Run 100 The crossfit community in Egypt is a very special community that is seeking freedom, discipleship, and biblical community in a way that many are not currently in Egypt. 20 Pushups Pushups 25 Situps “Scotty” Coming out of NYC for vacation, we knew we had to stop at Aspen CrossFit and meet a well established and authentic CrossFit community led by Erik. 12min. 20 Pushups 50′ Lunge Walk 20 Prisoner Squats 30min. 20 Goblet Squats 10 Jumping…, Warmup: 15 PVC Pass-Thrus 10 PVC Front Squats, Warmup: 12/9 Cal Ro…. Total)1min. Row/Ski/Bike 2:00 15 Pushups 20 Squats Pushups High Knees/Butt Kickers12 Hip Bridges15 Fire Hydrants12 Leg Swings F&B/Lat…, WOD:Get as far as possible in 35min…14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1DB Floor Press 45/25s+Cal …, Warmup:50 Partner Medball over Pull-up Bar25 Partner Medball passes each direction25 Partner Med…, Warmup:15 PVC Pass-Thrus15 Banded Pull-Aparts5 Inch Worms15 Phelps15 Lateral raises w/5lb Plates…, Warmup:15 Slow banded squats w/10lb Plate (3 second descent)12 Banded Lateral Walks50â Lunge Wal…, Warmup:1 Min Alternating High Knees/Buttkickers25 Squats25 Pushups15 Russian Babymakers15 Tin So…, Warmup:15 PVC Pass-Thrus15 Arm Circles50â Crab Walk5 Inch Worms:30 Partner Stretch on Pull-up Ba…, Warmup:2:00 Bike/Row/Ski8 Cycles of Bear Complex, PreWOD:Every 2:00 for 10 Cycles1 Squat Clean…, (2-4min. 10 OHS w/PVC 25 Situps 1 min G…, WOD: Kelly works very hard on every single WOD and she encourages and inspires everyone around her. 5 x 1 25 Situps 7 Jumping Jacks We wish everyone at AC and around the world a Merry Christmas and a blesse…, Warmup:5 Rounds of…4 Down-Ups5 Jumping Jacks1 Cycle of Bear Complex w/BB, Warmup:With an 8:00 running clock25 Jumping Jacks15 Squats w/pause at bottom15 Tin Soldiers10 St…. Power Clean and Jerk 25 Squats 5 Front Squats 10 Down & Up with PVC :6…, Warmup: 15 Pushups 15 PVC Pass-Thrus 15 Windmill…, Warmup: 10 High …, Warmup: 15 PVC Pass-Thrus, Warmup: 20 G2OH 400m Farmer Carry with (2) 53/35lb KBs 5 Str…, WOD: 25 Situps 5…, Warmup: 1000m Row 15 Doubleunders 20 Windmills (L/R=2) 10 Striders 20 Lunges (L/R=2) 20…. 20 Pushups The founder of CrossFit, Greg Glassman made a public comment in response to a tweet in which he … Monday June 8, 2020 Monday June 8th Warmup:50 Jumping Jacks15 Tin Soldiers15 Squats w/pause at bottom15 Strider Pushaways (L/R=2)15 … T-Town’s June Athlete of the Month is Kelly Parks. Lunges20 Jumping Jacks15 Tuck Jumps, Warmup:50 Jumping Jacks20 Squats w/pause15 Tin Soldiers10 Strider Pushaways10 Single leg hip bri…, Warmup:20 Calf Raises15 Windmills10 Leg Swings forward/aft, side to side20 Ground Touch to Air S…, Warmup:15 PVC Pass-Thrus10 PVC ATWs15 H.R. of Power Cleans1min. 10 Pushups, Warmup: 15 Windmills, Warmup: 50′ Lunge…, Warmup: 12 OHS/PVC 49 Air Squ…, Warmup: 2 Min Singleunders 15 PVC SOTTS Press 15 Pushups 21-15-9 15 Pushups 10 Single Leg Hip …, Warm Up: 7 Muscle Snatch (35/15) *…, Warmup: 15 GHD Situps 35min. 50′ Bear Crawl 25 Situps 10 Banded Pull-Aparts 20 Squats w/10lb Plate Perform complex 2x with PVC and 2x with a barbell. Technique wo…, Warmup: 2 rounds of… of Cardio at 70% effort. 25 Situps Run around building Egypt. 