Duplicate the information conveyed by the image. Tell visitors where linked images go. For example, let’s say that we have a heading tag that reads “About Us”. Give it a few moments to scan your site, and your download should begin. The 'alt' Attribute. The alt attribute can only be used on the area, input (for image buttons) and img element. The alt attribute is used to provide a text description for those who cannot see the image in your document. But, if images have alt attributes, there is a way to figure out the purpose of these images. The alt attribute is defined in a set of tags (namely, img, area and optionally for input and applet) to allow you to provide a text equivalent for the object. Here is an image for which the alt attribute is "In the sky flies a red flag with a white cross whose vertical bar is shifted toward the flagpole.". So, optimizing images can result in higher traffic to your website. NEW! The alt attribute itself and/or the alt text are often forgotten entirely and tracking them down can be a labourious task without automated tools. For example, in WordPress, there’s a field for alt text when adding an image t… The W3C recommends that images that convey no information, but are purely decorative, be specified in CSS rather than in the HTML markup. It can be an empty or null attribute: alt=.[1]. If it … Content models. They are helpful to search engines and visually impaired visitors. Here we discuss an introduction to Alt Tag in HTML, how does tis tag work with programming examples. But when it comes to SEO, the … 2. Anchor textrefers to the clickable words that link one webpage to another. a href, address . Image with an alt tag: “steak If you’re using a modern CMS, it should be possible to add alt text without having to dig into the HTMLcode. image, text . Also, I use Yoast SEO and it isn't concerned with having the Title Image Attribute filled in, only the Alt Attribute. Google states: Simply add an alt attribute to the tag in the HTMLcode. To use, go to Tools > Alt Text Tools, and click the button. Technically, “alt tags” don’t exist even though they are used to commonly refer to alt attributes and/or alt text. Remembering to use the alt attribute by itself doesn’t necessarily provide much benefit to users. Functional images Often images will be wrapped in a anchor link element () or a