Doctor: Yes, come in. Dengue is a mosquito-borne flavivirus disease that has spread to most tropical and many subtropical areas. P: Guten Tag. Severe dengue is a medical emergency. I don’t know what is going on. Arch Ophthalmol. On day 6 of a 7 day holiday in Bali, I began feeling off. With dengue taking an alarming turn in the capital, Selina Begum, a mother of two, did her best to protect her family members from the viral disease. 2015 Jan71(1):67-70. doi: 10.1016/j.mjafi.2014.09.011. Contact a healthcare provider if you develop a fever or have symptoms of dengue. At first, she started with a high grade fever, then she started to have a decrease in appetite and become very weak. I had the worst fever ever. I then had mild sore throat and congestion. Try to do it if you want to come out of this deadly dengue fever. 90% of severe dengue cases occur in children aged <15 years: it is a leading cause of hospitalisation and death, particularly in children, in affected regions. Patients become infected once bitten by infected mosquitoes. Infants can develop severe dengue infection during their primary infection due to transplacental transfer of maternal antibodies to a different serotype from an immune mother. Check platelets count also. Dengue is considered a major and emergent concern. Eat chickpeas and jaggery every morning on empty stomach. And today, she is complaining that her body is itching. Big thanks to them. ڈاکٹر: آپ کیسے ہیں، نعیم؟ Naeem: I feel some heart-trouble. I rapidly deteriorated over the next few days to the point of only lying still, not eating and not moving because everything hurt. Palms/Feet beet red. I suddenly developed a high fever 4 days after returning from a 3 week holiday in Thailand. I am 7 weeks after having dengue fever, and the soles of my feet and my heels continue to peel. First I felt a bit dizzy when I got dengue. After being home for about a week I developed the triad. Ask your doctor to recommend what other types of doctors, physicians, medical specialists, or other medical professionals should be part of the team for your medical issues. He had fever for 3 days. After 5 days my platelets started rising and I was getting stronger. Hello Doctor, My wife, 28 years old has been diagnosed with typhoid - Widal test positive- S ... a paracetamol - Cinarest and the temperature reduced to around 99. Advanced Search Advanced Search Dengue. Noticed multiple (x6) mosquito bites bilat. I've been bedridden for 3 weeks, unable to eat, lost 4 kg in 2 weeks, wished I was dead at times, and don't remember some days! I was then placed on neurotropenic precautions and admitted for 2 days. 2010338:99-114. I had night chills and head ache and was admitted to the hospital. Remember. Day 5, Malaise, Body aches Pandemics in 1998 and 2001 are thought to have been due to the emergence of a new subtype of the DEN-3 virus. Doctors for Dengue fever: This section presents information about some of the possible medical professionals that might be involved with Dengue fever. Dengue fever remained a relatively minor, geographically restricted disease until the middle of the 20th century. Severe dengue can result in shock, internal bleeding, and even death. Dengue fever is a common mosquito-borne illness in many tropical and subtropical countries. Patient: I know, but I’m so hot I feel like I’m burning up and my body feels itchy. By about noon each day, the pain subsides and I start to feel fairly normal again; until the next morning, when I repeat the process all over again. I was infected by dengue 2 times, 1st time in 2007 and 2nd time in 2017 July. to my lower legs. Saving Lives, Protecting People. I am still having severe body pains and headaches. I went to the nurse and found I had a 103 fever. Clotting studies can reveal prolongation of APTT and PT. I was in bed for at least a week in pretty intense pain with fever, and in bed a second week just miserable. Everything will be alright. Viral infections are a cause of pancreatic problems after alcoholism. I woke up next morning covered with rash from neck to ankles (mainly on upper torso, where there had been a minor rash before). Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. My blood pressure is all over the place from extremely high to extremely low within an hour. I live in Jamaica and became ill on Christmas Eve. I used a chain saw, and I believed I may have... Assess your symptoms online with our free symptom checker. A day after returning back from trip to Myanmar via Delhi, I had severe chills, joint and muscle pain, shaking and sweating, dizziness, and nausea. Post D/C from hospital, developed full body rash (mild) most likely d/t immune system response. I will certainly be more careful about mosquito protection going forward, especially with Zika virus now appearing in the Caribbean. Here is the difference between the symptoms of the two disease so that one does not mix up the two infections and can get medical help for the disease they are infected with. Globalisation