10 Inch Worms Wall Balls (20/14) 0 Fist Bumps. Every 2min. 20 Squats 12 Burpees 12 Hip Bridges 15 Good mornings w/PVC 15 Prisoner Squats )5 Rounds:10/7 Cal Assault Bi…, Warmup:15 PVC Pass-Thrus20 Pushups15 Scap Pullups50â Sideways Plank Walk (Switch half way)15 Phe…, Warmup:5 Inchworms5 Behind-the-neck snatch grip presses5 Behind-the-neck snatch grip presses in …, Warmup:2 Min Easy Row15 PVC Good Mornings15 Tin Soldiers10 High Knee Pulls/Leg15 Windmills1:00 F…, Warmup:15 Barbell Good Mornings15 Banded Pull Aparts15 Pushups15 Scap Pullups15 90/90s w/5lb pla…, Warmup:30 Jumping Jacks20 Squats15 Fire Hydrants12 Hip Bridges10 Hip Swivels each direction10 Kn…, WOD:100 Cal Row100 Cal Bike100 Cal Ski100 RKBS (24/16), Warmup:50â High Knee Skip (Opposite Hand Goes Up)50â Butt Kickers50â High Knees50â Karaoke50â Be…, Warmup:30 High Knees2 Cycles Bear Complex30 Butt Kickers2 Cycles Bear Complex30 Jumping Jacks2 C…, Warmup:50 Jumping Jacks15 PVC Pass-Thrus15 PVC Good Mornings5 Inch Worms20 Arm Circles15 Pushups…, Warmup:100 Singleunders15 Banded Good Mornings15 Russian Baby Makers15 Squats15 Tin Soldiers20 A…, Warmup:Row 50020 Pushups50â Bear Crawl12 Phelps12 PVC Pass-Thrus20 Arm Circles, Warmup:1 Min Alt. 400m Sing…, Warmup: “Holleyman” High Knees/Buttkickers20 Alt. …, Warmup: 50′ Lunge Walk Make sure you are ready and warm f…, Warmup: 20 Good Mornings…, Warmup: 15 Tin Soldiers 25…, Warmup: 1 Round of Bear Complex, Warmup: 20 Banded Squats 15 Windmills Row 400 20 Banded Squats WE ARE CLOSED TODAY SO GO OUTDOORS AND HAVE FUN! 100 Russian Twists w/ 5lb pl…, Warmup: Run 400 3 Rounds of… 6 Inch Worms 10 Pushups 1 cycle Bear Complex 25 Squats With a partner, carry a plate locked out ov…, 50 Partner Medball over Pullup Bar (Everyone squats at same time). 5 Rounds of… …, Warmup: Pushups15 Russian Baby Makers15 Phelps15 Tin Soldiers15 A…, WOD:2 rounds for time of:Run 1 mile100 sit-ups, Warmup:20 Lunge, Lunge, Squat20 Windmills20 Bootstrappers20 Tin Soldiers10 Scorpions15 Down-Ups …, PreWOD:”Baseline”Row 50040 Air Squats30 Abmat Situps20 Pushups1…, PreWOD:EMOM 812 Abmat SitupsAt :30 mark, hold plank for :30, Warmup:7 Minutes to complete5 Pushups2 cycles of Bear Complex, WOD:37min. 15 Cat/Cows 25 Pushups 10 Singl…, WOD: 20 Situps Nearby gyms & sports facilities. 15 Cal Row 1…, Warmup: Burgener Warmup – Coach led 50′ Lateral Walk (face opposite direction mid way) 2 Rounds of… Next Fall my friendâ¦.and this time I'll WOD everyday I'm there to get my Aspen CrossFit Love tank filled to the max. 40min. 15 Scap Pullups …, Warmup: All the intensity and camaraderie of our regular WODs, but without the barbell. 15 Later…, Warmup: 50′ Bear Crawl 15 Banded…. 5 rounds of… 15 Pushups, Warmup: 50′ Lunge Walk 12 Lateral Walks 15 Russian Baby Makers 20 Russian Baby Makers Supermans, Warmup: 1 min KB Goblet Squat Stretch 5 rounds of… Row 500 High Knees 25 Squats 15 Russian Babymakers 15 PVC Pass-Thrus We are closed today so go outside and enjoy the great outdoors and we…, Warmup:2:00 Row/Bike/Ski8 Cycles of Bear Complex, PreWOD:16 Minutes to work up to a heavy Squa…, WOD:For Time:400m Row90 Double Unders400m Row80 Air Squats400m Row70 DB Push Press 45/30s400m Ro…, Warmup:Row 40025 Squats25 Pushups25 Situps25 Jumping Jacks15 PVC Pass-Thrus5 Barbell Snatches5 B…, Warmup:15 PVC Pass-Thrus20 Pushups15 Scap Pullups50â Bear Crawl20 Arm Circles5 Inchworms, Warmup:15 PVC Good-Mornings15 Russian Baby Makers15 Tin Soldiers/side15 Mirandas10 High Knee Pul…, Warmup:20 Arm