Whether you know the people on your team or not, you become increasingly closer to them. Social interaction increases as peers and professors are able to meet outside the classroom. Colleges and universities offer a wide range of options for students looking to play sports. Intramurals encourage students to continue their education outside of the classroom. I have found plenty of success over the past few years simply playing team sports in school. Give your mind and body a break from studying at the library, going to class, and stressing over exams for a bit. College Pride. Staying active, relieving stress and meeting people are among the benefits of participating in intramural sports. Examples of intramural sports include flag football, soccer, basketball, volleyball. There is nothing more relaxing than having minimal responsibilities. Creating a sustainable active lifestyle while at school The University of Guelph’s intramural leagues are a source of happiness and stress-management for thousands of students. They Provide Great Exercise. purpose of college is to earn grades and eventually receive a degree; intramural sports may be the The Effects of Intramural Sports on College Students [Date] stress-relief that a student needs. However, intramurals do have drawbacks for busy and involved college students. Feeling a sense of community is such an integral part of the college experience. According to Cooper, Schuett, and Philips (2012), “Campus intramural sports programs provide an ideal opportunity for college students to maintain a healthy level of physical activity” (p. 26). There are several benefits of the intramural dedication that are no longer present, namely fitness. The BYU Intramural Sports program reportedly engages more than 12,000 participants each year, but just in case you’re still on the fence about participating, here’s a pros and cons list. Here are a few reasons why you should consider joining intramural sports in your college years: Whether on a team with members of your fraternity or sorority, members from your dorm floor, or people in one of your classes, the playing field is a great spot to make new friends and build memorable college moments. They don’t have to pay as student fees cover the upkeep. The benefits of intramural sports offer more than just health benefits. 2011 Kring Bob “Intramurals on a College Campus Get involved and meet new people” www.collegeview.com Web. Giving yourself a break is as equally important to success as studying hard. Meeting every week with teammates to compete together builds memorable college moments and long lasting friendships. College athletics programs represent a multibillion dollar industry and are integrally linked to school branding and reputation. Here are the need-to-know differences between the three sporting options. Even if you aren’t the most athletic, or not in the best shape, intramural sports is a level playing field. Intramural sports programs provide a powerful medium for student interac- tion (Belch, Gebel, & Mass, 2001). The hardworking effort and dedication is a sign of sacrifice for your teammates which is recognized and accepted. One great way to stay fit as a student at college is by taking part in Intramural sports activities- These programs are organized within the school to keep students and staff motivated. “Intramurals are good for networking with students,” McCluskey said. When you graduate from college and get your first job, you’ll see that you will have to work with others to get stuff done. Playing intramural sports, you get a taste for these different positions the fun way. Benefits of Intramural Sports in College. By maintaining a healthy body, you’ll also ensure you’ve got a sharper mind. Each school will offer different sports, and develop unique styles of gaming and awards. Sports helps students stay in shape, learn to work as a team, and enhance their attractiveness as college applicants. You can pick from a variety of intramurals, which typically include basic sports like basketball, soccer, dodgeball, flag football, and more. In theory, you can play as an up-and-coming all-star on a Division 1 team or with some friends in an intramural league. Get in the zone, let go of everything, and just enjoy the moment! documenting the value of campus recreational sports on college and university campuses. Intramural sports is one way people fit in time with friends while getting their exercise in! Lacking the motivation to go to the gym at all? The benefits of intramural sports offer more than just health benefits. Many students find themselves feeling a lot more refreshed and motivated to power through their assignments and studying after relieving some stress. Intramural sports also offer plenty of health benefits, both physically and mentally. I am proud to be here and proud to be a part of this amazing community. Get in shape. By maintaining a healthy body, you’ll also ensure you’ve got a sharper mind. Where do you fit time in with friends and how do you get your long-sought-after exercise plan in action? The purpose of this study is to examine the social benefits of intramural sports participation for students at Iranian universities. Intramural (derives from the Latin words intra muros meaning) is the organized sports played