and urbanisation has allowed the disease to grow from localised outbreaks to pandemic status. My doctor said it is all fine. I remember a severe headache, which was so bad it was hard to open my eyes and focus on anything, a high fever, rash, and muscle pain. My 6-year old son is now in the hospital and is being suspected of having Dengue Fever. I went to the emergency room the next morning, but they said I was fine and to go home. Now I'm feeling well. No one really had heard of dengue fever, although the fever went down after 3 days. In the first three days my fever got up to 105.3 but on the 6th day my fever went away and I felt much better, so the next day I went to school. I had fever 40'c., but I am okay now. It started with a high-fever attack, twice in one night. Finally after another day or 2, I was feeling it. Pleural effusion, ascites and pericarditis due to plasma leakage. I felt generally unwell with mild fever and total loss of appetite and back pain two days after I was stung by a mosquito in Cuba. Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection causing a severe flu-like illness and, sometimes causing a potentially lethal complication called severe dengue. 3.2 million cases were reported in 2015. So I drank 10 to 12 liters water per day. Symptoms of dengue can become severe within a few hours. Again after 2-3 hours, start taking two more apple or orange or grapes juice with a teaspoon full of table salt. Dengue with HLH is the third in the severe strain of the disease — the other two being dengue shock syndrome and dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF). In severe cases there may be multiple organ failure. Inotropes and renal support may be necessary. Would drag myself around but always found an excuse to rest/sit. Are any coronavirus home remedies safe or effective? The pain was so bad I passed out many times. Hopefully my nails will be all new in a couple of weeks, not sure when I will get back my hair. After that I had a huge rash on my skin. I went to see my doctor and was sent to the emergency room (ER). I am not exactly sure what happened but I must have passed out, for the next thing I remember was waking up in bed in my room with piles of blankets on me. All the videos say it lasts around a week but I was literally prostrate for over a week, couldn't eat without being sick and now 6 weeks later I am slowly getting enough energy back to stay up all day and to walk about 1 km without being exhausted. About a week ago I saw a white spot legged mosquito in my kitchen. Symptoms typically begin three to fourteen days after infection. Interestingly, I have immune problems (which may have made me a "target" for the illness) and I also developed significant fibromyalgia within a short tine after recovering from Dengue. I called our doctor and he was suggesting to admit in an ICU, as platelet count was around 40K and it was too risky. My doctor advised me to undergo a blood transfusion because my platelets were so low. A century ago dengue tended to occur in small epidemics in seaports. View messages from patients providing insights into their medical experiences with Dengue Fever - Describe Your Experience. MD. What prevention steps did you take? Dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus, transmitted by the bite of the Aedes mosquitos. Dengue has been proliferating in Latin America and South-East Asia, 3 with an increasing risk that healthcare systems become overwhelmed threatening healthcare ecosystems that are already fragile. I am just getting over dengue fever, and it was horrific. advertisement. On day eight and after the second blood test which showed that my platelets where back up to 120,000 from 76,000 I started to feel much better. I went to the doctor and had blood tests done, which subsequently confirmed dengue. Then came blood in stool (GI Bleeding) - and complete loss of appetite. PCR-based techniques are increasingly being used. Sometimes I will wake up because of feeling really breathless. My platelet was not that low (still above 100) but white blood cell count was at 2.1 and remained around that figure until yesterday (8th day) when it suddenly went up to 5.8. Exposure to the mosquito-borne illness dengue fever may provide some immunity against COVID-19, Reuters reported Monday, citing a new study. Today is the 9th day (counting from the 1st day I had a sudden high fever). Haemorrhagic manifestations including spontaneous petechiae (best visualised in the axillae), purpura, epistaxis, gum bleeding, gastrointestinal haemorrhage and menorrhagia. Ich habe starke Kopfschmerzen und mein Hals tut weh. Dengue is a single disease with several different clinical presentations. I lost my appetite, couldn't walk, talk, eat or even drink water. I must have been bitten by a carrier of Dengue because I became quite sick within about a week of returning to my home in Dallas. We went to a "hot springs" that had a warm pool and a cool pool and I spent a couple hours in them and it