During normal direct motion (not near a station) transit, Mercury makes quick one-hit conjunctions to natal Neptune that happen yearly and represent an opportunity for imagination, fantasy, or artistic expression to enter the daily life and provide insight into generational or cultural themes. Being told that what you see is not real, or that you are just imagining it may not be of great help as an adult. With Neptune conjunct Mercury, lines between fact and fiction, reality, and revelation often blur for you. Web design & Development: ThinkWeb ThinkWeb So you may decipher extra information from symbols such as those found in the tarot, astrology and numerology; remember to have compassion for yourself and others during this time, and be aware and mindful in all your dealings. But be warned, unless you actively seek out the positive side of the Mercury-Neptune transit, you might be shown the negative side. Be careful in any contractual negotiations; that you understand the terms and that the other party understands you. However, they need to learn how to concentrate because their nervous system is shaky. Not understanding matters regarding issues related to everyday matters are important to discover because people cant find it hard to say what theyre thinking. Significance. Mercury Conjunct Mercury Aspects Natal and Transit - Astrology.com Transit Neptune Conjunct Mercury, Personalized Astrology reports and Your incredible creativity and imagination can lead to a career in the arts such as painting, dance, or theater, as well as healing or other fields of communication, where your ideas can touch and inspire others. I know its hard, as you can usually see the best solutions for more peoples problems, but keep quiet if someone shows you they are not ready for them. Neptune Conjunct Natal Mercury This is not an easy time to deal with, as your logical and rational thoughts will be disrupted by the boundless and dreamy nature of Neptune, you may be confused and not even sure what is right or wrong or up or down. You need discipline to keep your attention on what youre doing, especially when driving. Moving away from whats stressing their life during this time theyre going through can open their mind to bigger possibilities than theyd normally consider because thoughts are flowing for as long as the Mercury is in conjunction with Neptune. It is advisable that you take advantage of your increased creativity, especially when it comes to 'side-hustling' pursuits! The text below is the interpretation of Mercury transit when Conjunct Neptune Mercury Conjunct Neptune More sensitive to the surroundings, you are particularly influenced by the words and opinions of others. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. Fraud is possible in your accounts now so keep a close watch. This is a time when misunderstandings in your communications are likely. When you have natal Mercury conjunct Neptune, it is highly probable when you were younger, you were in tune with imaginary friends and seen things others did not. This super-creative transit will be your Cosmic BFF if you have an artist side bubbling below the surface. Their intuition would be open and more accepting, so this time is perfect for spiritual achievements and creative activities. Misunderstandings are also common since you find it hard to say the things you are thinking. Some of what you experience while lost in another realm can be useful in consensual reality. This in depth personalized Astrology reading can provide you with a 30 minute recording to get a clear idea of what the next 12 months has in store. Book a Reading. What does Venus mean in astrology? You might make plans that seem to make sense now under this influence, but later will make no sense at all. In an invigorating way, you can transport others into a vision of themselves and their current world. Neptune Conjunct Sun Transit - AstroTransits Natal Sun In Scorpio, Natal Sun In Capricorn- Meaning, How to Cope and Evolution, Aquarius Astrology In depth Meaning Of Natal Aquarius, What Does My Sun Sign Mean? If lord of the 3rd, you may be subject to alot of detours while doing errands. Instead it is claimed that an astrological pattern with regard to the future can correspond with any one of a variety of possibilities. With your imagination running hot, your psychic abilities are also given a boost. At one extreme, this can incline you toward lying or embellishing facts enough that they favor the story you want to tell. Your intuition and your rational intellect are working together during this time. You may still have this trait as you get older; note that just as you have sovereignty ( full ownership) over your material world, you also have it over the psychic realms. Besides, if in negative surroundings for too long, they can become weak and delirious. Your mind is overloaded with so much disordered activity that it produces physical and mental weaknesses, lethargy and lack of concentration. Astrological transits are a part of what is usually called predictive astrology, the claim of astrology to predict or forecast future trends and developments. Others should like hanging around you, as you know . They may need to get together with those who arent honest and manipulative, or they should be tempted to put the truth in shadows and avoid confrontations, even when lies are being revealed. Misinterpretations are much more likely to occur now than in the past, whether intentional or not. Inclined to be very interested in mysticism, psychology, things that are hidden, on material level could have an interest in digging. These transits favor the study of mystical, spiritual or metaphysical subjects, since you understand studied