It's surprising how far URI takes its apparent dedication to freedom of expression. Its a very fun place to be. There are very few good things about URI anymore. Generally people are impressed when i say i'm in the chemical engineering department at URI, and a german major. One thing I would change is that there is no shuttle to off campus locations from URI's campus. The 10 Worst Dorms In America: DormSplash List This just in from our friends at DormSplash -- there is now officially a worst dorm in America, and it's located at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. most frequent complaints: there are a ton of commuters, parking is always an issue, you will never hear the end of it. I had freinds directly affected by that, and they're leaving URI because of it. There is a large amount of school pride at U.R.I. I spend a lot of my time at the University's farm, where i help out with all of the animals. Some of my proudest accomplishments at URI involve conquering this bureaucracy, so to speak, and just getting done what needs to be done without dealing with the systematic hiccups that seem to appear all to often. I had a few differnt advisors throughout my time at the university and was constantly given inconsistant and in many cases inaccurate information. A lot of people who come here are local or came with a group of friends. From looking like prisons to having elevators that never work, these are the 10 worst dorms … One of the wost things at the University of Rhode Island would have to be the fact that classes get filled up so quickly. ", for good and for bad. This is an offer for educational opportunities that may lead to employment and not an offer for nor a guarantee of employment. is the only approved & exclusive residence hall partner for over 900 colleges. The biggest recent controversy on campus was the graphic genocide posters and images of pro-life protesters on campus. URI really is in the middle of nowhere, so get used to driving for at least twenty minutes if (when, really) you decide to move off campus, or to get to the nearest Citizen's Bank, or a real grocery store, or the bars, etc. Many people have fun at the games and there is even an organization called "The Mob" that has a section for dedicated fans who cheer and root on our players. The college is a perfect size I think at around 14,000. I would consider the fact that half the students at my school live locally and compute to school each day. The School is just the right size to meet so many different interesting people. URI will always be for academics-- no matter ho hard the adminstration pushes all these job-based majors; business, accounting, engineering, pharmacy, nursing, education--it will always be a place for real academics, and that is a beautiful thing. The rain. 7. The worst thing about my school is dorm life. Springfest week was the best time during the year... there were concerts or movies every night and events during the day like "mocktails" and a thing where you could make personal signs... it was a lot of fun. If not, dining hall food can be good if you get creative and maintain enough variety. the school size is ok, ppl think its cool to go to URI. People who have spent their entire lives reading philosophy come to take classes with professors whose students have no idea how renowned they really are. There really isn't a lot of school pride, probably due to the fact that the football team is so dissapointing. It was built after I graduated, but i have visited recently and had my fiance guest me during a few meals. Nowhere is perfect, and there have been things in the past that upset me about how the school is run. This is great for people that bring a lot of stuff to college with them, or … It was not just a fall back plan for me. Part of me wonders if they don't allow this to avoid being seen as too liberal, considering the amount of activist undertones that lay in the presentations of many invited academic speakers and even some of the courses, but I admit that is speculation. This kind of support net is critical at the beginning of an academic endeavour, and I'm afraid I missed out on things that I may have been more successful at due to this lack of guidance. The food. i thought it was huge and the worst school ever. The fact that the current administration places far more importance on the school's image than on the actual happiness of the student body. I spend most of my time in the library because I need absolute quiet to get my work done. The Princeton Review recently compiled a list of the colleges with the worst dorms. Walking into your floor's bathroom is equivalent to walking through a chemical wasteland. Many of our residence halls are either renovated or brand new, and some are certified as environmentally “green.” Our […] URI has been pretty good to me so far. One thing I really appreciated about URI when I came here as a freshmen were the living and learning communities. About Us. It is entirely possible to "coast" through four years at URI without really thinking about any of this, but you wouldn't be here if you didn't want to really think about this decision, right? University of Mississippi: Miller Hall was apparently so bad that it was torn down to make way for new dorms. The fourth would be not enough study rooms in the library during finals season. By providing information or agreeing to be contacted by a Sponsored School, you are in no way obligated to apply to or enroll with the school. I would have to say that there isn't anything bad to say about my school. Terrible dorms can strike anyone, it seems. There are few teachers at the higher level classes, and therefore a small selection of topics available. I therefore miss out on meeting a whole population of kids. Some other reviews here have mentioned the recent controversy with the anti-abortion protests and their large images of aborted fetuses (foetuses for you British English speakers). However, Narragansett, otherwise known as "down the line", or "Gansett" is a huge college town. I feel like the quality of all other classes is a crapshoot, sometimes you get a good teacher, sometimes you dont. And then the realization sinks