within an area or institution, particularly colleges and universities. Intramural sports is meant to help you exercise and have fun within your community. College can be a stressful time with seemingly endless assignments, exams, and projects. At the end of the day, intramural sports help you grow physically and mentally. For college students in particular, it is important to find an activity … This study was designed to examine the social benefits of intramural sports participation for undergraduate students at a mid- sized postsecondary institution. It’s a trick to your mind that while you’re having fun, you’re also exercising. For many students, intramurals is a fun way to keep active and play sports they enjoy with their chapter's teams. College can overwhelm you with work, and make you feel stressed due to a lack of time. There is a rewarding feeling that comes along with being on a team. How often do you get to have fun on a weeknight? Purpose. Whether you’re enrolled in summer courses or you just want to hang out at the chapter house, it’s important that you keep yourself busy and active. College-age students are still building their identity, explains Drabkin, which is another reason why the benefits of intramural sports can go well beyond health and physical fitness. Balance is key! Professional Development & Consulting Services, Pearson K-12 Online & Blended Learning Community, Winning Writing: Email Essentials for College Students, Recipe of the Month – Christmas Sugar Cookies. It is worried about being in the zone. Students who participate in recreational sports opportunities have increased retention rates and improved health and wellness. according to wikipedia.org. Winning, or losing, is fun. Schools should be ke… documenting the value of campus recreational sports on college and university campuses. As a student's recreation participation increases, his or her confidence also increases. Intramural Sports are recreational sports organized within a particular constitution, usually an educational union, or a set geographic area. It has been established that this wellness approach encourages overall student body improvement. Soccer players also see a 15% increasein their cardio performance and lowered body fat. In short, intramural sports help students grow both mentally and physically. Bored of the treadmill? Finding time for extracurricular activities can really help students find a healthy balance between work and play. But not everybody! Not only does this allow you to have fun, but your body is also getting the exercise needed for optimal health, and to keep the “freshman 15” off. Students who participate in recreational sports opportunities have increased retention rates and improved health and wellness. Game times will never be the same for each team, for fear of scheduling conflicts week after week. Randolph-Macon College’s intramural sports program promotes a healthy lifestyle for students, faculty and staff by providing a variety of athletic activities in which all persons can participate regardless of their degree of athletic ability. Proceedings of the World Leisure Congress, 10th, Quebec City. And while individual sports programs -- even in Division I schools -- don’t necessarily turn a profit, the many other benefits to colleges have far-reaching implications for students, faculty and community. Benefits to Students. For those people who thrive on competition, intramurals can be a downer. Most importantly, though, soccer helped me break away from all of the stressful work in high school and lead me toward a successful two-hour relaxation time twice a week. Benefits Of Intramural Programs Participation in intramurals has been found to have a positive effect on a student's self-esteem. Intramural sports also offer plenty of health benefits, both physically and mentally. An event (often sponsored by a school) in which participants (often students) compete via or take part in sports, perhaps for trophies or prizes. It has been established that this wellness approach encourages overall student body improvement. To understand the impact of intramural sports on university students, this study proposed a research model to investigate the relationships between social benefits of intramural sports, quality of college life, and students’ loyalty toward the university. Once in college, I took up intramural sports and realized that all sports are like that. He says that students at that stage feel like they need to be part of a group, which is … Finally, intramurals positively impact students’ physical well-being, overall health, and fitness level (Forrester, 2015). Every team needs a leader, a financial keeper, a rule-book keeper, an effective communicator, and overall, hard workers! Benefits of Intramural Sports in College. 