subjects better when you experience them at the same time. This takes years, if not a decade or more of training; it can be done; take it slow, dont beat yourself up when you fall short or get caught in thought loops; after all, to err is to be human. If you have a creative hobby, now might be a great time to take it to the next level and make it a business. I dont have a Mercury-Neptune contact and I am pretty sure I already met you online about a year ago at Marinas web place. When you have natal Mercury conjunct Neptune, you can keep your mind open if you step away from lifes stresses or limit them to put the bigger possibilities you are infused with into practical use. Neptune Conjunct Mercury Transit - AstroTransits As a result of ambiguity, misreading can occur, and many assumptions may lead to false ideas. If you can feel your imagination soaring, then its likely because Mercury is conjunct Neptune right now! Their desire to dream during the day is powerful in every person, making it difficult for many to focus on the mundane. Be careful in any contractual negotiations; that you understand the terms and that the other party understands you. What happens in the last quarter moon transit? It provides vivid and detailed modern imagery that can inspire and connect the reader with the deeper tarot meanings easier. This will avoid disappointments. A greater understanding of the personal ideals and the way they are either serving or frustrating is also possible. Contact us. You can express yourself clearly and concisely. Mercury conjunct Neptune in the natal chart can make you more sensitive to your surroundings, but this depends on all aspects of your natal chart. Astrolada | login You are now more likely to be confused than ever. It's incredible to me to the point where you know, the few times I'm like, someone tells me that and my cynical nature is like, yeah, it's Mercury conjoined Neptune this power, I'm probably talking to a crazy person, you know? Holistic Weekly Horoscopes and well-being forecast all signs, Full moon in Gemini on December 12th 2019 Personality Integration, Saturn Conjunct Pluto 2020 Transit- Harmony through Struggle, Aspects In Astrology : Sextiles,Squares & the rest, What does my Yod mean In my Astrology Natal Chart ? For as long as the Mercury conjunct Neptune transit is in place, people are very sensitive to how people are reacting, which can influence the way theyre communicating. AstroMatrix Tarot combines a variety of different style tarot decks but still maintains classic tarot symbolism. Celebrities: Martin Luther, Tatum ONeal, Robert Redford, Demi Moore, Julio Iglesias, Maria Shriver, Alyssa Milano, Meg Ryan, Neil Armstrong. Its essential to separate high imagination from logic, and vice versa, do all you can to steady the mind and train it, so there is only ever one clear thought in your mind at any one time. You are extremely sensitive to other peoples reactions that will impact your way of communicating. When transiting Neptune is conjunct your natal Neptune: This transit does not happen in the lives of most people. Balsamic Dark Moon Transit Natal, Waning Gibbous Disseminating Moon : In astrology Transit and Natal. In its highest manifestation, this transit gives accurate psychic perception at all levels, with unbiased processing of this spiritual information. If lord of the 2nd, be very careful not to be swindled. What Is Resistance In The Spiritual Path? They will never be shared. : Your Sun meaning and more, What Does Your Moon sign mean? Types Of Spirit Guides How To Connect And Discern, Tarot Cards Meanings What Tarot Represent History Symbolism, How to use tarot cards for shadow and inner work, What Pros and Cons Tarot Cards Ancientfuturevision. Its difficult for them to express their ideas in a clear manner or to transmit information without being misunderstood, not to mention they can close-up and no longer say a word because theyre not remembering details. Some of what you experience while lost in another realm can be useful in consensual reality. Theft and fraud are highlighted. Personality in Astrology. In its highest manifestation, this transit gives accurate psychic perception at all levels, with unbiased processing of this spiritual information. You may be easily influenced by new or strange ideas that you have never even considered before. Strong earth or fire energy may shift this placement, whereas air and water strong in your chart will heighten Mercury conjunct Neptune. More than this, this tendency of theirs can have them becoming true escapists and to avoid pain by not getting involved in anything. Order now and get 20% off with the coupon code ARIES. The influx of psychic and material information, Depending on the whole natal chart, strong inclination to psychicness and working with the ethereal. I offer sensitive and intuitive astrology readings to guide you on your soul journey. The conjunction between Mercury and Neptune takes place at the mind level and has an effect over the imagination, as well as how people are appreciating life through their mental focus. 2022 can bring new adventures, new roads to explore, and new successes to reach! Sun in Virgo : What does it mean when your sun is in Virgo? This Tarot deck combines a variety of different style tarot decks mostly derived from Rider Waite but still maintains classic tarot symbolism. Find maps and schedules for stops and routes. Quickly get estimated shipping quotes for our global package delivery services. Do not let a person or spirit take advantage of you; you may shy away from using your extra senses because when you were younger, you were ridiculed by parents, friends, teachers or bullies as a child because of it.