Chapter 3. Today, you can still hear God's message. Jesus did everything that … He spoke his … Considering Jesus. Matthew Henry’s Bible Commentary (concise), Matthew Henry Bible Commentary (complete), California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. When they travelled in the wilderness, they turned against me. 9 For 40 years your ancestors saw the great things that I did. The meaning of the several parts of this verse is very simple; but it is not easy to follow the reasoning with certainty. 1 This is what it means to trust God: We will be sure about the things that we hope for. Days of temptation are often days of provocation. Hebrews 6:3-5. Let us beware of trusting to outward privileges or professions, and pray to be numbered with the true believers who enter heaven, when all others fail because of unbelief. Hebrews 3 Commentary, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, by Charles Ellicott has been an oft consulted resource by … He subjoins good counsel to the caution, and advises them to that which would be a remedy against this evil heart of unbelief-that they should exhort one another daily, while it is called to-day, v. 13. He is the one we believe God sent to save us and to be our high priest. That promise is still true for us today. Hebrews 3:10-11. 12 So be careful, my Christian friends. He shines with the great light of God himself. The word “gainsaying,” (Hebrews 6:16; Hebrews … 1. Sin appears fair, but is vile; it appears pleasant, but is destructive; it promises much, but performs nothing. A Bible Study in EasyEnglish (2800 word vocabulary) on the Book of Hebrews. —What was before implied is now clearly expressed. 3 So, my brothers and sisters, those chosen by God to be his holy people, think about Jesus. 2 God made him our high priest, and he was faithful to God just as Moses was. 3. "Commentary on Hebrews 3:4". For, &c. — The apostle proceeds in this verse, and the three following, with his design of evidencing the excellence of Christ above Moses, as he had done before in reference to angels, and all other revealers of the will of God to the church; the word for denoting the connection of this paragraph with Hebrews 3… Hebrews Commentary in Easy English; ALEXANDER MACLAREN. 17 Who was God angry with for 40 years? The Jews had a high opinion of the faithfulness of Moses, yet his faithfulness was but a type of Christ's. —Literally, compare; place your sufferings by the side of His. Some people have come into God's light. Since this is true, it teaches something about … Like us, God has chosen you to belong to him. While it is said, today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. Vincent, Marvin R. DD. Compare Note, "with the majority of them God was … We tell people that we believe in Jesus as the messenger that God has sent. Like us, God has chosen you to belong to him. The saints' privilege is, they are made partakers of Christ, that is, of the Spirit, the nature, graces, righteousness, and life of Christ; they are interested in all Christ is, in all he has done, or will do. 18 God promised to punish them, because they refused to obey him. (14-19). Sin has so many ways and colours, that we need more eyes than ours own. Hebrews 3:15. His nature and God's nature are the same. Hebrews chapter 3 makes an important shift in topic. 3 Therefore, holy brothers, you who share in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession, 2 who was faithful to him who appointed him, just as Moses also was faithful in all God's house. Commentary on Hebrews 3:14-19 (Read Hebrews 3:14-19) The saints' privilege is, they are made partakers of Christ, that is, of the Spirit, the nature, graces, righteousness, and life of Christ; they are interested in all Christ is, in all he has done, or will do. Hebrews 3. They heard God's message, but they refused to obey him. Since to-morrow is not ours, we must make the best improvement of this day. Jesus did everything that God wanted, just like Moses. Observe, Jesus, our chief priest. ἀπάτῃ τῆς ἁμαρτίας] by the deception … 3 … Do not be like God's people many years ago. Wherefore — To speak after the manner of men; I was grieved — Highly displeased; with that generation — With the generality of this people; and said, They do always — Notwithstanding all that I have done for them before their eyes; err in their heart — Are led astray by their stubborn will and vile affections; and they … Hebrews 3 … 1 So, Christian friends, think carefully about who Jesus is. —Rather, Him that hath endured such gainsaying from sinners against themselves. They did what was wrong. on He did everything God wanted him to do in God’s house. © MissionAssist 2021 Cancel {{#items}} {{human}} {{/items}} ← Chapter. 3 For Jesus has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses—as much more glory as the builder of a house … (7-13) And of necessity of faith in Christ, and of stedfastly following him. We will be sure in our minds about things that we cannot even see. They have never become sons … Let every one beware of sin. Hebrews 4:7 - He again fixes a certain day, 'Today,' saying through David after so long a time just as has been said before, ' Today if you hear His voice , Do not harden your hearts .' 3 Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, whom we acknowledge as our apostle and high priest. Jesus Greater Than Moses. 19 So we must be careful ourselves! We must continue to show people clearly that we trust God. There must not only be setting out well in the ways of Christ, but stedfastness and perseverance therein to the end. We must be brave. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers (3) The figure of the race is still continued, “For unless ye thus look unto Jesus ye will grow weary.” Consider. Him that endured such contradiction. Christ was the Master of this house, of his church, his people, as well as their Maker. So Hebrews 3:17 Hebrews 3:18, are interrogative: (1) the beginning of the provocation, soon after the departure from Egypt, is marked in Hebrews 3:16; (2) the forty years of it in the wilderness, Hebrews 3:17; (3) the denial of entrance into the land of rest, Hebrews 3:18. He is the one we believe God sent to save us and to be our high priest. 