Fixed Benghazi not being set as a minor port. Improved Germanys AI in naval position and national focus completion priority. Saudi Arabia no longer builds railroads by focus. CNT can no longer invade Portugal via focus before the 2nd Weltkrieg. Fixed Lianguang being unable to edit their division templates after their civil war. Added annexation options to give Burma to either of the three starting Indian countries, and also added options for them to claim Burma. Updated Sdwestafrikas national focus durations and tweaked their economic tree and its effects. Fixed Portugal not being able to progress down its focus tree if Mittelafrika collapses. Switzerland cancels mission if Haute-Savoie is already cored, Adjust South East Asia state dev level, Siams Electrification campaign actually matters, Removed compression artefacts from a lot of icons. Added Teschen/Cieszyn and Trieste as new Danubian states. Added custom difficulty settings for most major conflicts and alliances, GRE - can now have the outcome of the Monarchy Referendum chosen. The base unit count now takes into consideration the number of owned states, and the industrialisation factor now works on an asymptotic curve. Decreased the starting War Support in American Civil War participants. The Korean Revolt and Puppet Monarchy have been removed. Added some faction-specific Army officer spirits. Fixed Centroamerica inappropriately attacking much more powerful enemies by itself. Altered the blue in the flag for the United States of Yugoslavia. Fixed the Netherlands CNA Schism event firing for coalition CNA. Fixed Russia not gaining cores on some Eastern European states when integrating them. Brazils AI can now research any army doctrine. Polands decisions to peace out with the Third Internationale or the Moscow Accord no longer need respective high levels of socialist or nationalist support. Fixed Ukraine not being made back into an Ostwall country after getting re-puppeted. Fixed the Ottoman decentralist state interactions not showing up in autonomous regions. Fixed the French Republic being released as a puppet with the wrong government and/or with no cores. Fixed an Ottoman national spirit being removed twice. Fixed Iraq not being annexed by Persia, when Persia claims it. The national foci leading to The Dust Settles no longer bypass after the Second American Civil War. Added "Soul of Whampoa" for the Left Kuomintang. Fixed China getting a non-controlled Taiwan in the Entente peace deal. Focus times have been standardised across the United States splinters. Added a leader description for Tibets Huang Musong. Fixed the Left Kuomintang being able to puppet Lianguang, mid-civil war. Improved Argentinas AI for their war against Chile. Fixed South Africa not being released with Botswana. Fixed Ottoman parliamentary support tooltips appearing for centralists in the focus tree. Replaced repetitive loading screen quote sources with new quotes from: John McLean, H.G. Fixed Mordacqs description not changing after retaking the Metropole. Slightly tweaked some national focuses for the AutDem path for the Italian Republic. Added description for Austrian tanks and armored cars, Persias 70 day focus tree times reduced to 56 days. Commune of France and Union of Britain should no longer send their entire armies to fight in Russia. Non-core states now give only 2% towards the unit limits, instead of 5%. Some Sardinian national spirits will now merge, later on in the national focus tree. Updated the icons for several Mittelafrikan national foci and national spirits. Added descriptions to Sichuanese leaders L Chao and Xiong Kewu. Fixed the United Baltic Duchy being able to appoint two Land Marshals at the same time. Fixed an Anqing event firing multiple times. Fixed AuthDem Shandong being unable to remove the revolt national spirits. Fixed the Danish world news event not firing. Replaced Browder's event pic and added one for Foster. Halved Romanias war support penalty on the integration of Transylvania. Fixed Centroamerica being able to attack Panama despite not being a neighbour. The value of the Bozen victory point has been nerfed. Added started naval production for Canada. Flanders now has its own separate annexation mission. Hunan's unit spawns are now dynamic to prevent bugs. As always this update comes with a mass of other tweaks; Italy and Russia have got massive changes, new game rules have been added, bugs fixed, performance improved and many other changes. Fixed PatAut Yunnan allying with Manchu-lead Qing, instead of the Zhili-lead Qing. Adjusted the ideology requirements for some Left Kuomintang advisors. Made some AI changes, so the Entente is more likely to concentrate on Great Britain once it has a foothold there, and Austria no longer prioritizes the Russian front over its front with the SRI. Sisavang Thayana (LAO), MuYahya al Hamid (YEM), Basilio J. Valdez (PHI), Crisanto Evangelista (PHI), Joao de Almeida (POR), Symon Petliura (UKR), Branislau Taraskievic (WHR), Jekabs Peterss (LAT), Pauls Kalnins (LAT), Janis Kurelis (LAT), Petras Klimas (LIT), Steponas Kairys (LIT), Antanas Smetona (LIT), Juozas Butkus (LIT), Stasys Salkauskis (LIT), Hugh Mulzac (CSA), Archibald Wavell (CAN), A number of Japanese vanilla portraits have been replaced (were slowly replacing all of them). Added ability to continue focus tree for the liberal Ottomans, even when lacking support from enough representatives, at the cost of political power. The Tocata event chain for NFA now fires correctly. Fixed Khivas capital being in the wrong location. NFA should not be trying to place too many factories in Paris through decisions to avoid slot overflow. Denmark will now always simply join the Reichspakt during the Weltkrieg unless they are ruled by the social democrats to prevent issues with events that didnt anticipate this behavior. Added a tooltip for New England to tell players where the Commando Military High Command is. Weve also spent time working on other changes, such as letting you recall volunteers, along with many bug fixes and performance improvements. Fixed Polands Clover Revolution occurring after the country has already been taken over by socialists. Canadas 3rd Loyalist Elite division spawns in Britain with full experience, like their comrades. Fixed Hans Vogel's death event not firing for Germany. Renamed the Caucasus strategic region to Transcaucasia. Renamed some states on the Malay peninsula. The French Republic will no longer be referred to as National France. The Unification of China now only requires no other rival governments to exist. Syria no longer starts controlling the Damascus province. Hundreds of text standardisations and typo corrections. Here's the usual post-release hotfix we're sure some of you have been waiting on! Fixed American tags being unable to core certain states that remained loyal. Made the Napoleon coronation event loc less specific. Fixed Australasia, Assyrian, Belgian, Bhutanese, British, Burmese, Canadian, Ceylonese, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, El Salvadorian, Finnish, German, Greek, Haitian, Hawaiian, Honduran, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Nepalese, Nicaraguan, Rhodesian, Russian, Sardinian, Scottish, Serbian, South African, Syrian, Turkish, and West Indies commanders and admirals having inappropriate stats for their levels. Added a separate annexation event for Gomel. Fengtian and Qing can now purchase armored cars from Japan and Germany respectively. Fixed the Totalist Wallonia national spirit swaps. Fixed the Lianguang game rule for choosing Chen Minghsu vs Chen Lianbo. Added Georges Blanchard, Marcel Gensoul, Alfred Heurtaux, Georges Guynemer, Jean-Franois Jannekeyn, Louis-Lazare Kahn, Ren Olry, Ernest Petit and Joseph Putz as potential members of the Commune of Frances Military High Command. Fixed the position of Xi'an on the map and Shanghai not being urban. Persia's monarchs are now actually called "Shah" instead of "Prince". Added unique traits to the Polish leaders Jerzy Czeszejko-Sochacki, Leah Feldman, Eustachy Sapieha, Kazimierz Zakrzewski and Zygmunt Zaremba. Fixed Georgia getting a wargoal on itself when asking for Batumi. Fixed several typos and missing/unstandardised text. Persia's peace with Germany over the Caucasus will now only include Georgia if they've gone autocratic. Fixed the Wu Peifu news event not including Wu Peifu. Added Panama naval minister to Centroamerica if Panama does not exist, and Centroamerica controls Panama. Fixed Insulindia not getting its claimed states in Papua when the Dutch East Indies are dismantled peacefully. The Railway Reaches Barotseland national focus for South Africa now actually makes a railway to Barotseland. Russia no longer has to pay Political Power to integrate Central Asia. Tibetan Division Numbering shall always skip #12 from now on. Japans AutDem Government of National Unity now actually forms a coalition with the SocCons and MarLibs. Fixed puppet Wallonia having incorrect national spirits. Some adjustments to the Treaty of Budapest: the AI is now guaranteed to accept peace, unless theyre in a faction and the faction leader (a player) has already refused the treaty, Added more variations to the event text, particularly for Italy and Poland, and covering the possibility for when Germanys intervention means Italy might not receive anything out of the treaty (the text wont imply that they do), Workaround for a rare occurrence where partial control over a non-enemy state whose owner is in exile will drag them into a peace conference, even though their faction hasnt capitulated yet, Fixed incorrect state id reference in Status of Salonica trigger, All government changes in Switzerland, Honduras, Uruguay, Papal State, and Lombardy now properly remove old ministers, Bulgaria no longer loses all its cores in the instance where the Greek rebel state is