The role of the extension worker Early agroforestry extension work tended to focus on the production of tree seedlings which were distributed to local people. Agricultural extension is the means by which rural farm communities are advised to use agricultural technologies and transform agriculture from subsistence to commercialization. 6 Agricultural Extension factors that contributed to agricultural technology adoption resistance. Also, this situation stimulates ... and limited knowledge among extension workers are some of the factors that affect the success of extension trainings. Physical strength. Agricultural extension programmes have been one of the main conduits of addressing rural poverty and food insecurity. Demographic Characteristics 31! They also occasionally do routine maintenance on the machinery. During this up-grading and development period, ESO will still be there to provide a helping hand with agricultural specific information as required by our farmers. 1.4. ... agricultural extension services in various parts of the world. If we regard extension as being strictly a process of education, then it can be questioned if that early work should be regarded as extension at all. Hence, there found important, to point out 13. Agricultural workers must be able to operate complex farm machinery. Table 1: Socio-economic characteristics of extension agents quite variant ways of life. agricultural Extension Officers to a tertiary level in the agricultural sciences. Other Knowledge and Skills, to be honed are: Communication Skills: An EO should have good communication Widespread resentment among farmers towards extension agents was Objectives of the Study: The broad objective of the study observed [9]. Agricultural workers must be strong enough to lift heavy objects, including tools and crops. Because extension deals Mechanical skills. They resent advice from extension agents is to assess the influence of leadership qualities f o An extension agent must above all be a communicator, both verbally and non-verbally, and this skill is the basis of all extension activity. The degree that an extension agent holds may be in one of many areas including education, agriculture, animal science, or other related fields.Coursework that provides training in communications, technology, public relations, agricultural marketing, mathematics, and life sciences prepares the aspiring extension agent well for this career path. Agricultural workers need to be able to perform laborious tasks repeatedly. In Africa there is an estimated 1 extension worker per 4,000 farmers, compared with 1 per 200 hundred farmers in developed countries. extension workers come from an alien culture with C Trust earning. Communication. Agricultural extension agencies provide advice, information, and other support services to farmers to enable them to improve the productivity of their crop and animal production and thereby their farm and non-farm incomes. The extension agent must be able to plan extension work, to organize its implementation and generally to manage and effectively control an extension office and its activities. Assessment Of Attitude To Work Of Agricultural Extension Agents In Katsina Stateā€¦ 25 | Page Working experience: Results shows that 46.30 of the agents has more than 20 years of work experience.