Exhibition. minds. New knowledge then . OT2: Knowledge and Technology. From world-views and world-pictures is determined what and how we understand what our personal and shared knowledge are to be. The German poet and mystic Angelus Silesius once wrote: The rose is without why; it blooms because it blooms, / It pays no attention to itself, asks not whether it is seen. What is it that distinguishes human beings from a rose? fides} is the affirmation of, or conviction regarding, the truth of a proposition, whether or not one is in possession of evidence adequate to justify a claim that the proposition is known with certainty (the principle of sufficient reason). Although these methods are different from the ones in other areas of knowledge, they are still valuable methods of inquiry. If the "newly acquired knowledge" makes significantly more sense than the "established" values, it would seem to make good sense to change your values, providing the new knowledge does not violate your ethics or morals. It is a logical relation between two propositions that fails to hold only if the first is true and the second is false; or it can bea logical relationship between two propositions in which if the first is true, the second must also be true. For modern thinking, the manner in which beings are is as objects. The demands of the principle of rendering sufficient reasons creates the lack of clarity and confusion in our actions, our ethics. How can we know that current knowledge is an improvement upon past knowledge?When we speak of the improvement in something, we are implying that the thing spoken about is better or is in a better condition than it was previously. Current knowledge and historical knowledge is shown through the transition and transformation of language: language addresses itself to human beings in words that conceal the genuine face of Being. To what areas of knowledge do the images/objects you have chosen belong? As the philosopher Kant said: The mind makes the object. . What constraints are there on the pursuit of knowledge? image/object #1 is like or as image/object #2, and so on. When infinitesimal and finite calculus come to the fore, so does the theory of aesthetics as applied to the experience of a work of art. Darwin and Nietzsche: Part 3: Truth as Correctness: Its Relation to Values. Opinion is the handing over of knowledge through language and what the thing is that is handed over. The greatest constraint placed upon the pursuit of knowledge is that which is imposed by the principle of reason: nihil est sine ratione: nothing is without (a) reason. The purpose for this writing on these prompts is to provoke thought regarding our understanding of what the key concepts contained in the prompts might mean. The most common evidence is given through mathematical calculation i.e.. the thing is measured against something that is already known or something that is already taken for granted as known. Presumed familiarity with something is the proper origin of deception and error. Because not all of a work of art or a poem, for instance, can be accounted for through these calculations, we refer to our responses to them as subjective and we strive to give an account of the work which will overcome this subjectivity and will conform to the principle of sufficient reason, a giving of an adequate account with the evidence for such an account.Our mode of access to a type of thing, e.g. A world-picture, on the other hand, comes from the German Weltbild, a picture [BiId] of the world. Once again remember that technology is the theory not merely the instruments that technology has produced i.e. We doubt a claim when we are lacking certainty and reliability regarding those who are making the claim, the sources of the claim, or when the things about which the claim is being made are not sufficiently justified, that is sufficient reasons have not been supplied for the claim. Not having a complete personal knowledge of how the computer or hand phone functions is not really necessary unless they do not work and we must consult the experts to find out what has gone wrong. Any image of medicinal healing of any type can answer the questions of for whom (human beings) and for what purposes (health) because health is determined to be a good end or purpose and it has value for us. Experts help the societies of which they are members determine what is best to know within that society. From Oedipus to Hamlet and King Lear to Willy Loman, tragic heroes meet their demise, their. This system is called the technological in other areas of this writing. Can new knowledge change established values or beliefs? Bookmark. What this definition indicates is that the production of knowledge is what the Greeks called techne, and in all of those prompts that speak of the production or producing of knowledge we can be certain that the technological viewing of the world is at play. Do we really know what we mean when we say counts? Just as the essence of technology is not itself technological, so the essence of calculation and the calculable is not accessible to calculation. Technology istheoretical;the practical applications, its instrumentality, is secondary to this primary theoretical viewing. Sophists are the norm in todays societies; and because they are the norm, they should be treated with scepticism. 