annexed by Greece proper (Bulgarias cores were accidentally being removed instead of the Greek rebel cores), Fate of Dalmatia decision now fires the correct event, Fixed Guangzhou being counted as part of Legation Cities, Fixed Mongolian and Tibetan endonyms being overridden by Chinese ones, Socialist Russia no longer claims Pas-de-Calais, Fixed a puppet Ma Clique being able to change their government, Alash Orda will no longer be set free by the RCW in the rare case where they stay loyal, Fixed the Romanian legionary minister changes removing the HoG, Poland can now be granted a puppet Galicia if released after the latter, Replaced Bulgarian flags coat of arms with one the monarchy actually used, Germany: Eberhard von Mackensen, Albert Kesselring, August von Mackensen, Gerd von Rundstedt, Gotthard Heinrici, Rupprecht von Bayern, Heinz Guderian, Walter Model, Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb, Wilhelm III (General Variant), Erich Raeder, Ewald Kleist, Friedrich Paulus, Hermann Boehm, Erwin von Witzleben, Erich von Manstein, Erich Hoepner, Franz von Papen, Georg Kuchler, Gnther Ltjens, Lothar Arnauld Periere, Rudolf Rocker, Wilhelm Souchon, Gustav Krupp, Karl Doenitz, Gunther Kluge, Hermann Hoth, Wilhelm Pieck, Others: Ali Kelmendi (ALB), Ahmet Zogu (ALB), Jawaharlal Nehru (BHC), Georgi Dimitrov (BUL), Reginald Hildyard (CAF), Carlos Campo (CHL), Yang Yuting (FNG), Asgeir Asgeirsson (ICE), Ta Thu Thau (INC), Eoin ODuffy (IRE), Franz Ritter von Epp (MAF), Theodor von Hippel (MAF), Ferdinand Schorner (MAF), Guy Halifax (SAF), Thomas Dewey (USA), Saint Louis in Senegal is now in the right place, Volgograd state and VP has been renamed to Tsaritsyn from the start, Fixed the urban terrain of Tashkent being on the wrong place. Added a tooltip to Greece, Germany and Austria, warning them about the consequences of seizing industries or applying sanctions. Fixed a missing modifier in Brazil's liberal reform national spirits. Chile can no longer join the Internationale, if the Internationale backs Argentina when they threaten Chile. PatAut Germany is now able to deal with Black Monday without completing focuses of other political branches. Added a general description to Hunans Teng Daiyuan. Added a decision for Indian countries to attack one of the others if a war between them has started before they can use their war focuses. Fixed the Pacific States president not correctly transferring to New England. Improved the tooltip for the Kingdom of Two Sicilies urbanisation national focus, to clarify its effect. The Belgian Strive towards Federation and Strive towards Confederation mutually exclusive national focuses no longer have the same effect. Split the Maghreb strategic region into Western and Eastern regions. The Trucial States can now be released during the Conference of Alexandria, even if the Ottoman Empire has claims on them. Fixed Scotlands Willie Gallacher using Tom Manns portrait. Updated Paraguays national focus trees, changing the effects, icons, tooltips and the layout of the initial tree. Minor User Interface tweaks for improved spacing. Tweaked an Ottomans tooltip so the effects are clearer. Fixed Russia starting an early WK by attacking Ukraine in the middle of their revolution. Bet you didnt see this one coming? Fixed several news events firing when news events were turned off. Improved Shandongs starting division templates. Hopefully fixed any cases of the SAU-OMA peace going haywire. The IMRO will now stay around for longer if Bulgaria is NatPop and controlled by a player. Added two military factories to the effects of Persias national foci. Updated event pictures for two Combined Syndicates events about Browder and Foster. Revamped the League War to feature a new Morale system, aimed at speeding the war up and providing new mechanics. A country will now also annex the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, if they annex the Ottoman Empire. Added new production menu icons for Austria, Japan and Russia. Japan now starts with a larger airforce, more similar to its vanilla equivalent. Fixed Idaho being granted incorrectly in the American Civil War peace deal. Paraguay's SocCons can now take the right branch of the Black Monday tree. Fixed Iceland having access to an Entente-related decision while in the Third International. Chad no longer rebels with Governor Lapie as the leader. Fixed Savinkov being locked out of his own economic tree if the player is too slow to start the national focus. Fixed Lithuania sending the wrong event to Germany about the NatPop uprising. Fixed Bolivia's NatPop coup not firing correctly. Added a unique description and trait to Ahmed IV of the Ottoman Empire. Sichuan should now be partitioned instead of peacing out with Yunnan if involved in multiple wars. Added a tooltip stating that Polands nationalist uprising will be disabled if they are already in government. Increased some benefits for Republican / Federation Italian Republic focuses. The Internationales music mod - new songs. Greatly expanded the capabilities of Baldomeristas South American Socialist States faction. Fixed the bypass condition for Germany's Pacify Spain national focus. Assyria no longer joins the Entente before winning their starting war. The winner of the Siamese civil war will always use the same tag. Fixed the plane designs given by Japans Carrier Aviation Breakthroughs national focus. Siam now loses any unowned cores/claims if they surrender. Romanias Great Game decision category now warns you when youre losing stability, Memel can be granted to an allied Lithuania, Restoring Napoleon loading tip replaced with Restoring monarchies, USA can now break the ceasefire if the PSA is losing against a third party, Removed any mentions of Hitler or Heydrich, Added a dynamic description to the Siamese engineers event, Reduced the time for Yunnan's war declarations, The Brazilian Greenguards idea now has a more fitting effect, Guatemala will now try to get rid of Monroe as soon as possible, The UK now gets a claim on South Georgia alongside the Falklands. The United Kingdom now retains Gibraltar when releasing Spain. Alash Orda can no longer release the Turkestan splinters. MacArthur can now fail the occupation of Philadelphia. The Greek Civil War revolt now spawns its own units, to avoid making Greece even more manpower-starved. Start game, load savegame and save as new file, exit game. Fixed Canadas missing description for King Edward and King Albert. Fixed NatPop Shandong installing Puyi as a puppet emperor. Fixed Baghdad referring to Moscow in the Fate of Basra event. Fixed Abdlmecid II staying as leader of Turkey. Added AI strategy for Brazil to deal with the rebel tags. Finland's coring decisions are now compliance-neutral. Polands Karol Olbracht is now removed if Poland turns socialist or NatPop. As always, you can download previous versions of the mod manually from our mediafire if you desperately need to complete your game. Changed Croatias map colour (only visible when not in the form of Illyria, and not part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire). Removed ideology drift from national spirits in Peru. Added a bypass to the Stay Cordial Towards Religion national focus for Turkey, should they have already removed their Religious Community Threatened national spirit. Slovenia is now part of the Northern Balkans strategic region. Decreased the amount of oil that Scotland gets in its focus tree. Improved German AIs priority of military national foci, advisors, manufacturers and building trucks. Fixed Romania getting two election events after completing the Mihais Government national focus. Zanzibar no longer revolts against Mittelafrika; this change was made due to Mittelafrikas lack of a navy. Fixed the second German national focus about the Don-Kuban Union bypassing incorrectly. Converted the Nancy state into a Barn state. Fixed several countries being unable to access their doctrine cost reduction bonuses. The Fengtian Government now requires 70% War Support to attack Qing. For the Manchu Coup path for Qing, each of the three electable parties change their displayed ideologies after subsequent elections, to show they are authoritarian regimes, and not democratic ones as their initial ideologies may suggest. Expanded Russia AI ambitions for Eastern Germany now actually include all of Eastern Germany. Fixed some event spam involving desertions, during New Englands democratic unification with the remaining American Civil War participant. The Left Kuomintang can now join the Phalanstre. Fixed Germany-in-Exile creating puppets in German East Asian lands. Fixed Isuzu being available for Legation Cities, even if Japan is kicked out. They are currently rapidly being prepared for release and will be added to the game in the next hotfixes. Adapted the Italian Libya events to account for Tripolitania. Added a puppet PatAut leader to Wallonia. Fixed Confederation SIC not giving Savoy/Nice to a puppet Sardinia. Fixed Indochina rising up after already being beaten by Dutch East Indies. Fixed opinion modifiers for the French Republic and Spain. Adjusted the locations of Hungarian iron deposits. Adjustments to Congolese state borders and names, including the removal of the old Uele state, and splitting the old Katanga state in two. Fixed puppet Fengtian from being able to hold the unification conference. Gave Chiles generals their correct names. Fixed the Replace the Habsburg Legal Code national focus not bypassing upon finishing the Serbian Yugoslavia mechanic. Fixed Qing seizing Tianjin from Japan, due to events firing simultaneously. Fixed Bulgarias King Boris staying around in a republican Bulgaria. James Yen and Chang Chun, with Wang Yitang and Jin Yunpeng, Fengtians decisions to request aid from Japan can now be taken multiple times, as originally intended, Fengtian can no longer