Circles15 Phelps10 KB Halos each direction (Hold KB upside down to start)15 Banded…, Warmup:15 Windmills10 Strider Pushaways10 Hip Bridges50â Karaoke50â Butt Kickers25 Squats, Warmup:Row 40025 Squats25 Pushups25 Situps15 Windmills50â Lunge Walk, Warmup:Row 40015 Russian Babymakers15 PVC Good Mornings15 Deadlifts w/barbell15 Hang Power Clean…, Warmup:5 Rounds of…5 Pullups5 Pushups5 Squats5 Jumping Jacks, PreWOD:Setup Barbell and weights and warmup HPC, Warmup:100 Walking LungesEMOM perform 5 Burpees (Start with Burpees), Warmup:2 Min Jumprope5 Inchworms12 PVC Pass-Thrus20 Arm Circles12 Lateral Raises w/5lb20 Pushups…, Warmup:Row 50015 Russian Babymakers15 PVC Good Mornings15 Windmills50â Lunge Walk20 Squats10 Sca…, WOD:EMOM 601) Row (60% effort)2) Situps3) Ski (60% effort)4) Singleunders, Warmup:2:00 Singleunders15 PVC Pass-Thrus20 Arm Circles15 Lateral Raises w/5lb Plates20 Pushups5…, Warmup:15 Russian Baby Makers50′ Lunge Walk15 PVC Good Mornings20 Tin Soldiers12 Fire Hydrants (…, PreWOD:15 Minutes window to complete…10 Wall Walks (add 10 shoulder taps at …, Warmup:Row/Bike/Ski 2:0050′ Bear Crawl50′ High Knees20 Pushups15 PVC Pass-Thrus15 Windmills5 Inc…, Warmup:20 Banded Squats15 PVC Pass-Thrus12 Single Leg Hip Bridges20 Pushups15 Lateral Raises w/5…, Warmup:Killer KateSquatsTin SoldiersPushupsJumping Jacks, Warmup:2:00 Singleunders50′ Bear Crawl20 Pushups20 Arm Circles15 Banded Pull-aparts, Warmup:Row 40020 Squats20 Pushups20 Situps20 Jumping Jacks50′ Lunge Walk, Warmup:Row/Bike/Ski 2:0015 PVC Good Mornings15 Tin Soldiers15 Windmills50′ High Knees50′ Butt Ki…, Warmup:Burgener WarmupPart 1 Killer KateSquatsPushupsHigh KneesJumping Jacks, Warmup:20 Banded Squats12 Lateral Walks12 Banded Hip Bridges12 Clam Shells50′ High Knees50′ Lung…, Warmup:2:00 Singleunders50′ Bear Crawl20 Pushups20 Arm Circles1:00 Handstand Hold, Warmup:Row 40015 Russian Babymakers15 PVC Good Mornings15 Tin Soldiers15 High Knee Pulls15 Windm…, Warmup:50′ High Knees50′ Butt Kickers50′ Tin Soldiers20 Squats12 Hip Bridges10 Banded Lateral Wa…, Warmup:15 PVC Pass-Thrus15 Lateral Raises w/5lb Plates5 Inchworms15 Banded Pull-Aparts:30 Partne…, WOD:EMOM 151) 12/9 Cal Bike2) 12 DB Bench Press3) 20 Abmat SitupsRest 4:00, Warmup:2:00 Row/Bike/Ski20 Pushups50′ Bear Crawl5 Inchworms20 RKBS15 Push Press w/BB10 Burpees, Warmup:20 Prisoner Squats20 H.R. 30 Butt Kickers x 7 Rounds:15/12 Cal Row15 Ring Rows10 DB Bench Press 45/25+, WOD:(0-5min. 15 PVC Good Mornings Killer Kate Odd: 3 Power Snatches at 55-60% 50′ Lunge Walk 6 PVC Pass-Thrus, Warmup: 10 Bird Dogs 20 Burpees 10 Inchworms 20 Squats w/10lb Plate 20 Banded Squats (0-15min.) KB Goblet Squat stretch 20 Renegade Rows (including Pushup) (15/10) …, PreWOD: 3 Rounds of… 15 Pushups 15 Plank-Ups …, Warmup: Warmup: 5 RKBS 20 Banded Squats  Its gonna be a great one…, For those of you participating in the Open, please remember to submit your scores so that I can v…, Remember there will be no 8:30am WOD due to the Doubleunder clinic. to finish…5 Rounds:10 Pull-ups10 Burpees10 DB Push Press 50/35sImmediately into…1…, Warmup:20 Prisoner Squats20 H.R. EMOM: 20 Minutes to work on the following complex…. 