and fasting is an asset of inestimable value in fulfilling God’s agenda for our lives. Pray expectantly. Is there anything you can add about the benefits of fasting and prayer? The prayers that you pray during a time of fasting will move the Hand that controls the universe! Benefits of Prayer and Fasting: 1- Builds spiritual intimacy. Benefits of Fasting and Prayer 1. Fasting is not just all about abstinence from food or anything that give your flesh pleasure but it is also about rewards. Isaiah 58:1-14 tells of the kind of fast that God has chosen. I’m looking forward to it. Remember this verse in Zechariah 4:6, …Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. 1. This will enable you to focus on the fast and its intended purpose and benefits. They choose to deny themselves something else of value to them such as fasting television or fasting social media. 5. 2. January 6, 2021. Just because someone else is fasting doesn’t mean that you need to fast. In Mark 9:14-29, Jesus explains that we need to be continually in prayer and fasting in order to be “in the zone” with him and be able to push back the demons from our lives and stay firm in our faith. There was a time when the prophet Daniel really, desperately wanted to know what would happen in the future: “Then I set my face toward the Lord God to make request by prayer and supplications, with fasting, sackcloth, and ashes” (Daniel 9:3). When we are fasting for spiritual breakthroughs in our lives, we will reap benefits that we may not expect. Therefore, fasting and prayer are important Christian spiritual disciplines that are applicable to every Christian. You now know at least 10 benefits of fasting along with the four kinds of fasts that one could practice. For prayers to be received by God, they must be offered with the right motives. 4- Breaks satanic strongholds. It helps you grow more and more spiritually. While we are not perfect, we are also not powerless. Some also contribute their children following God as adults to faithful fasting and prayer. Fasting and prayer is one of the most powerful spiritual combinations on earth. The Benefits of Prayer with Fasting By Dale A. Robbins. Prayer with fasting has been a long-established regimen of God’s people, and was a standard practice of Jesus, His disciples and the early church. Download, Listen and be blessed. Kenya But People Love Ruto. You must also have goals in view while you fast. Fasting is where a person chooses to sustain from foods to deepen their spiritual growth because there is an overwhelming spiritual hunger. Their fasting and seeking God resulted in a dramatic deliverance. Fasting, must be combined with prayer, otherwise fasting will become a health-conscious activity to reduce weight loss etc. This fast is recommended for shorter time periods. Through fasting and prayer, we receive a greater sensitivity to God’s love and His love for us. While strongholds can be broken through commanding the evil spirits along with using the name of Jesus, fasting can add more spiritual power to the breaking of strongholds. Even Jesus was tempted in the wilderness and is our example of how to face it. We will continue this series on Prayer and Fasting. Fasting and prayer can strengthen intimacy with God. Here are five spiritual benefits to fasting: 1) ... still be able to pick out His voice and know what He wants us to do because we have trained our ear to hear Him through fasting, prayer, study and praise. Their change of heart caused God to spare them for 100 years. I challenge you today to fast. Listening to music can help to focus your mind on God. Fasting and prayer was important for the appointing of leaders in the New Testament. We advance rather than retreat to past habits and bondages. They are not the means to manipulate a situation or to create a circumstance. Is Fasting Necessary for Christians Today? meditation, fasting and prayer. He desires that all be saved unto eternal life (John 3:16) so such a prayer is in accordance with God’s will. You go without food too long, you can get sick and die. Isaiah 58 has a list of many benefits which I wish to discuss :- “Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust”. While we cannot control or manipulate God to answering our prayers the way we want, God will see your heart and respond according to His plan. Also, I should mention that fasting for the purpose of weight loss or weight management is not the focus of this post. 3- Brings clarity and direction. The fact is, the kind of demon the disciples were facing, could only come out of the possessed body through fasting and prayer. We have been wicked and have rebelled, we have turned away from your commands and laws” (Daniel 9:5). There are other types of fasts such as the Daniel Fast, where you eat only fruits and vegetables for a certain amount of time and abstain from meat (Daniel 1:8-14). Second chronicles if my people who are called by my name. It draws you closer to God, gives perspective, and boosts your health. 5. When we fast and pray, another benefit is receiving God’s intervention in our circumstances. 3. It helps you to become a true disciple of Jesus. Jesus said to his disciples, “This kind can come out by nothing but fasting and prayer.” (Mark 9:29). I also found a few on the benefits of prayer and fasting together. The REWARDS of fasting with prayer will be shown openly through this person being used in DELIVERANCE, GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT, HEALINGS, and HEARING THE VOICE OF THE LORD, as your spirit is finely tuned in to God’s Spirit. This article aims to consider fasting and prayer as a Christian spiritual discipline, the importance and benefits of it, and how to fast and pray. By not planning your fast, is simply going through a period without food. - That is what we are in for. Marilyn Hickey: The combination of fasting and praying is not a fad or a novelty approach to spiritual discipline. You may be earnestly seeking salvation for loved ones through times of fasting and prayer. If considering this fast, a fast meal is not your regular meal size. Fasting is not just an act of going hungry, it is a spiritual exercise that connects you to the realm of the spirit when praying. The bible does indicate that fasting with proper motives and in the right manner has many benefits. Deliverance and Victory: Fasting and prayer brings victory and deliverance. Fasting Leads to Greater Intimacy. For example, regular fast is where you abstain from all food and liquids except water. Thanks for stopping by today. What do you like/love about it? It brings God's exaltation. 6. You may be praying for self-control or self-discipline in a certain area of your life and soon after your time of fasting, you may begin to notice the victory in that area. When I googled “why prayer is important to fasting” to research for this article, I found a lot of articles on the health and spiritual benefits of fasting. The purpose of prayer and fasting is to empower us to the next level through diverse encounters and through outbreak of revelations through the Word of God. January 7, 2021. Fasting and prayer can help us hear from God. God may be calling you into a new area of ministry. In this post, I share 7 benefits of using a prayer and fasting journal. King Jehoshaphat and his people fasted before they went into battle. Therefore, fasting brings spiritual strength to be able to combat the temptations that will arise. Food is necessary for life. Start off by missing perhaps one meal, then gradually moving to two meals and so on until you are happy to do a whole day fast. It opens you up to deeper dimensions in the spiritual realm. Approaching God with a reverent heart as you voluntarily give up the necessity of life (your food), God will respond as He said in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Build a deep and personal relationship, by recognising Him as creator and King (Psalm 8:1). It has been well said that prayer is not preparation for the battle – prayer IS the battle. It opens up your spiritual senses to the spiritual realm. Fasting and prayer is a time to separate yourself from your regular patterns and from things of … January 6, 2021. Prayer always goes along with fasting. Fasting and Prayer – Bible Verses About Fasting 1 Corinthians 7:5 When combined with prayer and a sincere passion for God, fasting can have a powerful influence on the effectiveness of our prayer life as well as our spiritual relationship with the Lord. 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