14. It is assessed internally, that is by your own teachers, but moderated externally by IB examiners. Human being is not aware of itself by focusing on its experiences, but in what it does, uses, expects, avoids, in things it is concerned about in the world around it. Perhaps the greatest challenge you will face is that the total word count for this document is 950 words (excluding references). are also objects that could come under consideration with this prompt. TOK. To experience can be understood in many ways. . Reasons must be rendered or handed over for the things which first give themselves to us. One can experience fear, for example, by feeling it or by witnessing it. It is directed by what is called rhetoric, and rhetoric has its own techniques. (cf. The question here is what is meant by objectivity? Modern science is applied technology, not technology as applied science. Our common understanding of values is one hazily arrived at and derived from what Aristotle called The Ethics and, for Aristotle, these had to do with the actions of human beings in defining and achieving their ends, their desires and goals. One may wish to take the journey down the path which discusses techne as that type of knowledge which is in another and for another and provide examples of various products of human endeavours that provide human beings with some good end or usefulness. It is obvious that such seeing of possibilities and potentialities is dependent upon the techneof the technological viewing and those who proceed with unethical actions will do so because they believe some personal end which will bring about their own personal eudaimoniaor happiness will be the result, and they will do so under a sense of duty or be just following the orders of their superiors. We find such certainty and surety in the knowledge that results from mathematical calculation; that is, mathematical calculation is a predication of the subject knowledge i.e. Can new knowledge change established new values and beliefs? Again, the interpretation of the prompts provided here is an interpretation only and its purpose is to provoke thought on your part as to why you have chosen the images that you have chosen and what these choices provide your audience regarding your understanding of the world. In short, your TOK exhibition is a holding forth by you demonstrating how you understand some of the key TOK terms and how you are able to apply them to the real world. Technology is the beholding of the essence of all things in advance (a priori) in the light of which human beings make and produce things and allows human beings to take a stand towards the things that are in the first place. Knowledge and politics Press to see Commentary 1 -The caste system caused a division between Indians. did not belong to Mr. Gates but came from outside of him. The what and the how of the object is already pre-determined and the inquiry is to find an understanding of the why. The Natural Sciences as an Area of Knowledge: We might begin a response to this prompt by saying that if there are things then they are knowable by the very fact of their being a thing. For knowledge of that subject, I have to turn to my daughters. To disseminate means to spread something widely so that it is available for public viewing; it is a bringing to presence of some thing so that others may be able to view it. I have written extensively on imagination in the link below and suggest a reading of this writing as a possible prod to further you along in your Exhibition of this way of knowing the world. Technology itself is a disclosive looking and is not to be understood as manufacturing. What counts as experience at a given period depends on a prior interpretation of the world that is not itself derived from or vulnerable to experience. Your email address will not be published. Knowledge as it is defined in the Oxford Dictionary involves facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. What counts as good evidence for a knowledge claim is demonstrated by the manner in which that claim is grounded i.e. An examination of what we understand as History can occur here. It is difficult to take as sane someone who does not. It is the old definition and understanding of justice: we render to others their due. What is a value? Our tragic literature and our art, generally, demonstrate that there might not be as great a separation between theory and practice as we have been led to believe. The language and engagement in the conversation that is dialecticis not the attempt to out-argue someone, but getting ones partner in the conversation to open their eyes and see; dialectic is possible between friends, not between rivals; dialectic is not political. The human observer becomes part of the system that is being investigated in the experiment and, ultimately, determines its outcome. This reign of the object as material thing, as the genuine substructure of all things, reaches into the area that we call the spiritual; into the sphere of the meaning and significance of language, of history, of the work of art, and all of the areas of knowledge of TOK. About calculus, Leibniz once wrote: When God reckons, a world comes into being; with the death of God it is, of course, human beings who do the reckoning that bring worlds into being, what we call perspectivism. Technologys erosion of human being and its enclosing of the world (the opposite of disclosing) are offset by its ability to give us experiences. This demand that reasons must be rendered is what is empoweringin the principle of reason. We call these facts, but they are facts only within the system that allows them to be seen as such. The evidence is considered adequate when the idea in the mind corresponds to the object which is under investigation and that object gives us its reasons for being as it is. Whether we are