I work 8:45-6pm 5 days a week from Tuesday till Saturday. Here are some thinking points to help you end that working mom guilt once and for all. My husband also works full time as a sales representative from Monday to Friday 9-4. I am up from 7:00am every morning to get myself up and my daughter. Obviously, the biggest disadvantage of a working mom is the inability to raise their children on full-time basis. I work a full time job which means 8-9 hous a day and sometimes weekends. It’s easy for a mom to go weeks without a good night’s sleep or being able to squeeze in a work out. No flexibility. Junk foods, for instance, makes you feel exhausted immediately after eating them. I have an unrealistic hope for organization and cleanliness and, well, just order in our lives. My son sleeps all night, but I’m still so exhausted constantly! We can see now the disparity in our health care, the income gaps that throw families into crisis, and also the gender roles still at play in society. Maximum hours of overtime. Being a wife, 2. I am exhausted!. Single mom of a 2 year old boy and I work full-time. I say unrealistic because I’ve recently learned that I have 3 jobs actually. Because, dear Mom, your exhaustion may not be normal. The types of food you eat have a significant impact on your overall health. 1. An interruption of work that was impossible to foresee. Eat Right. WORKING MOMS CONS 1. Share Three years ago I went through a divorce after 28 yrs of marriage. Even the most confident and self-assured working moms feel working mom guilt. Whether you’re experiencing new mom exhaustion or full-time working mom exhaustion, here are 3 tips for exhausted moms looking to find energy and fight fatigue. I can really relate to the guilt and feeling like a bad mom for raising my voice to my son, using the tv as a babysitter, and some other things. Thanks for … Your kids don’t miss you as much as you think they do. 2. Of course, with the exception of self-employed moms. An employee can only work up to 72 overtime hours in a month. Trust me, I deal with way more stress and hyper vigilance caring for my patients than when I’m at home doing house-chores and playing with my 1 year old. I am a full time oncology nurse and new mom. I am a 23 year old mother of a 3 year old and married to my husband for just over a year and a manager at a clothing store full time. Being a Mom, and 3.Working… well let’s tack on a 4th .. being Gen, myself. I, myself, am a full time working mom and my husband works full time. And here’s what every mom should know: I’m going to share my story with you, because this is exactly what I’ve been going through. ... of your usual mom exhaustion. Working Mom exhaustion and shame has increased This current global crisis has thrown everyone for a loop. Working moms have to constantly fight stereotypes of either incompetent or a privileged employee. Unfollow. Unable to stay home with your children. My mother who always appreared to be s trong woman has suddenly become helpless. The sad truth of a working mom is that most of the time they are at the mercy of their employers. Follow. I’m a Google searcher! That’s exactly what I want to share with you today. Working more than 12 hours a day (overtime exemption) If an employer requires employees to work more than 12 hours a day (up to a maximum of 14 hours), they must apply for an overtime exemption. Tips to Cope with Working Mom Guilt. My Story Of Battling Mom Exhaustion: 2014 was a rough year for me. Working full time and taking care of mom = exhaustion. I think clumping working moms into a 9-5 business lady who gets 1 hour lunch and wear cute Clothes, is ignorant. Remember that by working you’re allowing your child to grow and become independent.