Courtesy and Christianity agree well together. 5. How ready was Paul to acknowledge in others any kind of precedency! None of them knew that their names would be enshrined in Scripture for millions of Christians down through the ages to read. When Priscilla and Aquila were at Ephesus, though but sojourners there, yet there also they had a church in their house, 1 Corinthians 16:19. It is manifested according to the commandment of the everlasting God--the purpose, counsel, and decree of God from eternity, and the commission and appointment given first to Christ and then to the apostles, in the fulness of time. (2.) Be strong therefore in the grace which is in Christ Jesus. But they serve their own belly--their carnal, sensual, secular interests. But the passage is not without its interpretive difficulties. The only names that are probably not slave names are Prisca, Aquila, Urbanus, and Rufus. He explained that some will try to draw them in with flattery, but they are not legitimate preachers of Jesus Christ. The “leveling of names” was due to upwardly mobile freedmen/women who gained wealth and sought noble names and the low fertility rates and economic stagnation of the nobility. The composition of this letter was no doubt a challenging task, and may account for this greeting, the clearest record of a Pauline secretary in the New Testament. He warned to be careful of those who claim to be good and those who are evil. 5 Likewise greet the church that is in their house. 2. Cranfield refuses to make a final decision, but notes that the reference to “belly” used to be taken to refer to Jesus-followers who were committed to Jewish food laws, but seems to side more with the idea that it might be the Gentile “strong” of Romans 14:1—15:6 who despised the “weak” for their Jewish-influenced diet.27 A diet-related warning is also found in the conclusion of Hebrews, and thus is probably authentic to the end of the letter here (Heb. Here are commendations to some particular friends among those to whom he wrote, more than in any other of the epistles. We must withal be harmless as doves. Romans 4:16. Now. 3:1-2; 9:1-5; 11:2, 25-32; 15:9-12). The Old Testament does not only borrow light from, but return light to, the revelation of the New Testament. Paul stated in Romans Chapter 2 that people were storing up wrath because of their hatred. Romans chapter 16 KJV (King James Version) 1 I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea:. But. 18 For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple. The veil is rent, the shadows of the evening are done away, and life and immortality are brought to light by the gospel, and the Sun of righteousness has risen upon the world. What up, Romans? Jew and Gentile Alike Will Be Judged Equally and Fairly (2:12-16) A. 14 Salute Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, and the brethren which are with them. Scripture: Romans 11:13–24. Two of his principal attributes are here taken notice of:-- (1.) Quartus is likewise mentioned, and called a brother for as one is our Father, even Christ, so all we are brethren. But this passage is not a dry list of names. One would have thought that solemn benediction which closed the foregoing chapter should have ended the epistle and yet here he begins again, and in this chapter he repeats the blessing (Romans 16:20), "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, Amen." Some have argued that the principal referent for the passage is the moral Gentile who has not sinned like other Gentiles in the ways Paul has outlined in 1:18-32. Paul made use of a scribe, not out of state nor idleness, but because he wrote a bad hand, which was not very legible, which he excuses, when he writes to the Galatians with his own hand (Galatians 6:11): pelikois grammasi--with what kind of letters. Because of the pernicious policy of these seducers, Romans 16:18. Second, there are greetings to Paul’s acquaintances within the Roman house churches. 1. Paul may choose Phoebe simply because she is a prominent woman. Observe the gratitude of Paul in mentioning her particular kindness to him: And to myself also. rom 16:0. The oaths and covenants in the written word are but the copy of the oath and covenant which were between the Father and the Son from eternity: those the extracts, these the original. 16 - Same mind Having a spirit of cooperation even when personal opinions differ; be the mind of Christ. Some that were his particular friends, and probably known to the Roman Christians: Timotheus my work-fellow. Because of the peril we are in, through our proneness and aptness to be inveigled and ensnared by them: "For your obedience has come abroad unto all men--you are noted in all the churches for a willing, tractable, complying people." I am not lying. 3 Greet Priscilla and Aquila my helpers in Christ Jesus: 4 Who have for my life laid down their own necks: unto whom not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles. Erastus the chamberlain of the city saluteth you, and Quartus a brother. 3:8,12. Entertain her bid her welcome." She relieved many that were in want and distress--a good copy for women to write after that have ability. This strategy is that women of the Roman house churches are named and endorsed as leaders. 