was great - brought the fever down and I felt much better. As for my strength, I’m not so sure if dengue contributed to my knees acting up again (I use to do contact sports that strains them a lot) but the weakness is there. Wish you all the best. I never felt so bad. some patients move into a critical phase in which warning symptoms appear and there is a risk of progression to severe dengue. The virus passes to lymph nodes and replicates, mainly in monocytes and macrophages. Labs indicated my WBC and PLT were returning to WNL, no need to blood tx. The doctor will come on morning round between 9:30 and 10:00 AM. Is this the same virus still in my system? One night I got fever 102. All this helped and by day five my fever was gone but I still felt weak and I had extreme night sweating, so bad that I would wake up in the middle of the night with my sheets all drenched with sweat; and I mean really wet. The overall mortality rate is less than 1%. I wonder if it is necessary for all people in endemic area to be vaccinated. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to everyone else going through this. My sisters joked that I was normally like that so no one took notice till I developed rashes. Recent evidence suggests cross-reactive high pro-inflammatory cytokine producing T cells predominate in severe dengue. I just hope that he will continue on fighting against this disease. It has been nearly 3 months since arriving home from Vanuatu but I still have joint pain and exhaustion from time to time. Now the dengue fever is gone but as soon as fever stopped, rashes started from my palm of my hands covering entire body. There may be another rash which may be maculopapular or vasculitic, followed by peeling of the skin. Within a few hours I was getting chills and was extremely weak. Recovery generally takes two to seven days. In 2009 the World Health Organization (WHO) revised the classification according to levels of severity. Coronavirus: what are moderate, severe and critical COVID-19? It started with cold and high fever and later on bad stomach and loose motions. We received the results of the blood test two weeks later and found out it was dengue fever. I arrived in Bali on 18th March 2015. My hands and feet are still peeling, but they no longer burn and hurt (I couldn't open a bottle of water, the skin hurt so much for a while). It should rise high on the list of differential diagnosis if there are features suggesting bleeding, hypovolaemia, increased vascular permeability, or organ failure. I actually felt severe headaches for a week and then one night I got up vomiting and had loose bowels. Itching started on the second day lightly on my feet and soles, and also hands and spread all over my body. The next day it got worse and I could hardly walk. I had to stop taking paracetamol due to liver inflammation. In the first week mouth ulcer appeared with swollen gums and painful teeth. I am 82 years of age and in 1953 I was an RAF physical training instructor stationed at Changi, Singapore. I actually saw the bug which bit me. It started on my lower back and joints. Dr Benjamin Rush (a signatory of the American Declaration of Independence) coined the name 'breakbone fever' in 1780. The incidence of dengue has grown dramatically around the world in recent decades. I could not stand or stoop without support. Menu Home; About; Menu; Contact Desquamation may follow. Four related serotypes of the dengue virus are well described: DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4. I got dengue fever last week, the first day I had severe headache and pain all around my joints and bones, high fever, extreme weakness, but my platelets were in normal ranges. The next day, I couldn't get out of bed. Positive tourniquet test. This can be performed by inflating a blood pressure cuff on the upper arm to a pressure midway between the systolic and diastolic pressures, for five minutes. P: Seit ungefähr drei Tagen. Doctor: Do not get worried. For a full list of topics: A-Z Index. Myself: Thank you. © Patient Platform Limited. I had chronic diarrhea for 7 days, vomiting for 3, and lost 9 kg in as many days. After a total of 3 weeks in hospital, I had lost 15 kilos in weight. Even your stress and tension will also decrease the platelet count so be happy, all will be well and everything will pass. ; Symptoms of dengue fever include severe joint and muscle pain, swollen lymph nodes, headache, fever, exhaustion, and rash.The presence of fever, rash, and headache (the "dengue triad") is characteristic of dengue fever. I'm a RN & we have been having increased patients positive for dengue virus(DV). I was positive for 2 of the 4 Dengue strains. Add your own points. A couple of months ago the skin on my feet and palms has peeled off on its own as layers and I have a fresh and neat skin. The seemingly innocent question of “How are you?” can trigger a detailed description of the speaker’s physical well-being. Doctor: How long have you been coughing? It was a lifetime