speaking of the cherry tree in bloom in the streets or the David that was once hidden in the marble and now stands in Florence, producing knowledge involves a great deal of our time as human beings both in our work and our play. Opinion is an attempt to reveal the truth of something covered over or hidden. This representational thinking, or visual thinking, determines howthe object stands i.e. Sickness in the soul is determined to be an insurrection that results when the mode of comportment of the soul comes into conflict with another mode of comportment; we might call this a conflict of conscience. Our imposition on nature to bring about any ends that we may have in view presents us with challenges and dangers that are most difficult to understand and to overcome. Can New Knowledge Change Established Values or Beliefs ), while a world-view can be either pre-scientific or scientific. The exhibition, understood as both a noun and a verb, aims to assess how you can apply TOK concepts to the real world by requiring that you bring to presence, bring out of hiding and to hold out, ex-hibit, evidence of your ability to discourse on the subject matter that you have been studying and questioning in the course. Take a closer look at the IB curriculum that you are studying. What do your choices of objects or images for this prompt indicate about you and the society of which you are a member? TOK exhibition - TOK 2022: THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE WEBSITE FOR THE IBDP You used can in your questi. He asserts that the American Constitution and his reading of the FederalistPapers#65 by Hamilton allow the President to act in any manner he deems fit regarding his re-election as long as that action is in the public interest. The sign is what is referred to as a tautology. For example, the statement: Mathematical knowledge is certain is a second-order knowledge claim because it is about mathematical knowledge, and the tools that are suggested by this prompt will usually be related to the knowledge that is produced mathematically. 15. with the way in which man withstands the There, the openness and hiddenness of the beings among which he stands. Finally, you should also include appropriate citations and references. 1, AOK: Technology and the Human Sciences Part. Can you explain it? How is the principle of reason a rendered reason? 19. This is known as the correspondence theory of truth. How can we know that current knowledge is an improvement upon past knowledge? This is a challenging task and I've created a blog post explaining how you to get all of the marks on these here ). When we ask what counts as knowledge, the language of the question should surprise us. This pretense to knowledge is what must be undercut and exposed. With its articulation, the modern age bursts into blossom. World-picture, like the concept of culture, is distinctively modern. -There were cruel beliefs linked with this system. the doctors knowledge is that of abetting what is true of nature in regard to the health of human beings. A reason is this sort of reason only if it is aratio,that is an account given about something that is in front of the person as a judging I and is given to this I. Historicism denies this truth and it asserts that there is no truth outside of the historical contexts from which it has been produced. I know this will likely bother anyone who is interested in order and logic, but I've decided to break the order of prompts so I can publish them as I record them. the soul that is not prepared for it and does not possess genuine education. 14. True education is the leading out and a liberation towards seeing revealed truth. Until they become a thing, they are not knowable. After the mind has done so, the rendering of sufficient reasons is what counts as good evidence and a good explanation, and provides the justification for the knowledge claim made about the thing. Ancient and medieval human beings were not subjects: The worlds becoming a picture is one and the same process as mans becoming a subjectum among beings. You may also wish to discuss owe and its distinctions from own and the possible implications of these in any discussion of this prompt. Thank you sm for this post!!! If we read the prompt in the light of such expressions as being in the picture, putting oneself in the picture, getting the picture which imply a complete mastery of what the picture is a picture of we see that world-picture essentially means not a picture of the world, but the world conceived as picture from within a framing. We believe we have knowledge when our representations in our minds correspond to the things that we are inquiring about. Darwin/Nietzsche Part VII: On Aristotle, Algorithms and the Principle of Contradiction and the Overturning of the True and Apparent Worlds, Part IX: Darwin/Nietzsche: Otherness, Owingness, And Nihilism, AOK: Individuals and Societies or the Human Sciences: Part One, AOK: Technology and the Human Sciences Part. These regularities determine in advance what counts as objective. The prompt indicates that human beings live within grounds or reasons and we view the objects of our world in terms of possibilities and potentialities. Before the German philosopher Leibniz declaring the principle of reason astheprinciple, it lay in hiding in the darkness of our assumptions throughout Western history. The noun logos and the verb legein from the Greek mean to gather together, to lay one beside the other. When we consider our world and the beings in it as objects we, too, experience the disappearance of otherness for it is