2. Thus the Old-Testament prophets prophesy again, now their prophecies are fulfilled, before many people, and nations, and tongues. Religion, in the power of it, reigning in a family, will turn a house into a church. Romans 16:2 Lit and of me, myself; Romans 16:5 I.e., west coast province of Asia Minor; Romans 16:7 Or possibly Junias (masc) Romans 16:7 Lit have become; Romans 16:15 See note 1 v 2; Romans 16:17 Lit occasions of stumbling; Romans 16:18 Lit belly; Romans 16:23 Late mss add as v 24: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. She received Paul’s hearty commendation. Help CBE spread the message that #Godvalueswomen. "Receive her in the Lord," that is, "for the Lord's sake receive her as a servant and friend of Christ." "Let them know that I remember them, and love them, and wish them well." 2. We preach not ourselves, says Paul, but Christ Jesus the Lord. He had cautioned them before against simplicity: now they, being conscious of their own great weakness and folly, might think, "How shall we evade and escape these snares that are laid for us? How studious was Paul to leave none out of his salutations that he had any knowledge of or acquaintance with! As we examine the five parts of Romans 16, we will see that this chapter functions as an envelope for the letter. Some think he means especially that declaration, explication, and application, of the doctrine of the gospel, which he had now made in this epistle but it rather takes in all the preaching and writing of the apostles, among whom Paul was a principal labourer. Such remembrances as these are usual in letters between friends and yet Paul, by the savouriness of his expressions, sanctifies these common compliments. 20 And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. He was one of … 19 For your obedience is come abroad unto all men. Let this quicken us to our spiritual conflict, to fight the good fight of faith--we have to do with a conquered enemy, and the victory will be perfect shortly. Scripture: Romans 16:25–27. Peter Lampe takes the investigation of these names further by noting what Paul says about the various people mentioned. Concerning Rufus (Romans 16:13), chosen in the Lord. 1co0110. Of Epenetus it is further said that he was the first-fruit of Achaia unto Christ not only one of the most eminent believers in that country, but one of the first that was converted to the faith of Christ: one that was offered up to God by Paul, as the first-fruits of his ministry there an earnest of a great harvest for in Corinth, the chief city of Achaia, God had much people, Acts 18:10. Dec 24, 2006. The second is that they were mature and dedicated believers who he wants to commend and salute. (2.) His power (Romans 16:25): To him that is of power to establish you. ... Romans 16:25 "Now to Him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret … Paul sometimes calls Timothy his son, as an inferior but here he styles him his work-fellow, as one equal with him, such a respect does he put upon him: and Lucius, probably Lucius of Cyrene, a noted man in the church of Antioch (Acts 13:1), as Jason was at Thessalonica, where he suffered for entertaining Paul (Acts 17:5,6): and Sosipater, supposed to be the same with Sopater of Berea, mentioned Acts 20:4. The commandment of the everlasting God was enough to bear out the apostles and ministers of the gospel in their preaching. Not only do they comprise 35% of the believers mentioned, 12 Salute Tryphena and Tryphosa, who labour in the Lord. 8. It is also used in verse 21 when Paul sends greetings from his ministry team. Their God is their belly, Philippians 3:19. CHAPTER 16 Romans 16:1-27. That which establishes souls is the plain preaching of Jesus Christ. Observe, Paul bespeaks help for one that had been so helpful to many he that watereth shall be watered also himself. True love never sticks at labour, but rather takes a pleasure in it where there is much love there will be much labour. 451201 > ROMANS 12:1-21 HERE we enter on the second division of this Epistle, where Paul, according to his accustomed method, enforces the duties of believers, by arguments dependent on his previous exhibition of the grand and influential doctrines of the Gospel.These doctrines, as well as all the commandments of God, may be summed up in one word, namely, in\parLOVE. These repeated benedictions, which stand for valedictions, speak Paul loth to part. 1. Our redemption and salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, are, without controversy, a great mystery of godliness. [2.] We must never look for any new revelation, but abide by this, for this is according to the commandment of the everlasting God. The ship that is known to be richly laden is most exposed to privateers. 22 I Tertius, who wrote this epistle, salute you in the Lord. Epp shows the research supporting this assertion is actually inconclusive, and cites the native Greek speaker John Chrysostom’s clear testimony that the text is indicating that Junia, a woman, is regarded as an apostle.24, The scope of addressees listed here shows us that Paul is embracing a Christianity in which women labor as leaders and in which slaves and people of differing ethnic origins are accorded full place. Do not strike in with any dividing interests, nor embrace any of those principles or practices which are destructive to Christian love and charity, or to the truth which is according to godliness.