2007. Students who participate often and in a range of opportunities benefit even more. Intramural sports programs provide a powerful medium for student interaction (Belch, Gebel, & Mass, 2001). The field or court is an area for you to briefly let go of everything and enjoy the moment. Colleges and universities offer a wide range of options for students looking to play sports. In each case, females reported significantly higher benefits than males. Key Message The social benefits of intramural sports include: improved self-confidence, improved social relation, allows my ability to socially interact, and increases ability to socially interact, and increases commitment to peers. Oral presentation #229, p. 64. Intramural sports offer students an opportunity for athletic competition with other students across a number of exciting sports. Bonds are strengthened during club sports practice and tournaments. For a brief hour, your mind is focused on one thing: winning. By dedicating a set number of hours into intramural sports, you are not only getting fit and having fun with others, you are also doing something to help yourself feel a part of your school. Students who participate often and in a range of opportunities benefit even more. ... College of Arts and Sciences ... our campuses provide you all the charms and benefits of learning and living in facilities purposefully designed for your success. If there is one way to feel a part of a school, it is to get involved. You’ll be more alert, more energetic and, ultimately, more efficient. The idea is that you are all working together toward a common goal – sweating and sprinting. It’s a zone for all scholarly athletes to compete with the same opportunities. At almost every school in the nation, there are organizations to get involved with, whether it is intramurals or clubs. For college students in particular, it is important to find an activity where … Participation in intramural sports plays an important role in the lives of university students. Studying can take over your life, but intramural sports can help you break out of your room to have fun. You can learn a lot of practical life skills on the courts, and will benefit from the friendships and memories you make through intramural sports in college. Rather than hiring a personal trainer, you can participate in IM sport, have fun, and also meet your health and fitness goals. Summer is upon us and many students are heading home to spend some quality time with their families. The BYU Intramural Sports program reportedly engages more than 12,000 participants each year, but just in case you’re still on the fence about participating, here’s a pros and cons list. Being on a team with the same people working together towards a common goal, you naturally become closer to them over time. The Benefits of Campus Recreation represents the most comprehensive effort to date to substantiate the impact of participation in campus recreational sports, activities, facilities, programs and services on student recruitment and retention, and various health and wellness as well as student learning outcomes. While most college students would like to go to the gym on a regular … Students who participate in club sports or intramural activities can socialize and make friends to have during their college years and beyond. In theory, you can play as an up-and-coming all-star on a Division 1 team or with some friends in an intramural league. All of these positions build skills and help teams learn as they play. It gives college students an opportunity to stay active and socialize with peers in a healthy way. We need to know when to play and where, so we have a leader who figures it out and relays it to our communicator. There are a wide variety of sports to play and multiple games a week. Indoor soccer is more fast-paced than its outdoor counterpart, and can be played at any time of the year. When you are on the field playing football, ultimate frisbee, or soccer with others, you are getting a good workout in! Social interaction increases as peers and professors are able to meet outside the classroom. 2011 Heinlein Erich “The Benefits of Intramural sports” www.helium.com October28. The same workout you could have earned on a treadmill with a TV is now being accomplished by scoring the winning touchdown with your friends. All rights reserved. To understand the impact of intramural sports on university students, this study proposed a research model to investigate the relationships between social benefits of intramural sports, quality of college life, and students’ loyalty toward the university. Adults are told by everyone from the media to doctors to family members that being active is important, and they’re correct. If there is one thing I underestimated in my time of being on an intramural team, it is the idea of building life skills. College students are constantly required to cope with stress related to their Intramurals encourage students to continue their education outside of the classroom. If there is one way to feel a part of a school, it is to get involved. Students save time as they can drop by before or right after class without missing a beat. For most of my life, I played competitive soccer. You’ll begin to feel a sense of pride and a feeling of belonging when you dedicate hours of your life toward creating some project of success on campus. It was something that kept me learning, growing, and moving forward. Here are five reasons why you should join intramural sports too: When you are on the field playing soccer, football, or ultimate Frisbee, you are getting a work out. The most popular sport in the world, soccer is also the perfect activity for college students to take up in their freetime. If you’re the type that hates going