13 Instead, help each other to be strong every day. We belong to his house if we continue to believe in Christ. He will do what he has promised to do. Hebrews 3:3 associated Moses with the house, Jesus with Him who builded it; of what nature this relation was, is … μέχρι τέλους, Hebrews 3:6; Hebrews 3:14) the continued existence of the earthly world, which, with the Parousia of Christ—thought of as near at hand (Hebrews 10:25; Hebrews 10:37)—attains its end. God save us from ossification of heart, petrifaction of heart, till we get a heart of love or a heart of stone-may God save us from this. That would be a very bad thing to do. 4 Every house has someone who built it. ‘You must listen when you hear God speak today. And there are none, even the strongest of the flock, who do not need help of other Christians. Bible Language English. He himself made it possible for us to be clean from our sins. 2 That is what God sent Jesus to do. Hebrews 4 – Easy English Bible (EASY) – 1 God promised his people that they could go to his special place of rest. The special foundership of Christ does not contradict or exclude the general … 6 But Christ serves in God's house as a son, not as a servant. After he had done that, he returned to heaven. Those people did not trust God. The deceitfulness of sin hardens the soul; one sin allowed makes way for another; and every act of sin confirms the habit. All sin, especially sin committed by God's professing, privileged people, not only provokes God, but it grieves him. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers (5) As a servant. He is the leader of God's people today. 3 … 3 … New International Version Update. 2 It was because of their faith that God said good things about the people of long ago. Hebrews 3:1-6. Hebrews 3:12: A Warning Against Unbelief; Hebrews 3:1; HEINRICH MEYER. Hebrews 3, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, by Charles Ellicott has been an oft consulted resource by many a preacher! Cancel {{#items}} {{local_name}} {{/items}} Book. The superior worth and dignity of Christ above Moses is shown. God is loth to destroy any in, or for their sin; he waits long to be gracious to them. All of them were the people that Moses led away from Egypt. I said, “They always want to do what is wrong. God is ready to help us to do that. 1 So, Christian friends, think carefully … 3. Hebrews 3:16. easyenglish.bibleBooks > EasyEnglish Bible >. Hebrews 3:1 Consider Jesus; Hebrews 3:6 Confidence and Rejoicing of Hope; Hebrews 3:7, 8 Hear His Voice; Hebrews 3:13 The Lies of the Temptress; Hebrews 3:14 A Momentous 'If' HENRY MAHAN. And we will do this the rather, and the more diligently, because it is impossible for those who were once enlightened — With the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus, (Ephesians 4:21,) and have been made … Jesus Greater Than Moses. Christ is to be considered as the Apostle of our profession, the Messenger sent by God to men, the great Revealer of that faith which we profess to hold, and of that hope which we profess to have. Let those that think they stand take heed lest they fall. Do not think that sin will not hurt you. 1 So, my brothers and sisters, those chosen by God to be his holy people, think about Jesus. Read full chapter In this way, Moses showed clearly the message that God would speak later. 1 So, Christian friends, think carefully about who Jesus is. While that is still true, do not refuse to obey God. Cancel {{#items}} {{/items}} 3. As a *human being, Jesus was the Son of God. Jesus is the High Priest of our profession, Hebrews 3:1.And is counted worthy of more honor than Moses, as the Son Israelites did, and were excluded from the earthly rest in Canaan, Hebrews 3:7-11.We should be on our guard against unbelief, Hebrews 3:12.And exhort each other, lest we be hardened through the … 2 Jesus was faithful to the one who appointed him just like Moses was faithful in God’s house. Do not refuse to trust God. He said, ‘They will never arrive in my special place of rest.’. 4 That is important, because we must not turn away from Christ, after we have first believed in him. The same spirit with which Christians set out in the ways of God, they … Neither are there any so low and despised, but the care of their standing in the faith, and of their safety, belongs to all. As the Son he is he that built, but it is as one with God who built all things. "Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament". Hebrews 3:3-4. When Jesus came into this world, he became for a little time lower than the *angels. Version. Font Size. In this, Jesus is superior to the *angels. Jesus is greater than Moses. Cancel. Hebrews 3 – Jesus, Superior to Moses A. The hardening of the heart is the spring of all other sins. He went and he sat at the … But sin, long persisted in, will make God's wrath discover itself in destroying the impenitent; there is no resting under the wrath of God. The happiness of being partakers of Christ and his complete salvation, and the fear of God's wrath and eternal misery, should stir us up to persevere in the life of obedient faith. We must continue to trust him until the end of our lives. Hebrews 3 Commentary, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this volume commentary on the Bible is highly regarded for his very prudent and judicious expositions Jesus Is Greater Than Moses. 14 We must continue to trust Christ very well, as we did when we first believed in him. He did everything God wanted him to do in God’s house. Hebrews 3. 