in that people come from all over the world just to come to URI. Unfortunately the area surrounding URI is pretty dull when its not beach season. The campus is also a decent size and you may have to do a lot of walking depending on where your classes are. When picking out your preferred dorm, there is a lot to consider such as location, roommate situations, and one of the most important, the style. Part of me wonders if they don't allow this to avoid being seen as too liberal, considering the amount of activist undertones that lay in the presentations of many invited academic speakers and even some of the courses, but I admit that is speculation. The school is so wonderful. The more people you meet, the more fun you will have. Only on very sunny, warm days when everyone is hanging out on the quad will anyone really see the large volume of students who are on campus every day. Students should consult with a representative from the school they select to learn more about career opportunities in that field. However, on the scarce occasion when I have free time and no work between classes, I enjoy sitting on the quad and talking with friends. I don't like that it's kind of in the middle of nowhere. The best way to describe U.R.I. Other than that I didn't have any bad experiences here at URI. The houses are cheap, big, and in communities composed primarily of students. Students should consult with a representative from the school they select to learn more about career opportunities in that field. Financial aid may be available to those who qualify. Groups set early on, races don't mix much, there isn't much opportunity for creating new social networks after freshman year Learning Communities. The old buildings with ivy growing along the sides, a beautiful quad, and an awesome location near the beach has got to be one of the best highlights URI offers. The faculty are extremely impressive, and some I would consider life changing. She was paying for food she couldn't even eat! The fifth and last most frequent complaint would be that you can't take food or drinks out of the dining hall, not even a cookie. Overall the school is decent and I think it will be making huge strides forward soon, which will make it a great school and will aid to your portfolio. The dorms were nice for freshman and the food was actually good. It has so many programs that lead to such profitable careers. And then the realization sinks in that people come from all over the world just to come to URI. I think the recent budget cuts were unfair to almost everyone and those who are not concerned just dont realise how ti will affect them in the long run. Failed to call the server. fabrizio 5660 replies 106 threads Senior Member. ", for good and for bad. Lots of school pride. I think that making URI a dry campus was a very bad idea. The Administration at URI sucks and makes very bad decisions. As it stand right now you're looking at Eastward or Bonnet Shores. This is the place where you’ll meet lifelong friends, share common interests, explore new ideas, and build a strong foundation for your college experience. Overall, its a nice looking campus. On campus housing buildings are for the most part grouped along one road, making it easy to socialize. The Department of Housing and Residential Life has been making extensive improvements and renovations over the past 15 years to residence halls at the University of Rhode Island. ... Tutoring Services at the University of Rhode Island. My experiences at URI athletic events. Well, there's a thread titled greatest dorms. I'm constantly encountering situations that make me go "Really? It's the local state university. I was part of a learning community meaning that for your freshmen year all of the same students were in your classes. 17 Dec 2018. The school pride is okay. Session Timeout. Clubs also liven up the campus if you are motivated enough to become involved. Recently LGBT had issues with housing and safety concerns. At the top of campus is also a plaza called the emporium, which has an abundance of delicious restaurants and a couple stores. It is big enough to meet new people and small enough to have close ties with many people and see them frequently. It was also good for study groups and doing group projects becasue we all had the same classes. People who have spent their entire lives reading philosophy come to take classes with professors whose students have no idea how renowned they really are. After the first week i found out that uri was perfect. I believe that URI needs to do a better job of recognizing this and institute daily shuttles to the Narragansett area. The school is trying to change that image by building new dorms (which are beautiful) and putting in a student center and dining hall; but the bottom line is that on the weekends, kids want to go to house parties, or go to the beach. The most important thing to realize is that these great opportunities won't always be thrust upon you, but instead you have to go work to get them. The only sport that our school shows spirit for is our basketball team. OneClass Blog Admin. Along with the commuter statistic, a very frequent complaint is parking on campus. The emporium has a CVS and many food places that deliver until 2 or 3am so you do not need to go off campus if you don't have a car. And yet, the more I complain about this, the more professors who have transferred from more rigorous, academically competitive schools (a fact surprising in itself) tell me that URI has by far the least "red tape" of any institution they've been a part of. My current roomate is gluten free and eating at the cafeteria was impossible for her. This will help reduce parking problems (which is a major issue at this University) as well as reduce the ammount of drunk driving. URI is an amazing school, especially for animal sciences and marine biology which is what i am going for. however, this year all those kids who got stickers ended up getting brought to some fancy party by like red bull or something and got free drinks all night (this isnt made up) so maybe it's worth it..? After the first week i found out that uri was perfect. The campus is renovating and now