to the gym or thinking about a dreadful, boring 30 minutes on the treadmill, then give intramural sports a try. For example, you could have games once or twice a week, and then once or twice a month. Every team needs a leader, a communicator, a financial keeper, a hard worker, a rule-book keeper, and many other tangible positions. Here are the need-to-know differences between the three sporting options. Intramurals is something that has helped me feel a part of my school. Web. For those moments, your mind isn’t worried about school or networking for your next job. I have fallen in love with my school all over again. Intramural Sports Mission Statement It is the mission of the Intramural Sports Program under the Department of Campus Recreation and Wellness at Concord University to provide a wide range of individual and team activities at both a competitive and a recreational level to students, faculty, staff, and other members of the university community. No matter how good or bad you are, how in shape you are, or how many people you know, intramurals is a level playing field. Competing is fun. Playing a … Copyright © 2020 CollegeStats. Bonds are strengthened during club sports practice and tournaments. Sports Fest, Sports Day, Field Day. Making sure you get in at least half an hour of exercise every day can help you feel more energized, lower your blood pressure, and strengthen your bones and muscles, according to the Heart Foundation of Australia. April27. If you work a part-time job on top of your studies, you probably need the stress relief even more. The term intramural comes from the Latin intra (within) and murus (wall). The social benefits of intramural sports. Intramural sports games themselves fluctuate. Some first- year students come to college after active athletic participation in high school. Intramural Sports is a great pastime for college students across the country. College is one of the best times of your life so get out there and enjoy it. Not only that, but getting in some physical exercise can go a long way towards stress management, w… Many of those accustomed to playing intramural sports are shorted of one of their favorite experiences in college. If the one game you have in October is the night before a midterm, tough luck. Going to on-campus centers is also a lot more convenient than traveling outside. Being on a team is fun. Participation in sports offers students a number of benefits. Intramurals Are the Perfect Opportunity to Highlight Camaraderie, Sportsmanship, and Talent Participating in intramural sports can actually affect the And, as an added bonus, you’ll even be more productive at work. However, Rosinski and Grace said the postponement of intramurals has encouraged them to try other sports in the Cincinnati area. It’s all about striking a balance in your lifestyle. In a collegiate setting, intramural usually refers to a formally organized program of activities, games, and sports designed to meet the needs of the entire college community. Whether you’re enrolled in summer courses or you just want to hang out at the chapter house, it’s important that you keep yourself busy and active. It has helped me realize that I am part of a greater community of people who are just like me! You may feel overwhelmed with all this work, and as a result, may not perform as well as you would on a clear, relaxed mind. College students who join intramural sports, increase their overall PA levels which could potentially lead to an increase in academic achievement. Purpose. So what are you waiting for? We need everyone to pay in order to pay, so we have a financial team member handle the money. Being able to work efficiently and well with a team goes a long way in life – beyond the classroom, and beyond the playing field. Life is too short to not have some fun. You’re probably thinking, “Running up and down the field is not relaxation, that’s brutal fitness.” In your eyes soccer may seem that way, but it has become easy to me. At almost every … Participation in intramural sports plays an important role in the lives of university students. One of the best ways to show college pride is to simply get involved! However, if you aren’t careful, they can become the reason you’re sleeping in or skipping class. For students who want to enjoy the physical activity and camaraderie of sports without the stress of varsity leagues, the College’s Intramurals program may have the solution. There’s nothing better than expanding your network of friends on campus, while diverting your attention temporarily from the pressures of the classroom and just having some fun! Someone keeps score, someone tends to lead, and team players must learn to communicate well and keep their eyes on the prize to win. Something that benefits both freshmen and students who are new to campus is the opportunity to meet new friends. By putting some time and effort into intramural sports, you’ll be healthier, happier, and more energetic. There is one solution that I have found to be the most valuable break: intramurals. There’s a place for everyone when it comes to intramural sports. Intramural sports allow you to focus on the game, and have minimal responsibilities for the time being. But not everybody! 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