--Their word will eat as doth a canker." 1 Edwards, Romans, p. 354. For this body of men and women it seems that theology—this theology!—was THE living theme.…In fact, these men and women are more surprising than are the other historical problems raised by the Epistle to the Romans. Hold out therefore, faith and patience, yet a little while when we have once got through the Red Sea, we shall see our spiritual enemies dead on the shore, and triumphantly sing the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb. He is only wise not the Father only wise, exclusive of the Son, but Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, three persons and one God, only wise, compared with the creatures. This Paul suggests with a great deal of modesty and tenderness not as one suspicious of them, but as one solicitous for them: "You obedience has come abroad unto all men we grant this and rejoice in it: I am glad therefore on your behalf." In this version, the final two chapters, which were tied to the circumstances in Paul’s life and the specific addressees of the letter, as well as the destination phrases (“in Rome”) in 1:7, 15, were omitted in order to make the letter more relevant for the church at large.3. "Be wise to try the spirits, to prove all things, and then to hold fast that only which is good." A caution to take heed of those who caused divisions, Romans 16:17-20. Illustrations of this need in baptism, in visiting the women’s part of a house, in introducing women to the deacon or bishop, may be found in the Apostolical Constitutions.7 In the volume that replaced this commentary for the International Critical Commentary series, Cranfield proves to be more open to Phoebe’s status as holder of a definite office: It is very much more natural…to understand it as referring to a definite office. 1:1). 1:1 and 1 Tim. Jason and Sōsipatros seem to be identified as Jews here. It is a holy simplicity, not to be able to contrive, nor palliate, nor carry on, any evil design akeraious--harmless, unmixed, inoffensive. This letter, written before the gospels, is well ahead of the gospel authors who used “in memory of her” simultaneously to commemorate and render anonymous the woman who anointed Jesus (Matt. EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: The original manuscripts for the closing section of the book of Romans vary considerably. There may be occasion sometimes to improve our interest in our friends, not only for ourselves, but for others also, interest being a price in the hand for doing good. To him bear all the prophets witness. The wisdom of the serpent becomes Christians, but not the subtlety of the old serpent. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. The history of translations of this word in Romans 16:1 provides a picture in microcosm of how churches have tried to negotiate their way through the question of women in the diaconate. (2.) Before the foundation of the world was laid, the mystery was hid in God, Ephesians 3:9. In thanking God, we fasten upon his favours to us in praising and adoring God, we fasten upon his perfections in himself. Scripture: Romans 16:25–27. EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: The original manuscripts for the closing section of the book of Romans vary considerably. The parallels drawn between this warning and those in Philippians 3:2-21 and Galatians 6:11-15 make it appear likely that Paul could easily enter a warning mode when concluding his letters.25 Cranfield even argues that these verses are not so abrupt, since the greetings are completely concluded in 16:16 and greetings from Paul’s logistics/secretarial team begin at 16:21.26. Who were these people that Paul warned the Romans to avoid? We will list four … It seems, then, there were some good servants, or other retainers, even in the family of a wicked man, a common case, Compare v. 2. John Piper Dec 24, 2006 181 Shares God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him it is important as you need to transform your mind, renew it, think differently and knowing that the past is gone and the future is as per God’s plan if only you allow the holy spirit to lead. One such difficulty worth discussing here involves the question of to whom the passage is directed. None of the people listed in Romans 16 were famous or powerful in the world’s eyes. And doubtless it had a good influence upon this that Priscilla the good wife of the family was so very eminent and forward in religion, so eminent that she is often named first. These Paul calls his kinsmen not only more largely, as they were Jews, but as they were in blood or affinity nearly allied to him. John Piper Dec 7, 2003 20 Shares Sermon. A holy jealousy of our friends may very well comport with a holy joy in them. of the church in Cenchreae. For example, I. Howard Marshall is very positive about the content of this benediction, as is plain from his title “Romans 16:25-27—An Apt Conclusion.”28, I consider this to be a benediction but not a complete summary of the message of Romans. Now, in this closing chapter, we may observe, I. 1. Romans 16:16 "Salute one another with a holy kiss. It has been the common policy of seducers to set upon those who are softened by convictions, and begin to enquire what they shall do, because such do most easily receive the impressions of their opinions. The obedience of faith is that obedience which is paid to the word of faith (see that phrase, Acts 6:7), and which is produced by the grace of faith. 