there are a lot more places to hang out and do work, not just the library. I love living off campus in a beautiful beach house with great ocean views, yet i am only a 5-10 minute drive to campus. I have some complaints in th engineering college, but i don't think URI is directly in charge of that. So what does this mean for you? URI is a mid-to-large size school, but it has a small school feel. When it rains really badly some areas on campus flood. Not many people are crazy over academics or just hanging out, but then again this is the same for many schools. People say believe URI is just a fall back school. The environment is pleasant which is something I like. the best thing is the new dining hall. However, staff is very nice and daily cleaning … There are some professors on campus who shouldn't be teaching (mainly our chemistry department) and discourage students. Evangelical preachers occupy the quad at least once a year with full permission from the administration to tell everyone all the reasons they are forbidden from entering God's kingdom, to paraphrase it nicely. However, there is an effort from both sides to repair that damaged relationship. The majority of social life takes place off campus. People from South Korea come to be pharmacists. ... when i went to orientation, i hated the school. Although I opted to not live in a living community, if I had I would be living with the same people who I was taking all my classes with. Having classes a mile apart is bad enough, so the vertical incline is unnecessary. And yet, the more I complain about this, the more professors who have transferred from more rigorous, academically competitive schools (a fact surprising in itself) tell me that URI has by far the least "red tape" of any institution they've been a part of. Birx predicted that the months ahead will bear little resemblance to the worst days of COVID-19, when businesses closed and URI, like other schools, stopped in … Funny enough, there was a case study done on the Chaffee building due to mold and asbestos. Basketball is a big deal to us. I love the size of URI, its big enough that you can get lost in it, but small enough that you'll probably see at least one person you know walking around. The food there definitely makes up for the redundant, underseasoned dining hall meals if you can afford to pay for take out. Although I loved my time at URI, I found my experince with my faculty advisors to be very difficult. For me personally, the school is the perfect size. U.R.I. The one thing I would change the most is the recent decision to cut many programs and professors at URI. I am all for people having their own opinions, but there are certain ways to go about attempting to spread them and they must also keep in mind the emotions and impact the can induce in others. also set up engineering dorms for freshman which really came in handy. Evangelical preachers occupy the quad at least once a year with full permission from the administration to tell everyone all the reasons they are forbidden from entering God's kingdom, to paraphrase it nicely. Get matched to scholarships that are perfect for you! It is a good size for people from towns and smaller cities. The worst thing about URI is the fact that housing requires a meal plan (if you aren't in an apartment which is mainly offered to Seniors). This really enforced the idea of study groups into my study skills early on. Narrow down over 1,000,000 scholarships with personalized results. But so far in my experience the teachers in the upper level classes are excellent, and as long as your not too shy to ask for help with a basic concept they are more than willing to help you. I love the location of the campus. The department hopes that with these changes, housing options on campus will become more popular and sought after, especially for upperclassmen. When I tell people I go to URI they get very jealous because they know how close it is to the beach... something URI students love and take advantage of. From the day you move into your tiny dorm room to the day you walk away in a cap and gown, college seems like an extended vacation from the … Walking to class gets rough because the available parking spots are at the bottom of campus (which means bottom of the hill) and the wind is enough to drive anyone crazy. This is primarily due to the fact that there is such a large percentage of commuters as well as the fact that the different majors are all segregated in their own buildings. I honestly love URI, and I firmly believe that attending this university was the best decision i made. Most of the proffessors are willing to help you out but they also expect you to work hard. URI is a school full of surprises. There is not a lot of leniency when it comes to extracurricular ativites.. Students end up either focusing on work, or turning their preference to extracurricular activities. By Huffington Post Staff, Photo by Sioux City Journal . The quality of education is not consistent, even throughout different sessions of the same class. There needs to be consistency. All the kids in the dorm were in most of my classes. The size was great and most of the professors were really nice. The administration's alcohol policy has pushed the burden of dealing with parties and drinking onto the surrounding community, which causes a strain on the relationship between students and local residents. I work at the Union and if you are out of state getting a job on campus is your best bet. Smaller once you do, you have found your niche, then the school and. Drug increase at our school shows spirit for is our basketball team stayed up night. But not all our sports are up to six or seven Hours until their club of meets. Thing to happen to my academic career bureaucracy builds up over the next few months studying when the weather not! To a football game and do n't recognize the name of the restaurants will deliver right to your.. Other and work together in their classes and curriculum the clases are very few good things about living in dorm. An amazing place little clicky, but Tutoring does into my study skills early on is pretty.... 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