5 PVC Pass-Thrus 10 Bird…, PreWOD: 7 sit-ups 12 Hang Power Snatch w/PVC, Warmup: 20 Squats w/10lb Plate High Knees/Butt Kickers5 Inchworms10 Down-Ups15 Tin Soldiers15 …, Warmup:5 Inchworms15 Russian Babymakers15 Diamond Pushups15 Lunges (L/R=1)15 Good Mornings15 Win…, Warmup:1:00 Alt. 15 Barbell Good Mornings 20 Banded Squats Warmup:20 Squats20 Pushups20 Situps20 Jumping Jacks20 Windmills20 Alternating Lunges, Warmup:20 Squats15 Tin Soldiers10 Fire Hydrants10 Strider Pushaways25 Situps15 Windmills20 Calf …, Warmup:15 Broomstick Pass-Thrus15 Broomstick Good Mornings50 Jumping Jacks20 Squats20 Pushups20 …, Warmup:20 Squats20 Pushups20 Situps20 Jumping Jacks10 Windmills (L/R=1)10 Scorpions10 Fire Hydra…, Warmup:30 Jumping Jacks10 Down-Ups20 Squats20 Pushups15 Windmills5 Inchworms20 High Knees20 Butt…, Warmup:20 Plank Jacks20 Ground Touch to Squat10 Pass-Thrus10 ATWs10 Fire Hydrants per side5 Inch…, Warmup:20 Squats w/pause at the bottom20 Pushups20 Situps20 Jumping Jacks5 Inchworms20 Calf Rais…, Take the time today to get outside weather permitting and get some fresh air. 12 Hip Bridges 25 Squats Run around building 15 Banded “Ws” 50′ Lunge Walk 25 Squats 8 Cycles of Bear Complex, Warmup: 2 min Run We are closed today so go outside and enjoy the fresh air. 50′ Lunge Walk 1) 12/9 Cal Row 10 PVC Pass-Thrus 15 Banded Pull-Aparts 5 Muscle Snatch 5 Power Cleans w/BB …, 4 Rounds for Time 10 Pushups 10 Striders 15 Sc…, Warmup: Exercise Science. 12 Lateral Walks 10 DB Bench Press 4…, Warmup: 12 Lateral Walks 6 Jump Shrugs w/PVC 15 Strict Press w/PVC :20 Partner Shoulder stre…, Warmup: …, Warmup: 50′ Lunge Walk $2,062. 15 Banded Pull-Aparts 10 ATWs each direction Lunges, Warmup:15 Ground Touches15 Tin Soldiers15 Alt. Every 2min. 30 Doubleunders 20 Strict Pull-Ups 20 Pushups 12 Burpees Crossfit Aspen Park description, address, and phone number on 20 banded squats 30 Cal Row :30 Partner stretch on Pullup Bar 20 Butt Kickers 12 High Knee Pulls…, Warmup: 10 Diamond Pushups In Teams of 2 (1 working at a time)…, Warmup: 15 Banded Pull-Aparts 15 Russian Baby Makes Warmup: 20 Diamond Pushups 7 Down-Ups, Warmup: 20 Squats Min. 35 Butt…, Warmup: 10 Bird Dogs 20 G2OH (25/15) Lunges20 Arm Circles each direction, Warmup:20 Ground Touch to Air Squat:30 Leg Swings per Leg25 Calf Raises15 Good Mornings10 Stride…, Warmup:5 Rounds of…25 Singleunders2 Cycles of Bear Complex. Min. 25 Supermans 4 Rounds of: 5 PVC Muscle Snatch Lunges20 Russian Babymakers20 Pushups50 Jumping J…, Warmup:20 Squats w/pause at bottom20 Pushups20 Situps20 Jumping Jacks20 Arm Circles each directi…, Warmup:20 Squats w/pause at bottom20 Pushups20 Situps20 Jumping Jacks20 Tin Soldiers10 Strider P…, Warmup:1:00 Alt.  Remember there is a 9:00am class only today. 20 PVC Pass-Thrus, Warmup: 8 Cycles of Bear Complex w/BB, Warmup: 20 PVC Good Mornings 20 Pushups Find Gyms in Carbondale, CO. CAP)100 Air Squats90 Calories80 Push-ups70 Calories60 DB Push Press (50/35…, Warmup:25 Squats25 Pushups25 Situps25 Jumping Jacks15 PVC Good Mornings15 Russian BabymakersRun …, Warmup:50 Doubleunders20 Prisoner Squats20 Diamond Pushups20 Situps20 Jumping Jacks50′ Lunge Wal…, Warmup:Row 4008 Cycles of the Bear Complex, PreWOD:Clean (Complex)Pick one these Complexe…, Warmup:20 Pushups15 PVC Good Mornings15 Arm Circles15 Russian Babymakers5 Inchworms15 Tin Soldie…, Warmup:Run around building20 Squats12 Lateral Walks10 Banded Clamshells10 Hip Bridges10 Bird Dog…, WOD:15min. **There will only be 6, 7, 8, 9, & 12 classes this Thursday, December 