experience. We decided to bring him to the doctor for a check-up and were advised to be hospitalized. Dengue Reported in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, 2014, Dengue: guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control, Malavige GN, Fernando S, Fernando DJ, et al, Dengue Clinical Guide - Treatment Algorithm. Fevers still lasting and headaches and lethargy till 22nd April. Vasilakis N, Weaver SC; The history and evolution of human dengue emergence. Yacoub S, Mongkolsapaya J, Screaton G; The pathogenesis of dengue. "In about 10 per cent of dengue cases, a patient suffers haemorrhagic fever which leads to deaths. I contracted dengue somewhere around late June to early July this year (2017). Now I get a rash because of eating chicken, wearing perfume, or makeup. One study estimated that 50 million … Contacted my Primary Doctor (Infectious Disease Specialist) and ordered CBC, LFTs) abnormals: WBC: 2.2, PLT: 110 Bacsal KE, Chee SP, Cheng CL, et al; Dengue-associated maculopathy. Best was Motrin and lots of water and sleep. In most cases, the patient with either of these conditions recovers with prescribed drugs. Now, he is absolutely fine. Myocarditis with impairment of cardiac function. It all started with high grade fever, loss of appetite, body pain and severe dizziness. Dengue death is due to plasma leakage and not due to platelets. There is no specific treatment for dengue.The patient can quickly become severely unwell and close monitoring of clinical signs and laboratory measurements is needed. I think it's the papaya leaf. I woke on 23rd march 2015 with night sweats. Dengue, Dengue virus, dengue hemorrhagic fever, dengue fever, flavivirus, Aedes mosquitoes, DHF, DF, DSS. However, there is overlap between these manifestations, as dengue is a spectrum of disease. I think that this is why I am still having problems. I got admitted to the hospital and my fever ranged at 39-40 degree C for 3 days. Human to human direct spread does not occur. I couldn’t eat, all I did was be on the bed. I am just getting over Dengue which I got in South India or Thailand. He gets blood test everyday. I had many CBC tests, platelets and WBC count falling low, but now slowly picking up once the fever and pain has gone. She tested my pancreas due to intestinal problems and found it was essentially dead on the digestive side and barely functioning on the insulin side. I went to school on a Monday morning and began to feel feverish. At this time the fever is 102 degree. MedicineNet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. I didn’t even talk a single word for 5 days, I was so weak. Comment from: yvonne, 45-54 Female (Patient), Comment from: Srinivas M, 45-54 Male (Patient), Comment from: Anne, 45-54 Female (Patient), Comment from: wecelli, 45-54 Male (Patient), Comment from: Maria, 55-64 Female (Patient), What's a Virus? This is my fifth day and I feel like it will last another 5 days. Hard to believe that one little mosquito can take a person down Ike this! A lowered blood platelet count is responsible for … I need an immediate cure as my exam is near at hand. I couldn’t taste my food or keep it down. Ulcer remains although cured up to 80 percent. On 31st March I was back in Australia with high temperature, night sweats, coughing, sore stomach and rash like carpet burn on chest type sore. By the third day, my whole body was a rash of very small bright spots everywhere. I recently moved to Costa Rica. I had red rashes on my entire body. I certainly had a severe dose as when I was in hospital my back and legs ached so much I could not sleep. Do you think I have a fever? I thought it was horrible then but I had no idea. I recently had a severe dengue attack and was in the hospital for about 10 days. Dengue viruses (DENVs) are the most important human arboviral pathogens. I'm currently experiencing dengue fever. I was told that I had "joint-ache fever;" and it was from a mosquito bite. She was admitted to the hospital and tested for dengue. He or she will ask you questions about how you're feeling, your medical history, and recent travels. COVID-19: how to treat coronavirus at home. Nothing to worry about. Doctor: Do not get worried. I need an immediate cure as my exam is near at hand. Our clinical information is certified to meet NHS England's Information Standard.Read more. The incidence of dengue has increased 30-fold over the last 50 years. World Health Organization, Special Programme for … My symptoms started with a terrible case of vertigo. We see in our emergency rooms - especially the States bordering Mexico or hospital emergency department entering the mosquito infected... Headaches, severe and critical COVID-19 about 3 periods into the rash started going down skin starting peeling off,! Asleep, riding my horse Hals tut weh period suggested chikungunya but test! Necessary for all people in endemic area to be immune-mediated once I recovered I had dengue for a... 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