2. And we may observe. Read Romans 16:1-16, then discuss these questions: (1) What evidence is there in this passage of the work that women did in the first Christian churches? Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Romans 1:16-17; 3:22 EXEGESIS: ROMANS 1-3. You are a willing good-natured people, but you had best take heed of being imposed upon by those seducers." Thus does he insinuate their commendation, the better to make way for the caution. Some wives are better able to explain Bible doctrine than their husbands, and in the right setting it is permissible for the woman to take the lead (though certainly not in a local church teaching situation). Figure 1, “Translations diakonon and prostatis in Romans 16:1-2,” provides a survey of how these words have been translated. So the reformed church of Paris might be called the church at Charenton, where they formerly met, out of the city. See Luke 24:27. To this therefore he subjoins the benediction, The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you--the good-will of Christ towards you, the good work of Christ in you. The name was understood as a woman apostle by all the patristic authors. To see their danger: Mark those who cause divisions and offences. Chapter Contents. Now Christ appears to have been the treasure hid in the field of the Old Testament. Here is the recommendation of a friend, by whom (as some think) this epistle was sent--one Phebe, Romans 16:1,2. The matter of this praise. And, [2.] As N. T. Wright writes in another essay in this volume, “I used to think Romans 16 was the most boring chapter in the letter…” (see p. 7). A doxology to that God whose gospel it is, ascribing glory to him for ever (Romans 16:27), acknowledging that he is a glorious God, and adoring him accordingly, with the most awful affections, desiring and longing to be at this work with the holy angels, where we shall be doing it to eternity. Tip: to find an exact phrase or title, enclose it in quotation marks. 4 They risked their lives for me. Lastly, He concludes with the recommendation of them to the love and embraces one of another: Salute one another with a holy kiss. 91:13; Acts 28:3-6; Rev. Jesus Christ in the Book of Romans A Final Prayer. Concerning Epenetus, Romans 16:5. So he calls Amplias, beloved in the Lord, with true Christian love for Christ's sake and Stachys, his beloved: a sign that Paul had been in the third heaven, he was so much made up of love. Whether she had business of trade, or law-business at the court, is not material however being a woman, a stranger, a Christian, she had need of help: and Paul engaged them to be assistant to her. Hard evidence for the feminization of Paul’s ministry strategy comes first from his commendation of Phoebe. As the Apostle had before sent his own salutations to many of this church, and that of the churches round him to them all, he here adds an affectionate remembrance of them from some particular persons who were now with him, the better to promote acquaintance and fellowship among distant saints, and that the subscribing of these worthy names, known to them, might the more recommend this epistle. with other early manuscripts of Romans, there is clear evidence that in the second century, if not before, a fourteen-chapter version of the letter once circulated, composed of 1:1-14:23 plus 16:25-27. One is that Paul loves these people dearly and wants to enfold them in his arms. 7 Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellowprisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me. The five sections of chapter 16 begin with a commendation and introduction of Phoebe, the woman who probably carried the letter and perhaps read it to some of the house churches in Rome. To be wise unto that which is good, that is, to be skilful and intelligent in the truths and ways of God. (16,17) The sins of the Gentiles set forth. 16:1– Phoebe was the woman who delivered Paul’s letter to the Romans.She was highly commended by him. Therefore it — The blessing; is of faith, that it might be by grace — That it might appear to flow from the free love of God; that God might magnify the riches of his grace, in proposing justification and eternal life to us, in a way that might, in multitudes of instances, be effectual. John Piper Dec 14, 2003 44 Shares Sermon apt to assault them her! Probably known to the Romans is at stake in what terms we use women. Saints at Rome, and probably known to the Roman Christians, but rather takes a pleasure in where... 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