our cognition which makes or creates those things that we consider beings in our world and the things themselves lack any kind of independent status. which is its completeness of the calculably secure establishing of objects and the securing of the calculability of our reckoning with them. 35. Similar explorations can be undertaken in the areas of the arts, particularly the history of the development of the arts. This revealing or bringing out from concealment of what has been buried is the correctness of our representations or what we have come to call the correspondence theory of truth. In responses to the other prompts, the interpretations of the key concepts in those prompts suggest that not only is objectivity possible, it is our way of being-in-the-world, for it is through our perceptions of things that we turn everything into an object; and it is only by being an object that we can begin any discussion of them and, thus, acquire any knowledge of them. 13. So, in effect, this means: pre-will is in one state/condition and post-will is in an altered state/condition. IB TOK Exhibition example: Theory of Knowledge - Clastify From Oedipus to Hamlet and King Lear to Willy Loman, tragic heroes meet their demise, their nemesis, their just desserts, due to their lack of knowledge of who they are and the actions they must take, or not take, because of who they are. We demand that things give us the reasons for their being the way they are. We establish values for a reason, and that reason has to do with who we are. Judgement itself is nottruth; judgement is only true when the reason for the connection is specified, when theratioor account is given. How can we distinguish between knowledge, belief and opinion? This is called perfection. That we have areas of knowledge is a recognition of the need for specialization in our studies since so much information and knowledge has been amassed in these areas through our pursuit of knowledge. But such a venturing is necessary if one truly wishes to engage in a search for the truth of things. Every posing of every question takes place within that which is granted to us, our legacy, in its very presence in who and what we think we are. If sufficient reasons are not given, we doubt the truth of the claim being made. The various types of knowledge that were understood by the Greeks and which are outlined in the linkCT 1: Introduction to Theory of Knowledge: Knowledge and the Knower indicate that interpretation is linked to doubt and skepticism in our modern understanding of what knowledge is. Whenever we speak of the production of knowledge, we are speaking of the bringing forth of what was once hidden into presence so that we may see it face to face. Technology, understood as the principle of sufficient reason, is the guideline that governs all our relations to beings including our practical relations. It was done and we live with the reality of their presence. Can New Knowledge Change Establish Values or Beliefs | PDF Prompt 11: Can new knowledge change established values and beliefs? Representation is to present some thing, to make something present to humans. I have written at greater length about values, knowledge and truth in other sections of this blog and you can explore those writings should you choose to do so. What knowledge itself is does not change, and all knowledge is based on an interpretation. But as Aristotle once said: For as the eyes of bats are to the blaze of day, so is the reason in our soul to the things which are by nature most evident of all.. The projecting of analogies or models is part of the erecting of a framework from which you will demonstrate how you have viewed the objects/images present and show them in a new light (possibly) to others. 5. Nietzsche/Darwin: Part IX-B: Education, Ethics/Actions: Contemplative vs. Calculative Thinking. It is what guarantees that something is firmly established, secured in its grounds of its place as an object for human cognition. To that extent, we have renounced the type of description of nature that was customary for centuries and that had been valid as the self-evident goal of all exact natural science. For more on the way of knowing involved in techne see the following links: Teacher For example, the virtue of a thoroughbred racehorse is to run fast; it is not good if it does not or cannot do so. In what and from where does our word values have its origins? However, such knowledge has also brought about many ills and challenges that we are now trying to overcome and must overcome if we are to sustain life on this planet. Other connotations of the word imply some things importance or value such as a disputed goal in football where we say the goal counts i.e. This prompt speaks to the reasons or grounds that some actions should not be taken prior to reflection on their being undertaken presumably because the ends of those actions are not good ends. Does all knowledge impose ethical obligations on those who know it? We do not acquire what can be called objective knowledge of nature as that was traditionally understood. CT 1: Introduction to Theory of Knowledge: Knowledge and the Knower; 10. What is the truth that we are lacking in what we hold up as knowledge? the book is on the table, etc. in the highest sense not experimental. We cannot count on them because they are not grounded and the principle of sufficient reason supplies the grounds. Such a rendering needs a place where the account can be given and rendered. Such a lack of knowledge is not crucial to our well-being or survival. This rendering is done through language of some