3 But he deserves greater glory than Moses in the same way that the builder of the house deserves … As a result, they never arrived in God's special place. English Standard Version (ESV) Bible Book List. The Hebrews believe that the law from God came by *angels. The second clause seems to be a condensed expression of this thought: “But He that built this house … Jesus Is Greater Than Moses. They wanted to see if I would punish them. But God is the one who has built all things. In particular, the fact that Jesus Christ is fully human is what allows Him to be our ultimate example, High Priest, and the "Captain" of our salvation (Hebrews 2:10). (3.) 2 God made him our high priest, and he was faithful to God just as Moses was. 3 We know that someone who builds a house is more important than the house itself. Hebrews 12 – Easy English Bible (EASY) – 1 So, we have learned about many people who trusted God long ago. They have understood God's message. The Son's powerful word causes everything to continue. 3 Therefore, brothers and sisters who are partners in the heavenly calling, think about Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession. The application of built or established to Christ (Hebrews 3:3) is guarded against possible misapprehension. Let those that think they stand, take heed lest they fall. All Rights Reserved. Then we will share in everything that is his. 3 The Son shows us completely what God is like. Perseverance in faith is the best evidence of the sincerity of our faith. Moses was a faithful servant; Christ, as the eternal Son of God, is rightful Owner and Sovereign Ruler of the Church. Every meditation on his person and his salvation, will suggest more wisdom, new motives to love, confidence, and obedience. He helps us as God's most important priest. Close and serious thoughts of Christ bring us to know more of him. (1a) Therefore: who we are in light of the previous paragraphs. So they died and their bodies remained in the wilderness. 3 Behind () the second curtain was a second section [] called the Most Holy Place, 4 having the golden () altar of incense and () the ark of the covenant covered on all sides with gold, in which was () a golden urn holding the manna, and () Aaron's staff that budded, and () the tablets of the covenant. We must not turn away from Jesus. 3 Yes, we must choose to go on from those early lessons! Christ is the establisher, but not by any independent will or agency. Hebrews 3 Jesus is greater than Moses. Charitable Incorporated Organisation 1162807, Change Language {{#items}} {{local_title}} {{/items}} ← Language. Twice over we are warned of this, to avoid hardness of heart. Hebrews 3 Commentary ; F B MEYER. 2 That is what God sent Jesus to do. Hearing the word often is a means of salvation, yet, if not hearkened to, it will expose more to the Divine wrath. He helps us as God's most important priest. He took care of all God's people. The same spirit with which Christians set out in the ways of God, they should maintain unto the end. 5 We say that Moses served God well, like a servant in God's house. 3 Because of faith, we understand about how God made the universe. Consider him thus. As Jesus, our Saviour, our Healer, the great Physician of souls. (1-6) The Hebrews are warned of the sin and danger of unbelief. Therefore: From the previous chapter, we are left with the picture of Jesus as our heavenly High Priest. And this we will do — We will go on to perfection; if God permit — That is, afford assistance and opportunity. Hebrews: Bible Study and Commentary. Moses served God well when he was the leader of God's people long ago. Do not turn away from God, who lives for ever. And we are God's people. 2 He was faithful to the one who appointed him, just as Moses was faithful in all God’s house. In the same way, we should praise Jesus more than we praise Moses, because Jesus is greater. 11 Because of that, I promised to punish them. © 2021 EasyEnglish is a system of simple English designed by Wycliffe Associates (UK). But to provoke God, when he is letting us see that we entirely depend and live upon him, is a provocation indeed. They have started to enjoy … As Christ, the Messiah, anointed for the office both of Apostle and High Priest. Keith Simons. He was angry with those same people. God gave his name great honour when he raised him from the dead. Hebrews 3 Commentary; J VERNON MCGEE. Hebrews 11, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, One of over 110 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, by Charles Ellicott has been an oft consulted resource by many a preacher! Here, the subject turns to explain … Introduction. Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers ... Dorscheus, Valckenaer), but (comp. “They will never arrive in my special place of rest.” ’. English Standard Version Update. Consider what he is in himself, what he is to us, and what he will be to us hereafter and for ever. We tell people that we believe in Jesus as the messenger that God has sent. Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, a. "Take heed:" all who would get safe to heaven must look about them; if once we allow ourselves to distrust God, we may soon desert him. That is a lie. As our obedience follows according to the power of our faith, so our sins and want of care are according to the prevailing of unbelief in us. The sins of others, especially of our relations, should be warnings to us. 15 We have seen what the Bible says: Do not be like God's people many years ago, 16 Who were those people who heard God speak? Christian brethren have need to be cautioned against apostasy. EASY . The first two chapters were mostly about how Jesus Christ is superior to angels. Will be sure in our minds about things that I did his people, we... When he is in himself, what he is in himself, what he is the one who appointed just... Other sins as God 's most important priest should be warnings to us, God chosen. Contradict or exclude the general … Hebrews chapter 3 makes an important shift in.. Serves in God ’ s house things about the things that we trust God: will. One sin allowed makes way for another ; and every act of sin confirms the habit about God. 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