denounce Qing Monarchism after Puyi has been overthrown, Fixed a defeated Japan coming back to defend FNG, Fixed Japan getting the event to intervene in Fengtian's side more than once, Japan's Sakura focus will now bypass if FNG is a puppet, Fixed the ideas for the Shandong loans not being reduced upon payment, Fixed Weihaiwei not being transferred to QIE by Germany in the respective event, Fixed the Prince's Visit category being visible if it was cancelled. SocDem or SocLib Poland is now less likely to be cooped by SocCons. Fixed an endless loop of Rwanda/Urundi annexation missions. Added Ioannis Tsangaridis as a general for Cyprus. Added new national focus icons from vanilla Ethiopia. This will likely be our only hotfix so stay tuned for our next big update! We hope 0.12 helps brighten your day as you stay at home. AutDems and PatAuts now have access to the State Serves the Military army spirit. AI Greece will no longer use War for Macedonia decision when it's already at war. Fengtians Ma Zhanshan no longer defects to Russia or Japan. Missions dealing with the collapse of the Portuguese Empire will now be cancelled if Portugal is not at war. Fixed independent JBS being re-puppeted to OTT. Edward's wedding now takes place in the proper capital. Fixed Haiti not getting the civil war national spirit, in the Lescot route. Added new flags for Republican Canada, NatPop puppet England, PatAut Mongolia, and Quebec. Made the "lesser" Megali option for Greece based on states owned, not claimed. Nevada now flips to the PSA in the original War Plan White route. AutDem Two Sicilies now has access to the same advisors as the democrats. Air designers now give bonuses to jet aircraft. Added a manpower bonus to Latvias Red Peasantry national focus. Lowered the costs for the initial Chinese army reform decision. Fixed the missing leader description of Finlands Vaino I. The game rule adds a setting for a pre-1939 WK2 beginning to either be rare or unrestricted (meaning it simply depends on the regular chances of the events involved). Added a check to the Eight Regulations national focus for Anqing, so that it cannot be done without the first national focus being done already. Updated for changes related to the release of No Step Back. The Belgrade Pact now surrenders to Bulgaria if two of its members have capitulated. BRA - A change for Totalism and Syndicalism #9273 - GitHub MacArthur can now attack any socialist countries in the Americas. Adjusted the effects of many Belgian national spirits. The Dutch research group is now called the Nederlandse Academie instead of the Koninklijke Academie. Fixed Costa Rica's American doctrine focus requiring the USA to not exist. Fixed Sardinias Amadeo not being restored in their annexation event, if Sardinia had previously capitulated. Added The Army Goes Rolling Along for the United States, the Pacific States and New England. Fixed Bolivia paying infinite war reparations to Paraguay. Fixed Germany not leaving the Balkans to Austria if the latter intervened on their behalf in the Weltkrieg. SocDem Germany will now wait until after the war to grant Poland independence. The French Republics Catholic Republic national spirit is renamed to Catholic Empire, if Napoleon declares the Empire. Belgium and Germany can now re**core Luxembourg. Fixed Mittelafrika's regime changes blocking completion of the DKAEB mission. The Commune of Frances starting navy now has a carrier, the pre-dreadnoughts have been removed, and several similar destroyer and cruiser classes have been merged. The unique Generalgouvernement Warschau puppet for Poland can now be released by the United Baltic Duchy, as well as Germany, and is now led by Wolfgang von Kries. Notably, the production AI has seen many changes, which should translate into a more reactive and generally more fun to play against unit buildup. The Legation Cities now have another leadership crisis if Germany falls and they have chosen Ambassador Bodenheimer as their High Commissioner. Fixed the Yunnan focus for attacking German East Asia always bypassing. Fixed former Centroamerica countries freeing themselves from being a puppet by reforming Centroamerica. Leonas Bistras is no longer mentioned in the Lithuanian events that can be triggered after his retirement. 0.12.2 brings you a whole host of bug fixes, along with a number of quality of life changes we know youll enjoy; GEA and Mittelafrika now once more start in the Reichspakt, weve restored the possibility of taking control of puppet forces (with exceptions) and much more. Estonia and Latvia and can no longer guarantee each other if either country is in a faction. Fixed the event where the successor the United States can choose to keep their old colour. Added a La Resistance-only decision to recruit a Head of Intelligence, which provides an additional operative slot (to make up for the fact that you cant recruit an advisor to do the same, as in vanilla).