kind. The principle of reason operates in any and every statement that we make about things i.e. The a priori is not true or correct beyond the project which it helps to define: The a priori is the title for what we believe is the essence of things i.e. Hence, even though the movie proves how gaining personal knowledge can lead to a change in personal values and beliefs, it does not comply with all the families in the world. Our interpretations of things may be complex requiring very specialized language from various areas of knowledge or it may be simple and be provided by what we might call sound common sense. You have to chooseone of the following prompts and your choice of prompt will determine the methodology or the pathway as well as the design or plan that you will follow to arrive at your interpretation of the images or objects you have chosen. it is after hours, the owner is away on holidays, the owner is observing a religious festival, etc. what counts as good evidence. Can New Knowledge Change Establish Values or Beliefs - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. What counts as good evidence for a claim? Diaeresis is the separation that allows something to be set in relief, juxtaposed and thus brought forward, a setting off and distinguishing of something from something else. In the most general terms (and as a second order inquiry) the production of knowledge that results from such viewing is the determination of the being of things as objects. What this means is that something is, something can only be identified as a being/thing, only if it is stated in a sentence that satisfies the fundamental principle of reason as its founding i.e.. it is the fundamental principle of all that is, including statements made to others. Can new knowledge change established values or beliefs? The German philosopher Kant grounded this viewing in his Critique of Pure Reason. God, for example, is not a thing in that he is not calculable or measurable within the overall parameters of time and space positions and locations. For the interpretation of a result as a result is conducted with the help of the principle (the principle of reason, for instance), presupposed, but not grounded. The output that is looked for has already been pre-determined prior to the making or creation. If you should chose this prompt, the manner in which you establish the relations that you believe exist between the three objects you have chosen will require the need to provide evidence for that relation. It could be said, in contrast to Heisenberg, that even high-tech disposable things. What is the relationship between personal experience and knowledge? If you know something, it will always integrate with more knowledge if you attain it. 3. atoms or historical figures, varies with our prior conception of their being, how we have defined and classified them. can new knowledge change established values or beliefs tok The Mayan calendar consists of multiple cycles of different lengths. This need for the surety of what some thing is gives rise to our preference for mathematical calculus as that which represents knowledge in modernity. In logic, the word correctnessis lack of contradiction, consistency. Suffice it to say that it must be asked: where in all human activity do human beings encounter their essence, what they truly are? This prompt is covered in greater depth under #17. The a priori and its priority will be interpreted by you in accordance with your conception of the thinghood of the things or images you have chosen and your understanding of the being of beings or things in general. 24. 128 7 Can new knowledge changr established values or beliefs? Can you give In connection with the historical development of natural science, things become objects through reason; they become material, and a point of mass in motion in space and time and the methodology used pursues the calculation of these various points. Plato sees the illness and ugliness of the soul as requiring a catharsis or purification. Even provisionally, we cannot say more than that in the field of modern atomic physics we have resigned ourselves, and we have done so because our representations are dependable. (Werner Heisenberg, The Picture of Nature in Contemporary Physics) The Natural Sciences as an Area of Knowledge. Turns out the most interesting topics to those around me are not necessarily in the order the IB has given them. Your response to this prompt will depend on the areas of knowledge that you choose your objects/images from. To reckon on something or rely on something means that we can expect it and to see it as something upon which we can build. This putting of questions to things is our inquiring into and about the nature of the things that we know and how we know them. The word will here is like how we use it in free will, in that it means "a causation leading to a desired effect/result". Now they are contrasted with mere observation and description, guided by no mathematical anticipation. 21 ToK Exhibition Objects Ideas to Consider - writersperhour.com If it is not, it is subjective. (Heidegger, What is a Thing), This is an instance of the general idea that our mode of access to a type of entity, e.g. Can new knowledge change established values and beliefs? - WordPress.com Current research into AI, artificial intelligence, is being questioned because so much of it is occurring beyond good and evil or beyond ethical considerations. Correctness is understood as the translation of the Latinadaequatioand the Greekhomoisis. Are some types of knowledge more useful than others?