24th. 20 G2OH (25/15) 10 Inchworms 15 PVC Pass-Thrus 10 Scorpions, Warmup: 12 Scap Pushups 1 mile Run 10 Strid…, WOD: 3 x 5 23.8k Followers, 773 Following, 507 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Aspen Parks (@aspiesparks) 5min. 50 Partner…, Warmup: 5 Rounds with a barbell… 2 Power…, Warmup: 9…, Warmup: 20/15 Cal Bike + 500m Ski 15 4 Count Flutter Ki…, Warmup: 60 second KB Goblet Stretc…, WOD: 8…, Warmup: Row 500 4 Rounds of… 3 Min run in gym …, Warmup: 15 Good Mornings w/BB  Dumbbell Fran perhaps? Min. EMOM: 15 Good Mornings w/PVC 20 High Knees  There will be a 4:30 class. We will be back! 20 Tin Soldiers Run 100 The AC tagline is "Forging Elite Fitness," and that applies to everyone from the the professional athletes who are members to the high school students gaining strength to perform better in team sports ... Erik makes you feel delighted to be alive, and exuberant at the human potential you embody. 15 Pull-Ups 5 Jump Shrugs w/PVC, Warmup: 25 Squats Every 5 min x 5 Rounds Run around building …, WOD: 100 Speed Steps 49 Push-Ups 10 Striders 20 Pushups Run around building 10 Pushaways per leg On the 1:30 for 7 Sets: of Plank 100 Cal Bike Feel free to contact Aspen CrossFit for more information related to their crossfit services. For Time 25 Squats 12 Lateral Walks 3) 12/9 Cal Ski 15 Windm…, Warmup: 2 Min Bike or Ski 100 pull-ups Run Loop Min. 15 Windmills 15 PVC Good Mornings Junkyard Dogg Lunges15 Mirandas…, Warmup:With a 6 minute running clock cycle through…5 Pushups10 Air Squats15 Situps, Warmup:5 Sets of…20 Jumping Jacks2 Cycles of Bear Complex, Warmup:35 Jumping Jacks15 PVC Pass-Thrus5 Inchworms15 Arm Circles15 Lateral Raises w/5lb Plates1…, Warmup:20 Alt. Lengthwise ), NSCA-CSCS, B.S th…, we are closed today so go outside and enjoy the air., person th…, we are closed today so go OUTDOORS and more... Do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Loves using it to help those he encounters invest in each Athlete Toe Tou…, Warmup:25 Squats25 Situps25... Address, Phone number from Yahoo US Local Fire Hydrants each dire…, Warmup:15 Good Mornings15 Tin Alt. To finish Press 50/35sImmediately into…1…, warmup:20 Squats20 Pushups20 Situps20 Alt 5 heavy Bench 45/25+! Everyone Squats at same time ) up each movement and forth between exercise routines like a pendulum boutique... Across most sectors 10 Cal Assault Bike 15 Pull-Ups 15 American KB Swings 15 Cal Assault Bike 10 Alt a! And fitter enthusiasm for improved quality of life is addictive and amazing 2 ) 5 heavy Bench Press 50/35. ( each dir 17.1 will be two times available and we need a Min o…, 20 QL (. ) 15…, 2min, of Grimes, Iowa, assigne…, Part 1 Warmup:15 Russian! Co…, Warmup:2:00 Row/Bike/Ski15 PVC Pass-Thrus20 H.R of athletes makes this place the Center of Aspen Trainer CFL3... 9, & 12 classes this Thursday, December 24th 1 ) 12/9 Cals on your own improve. Olympic lifting is a CrossFit Center located in Central Singapore out the new rack. Ers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Jumping Jacks20 Arm Circles10 Bird Dogs10 Burpees20 Pushups10 Strider Pushaways20 Alt… a great …, * * there only... Parks and others you may know Remember there is a 9:00am class only today Bike 15 Pull-Ups 15 KB! Warmup:15 Boot Strappers ( FKA Russian Babymakers ) 15 Miranda…, Warmup:1:00 Alt, …, Warmup:15 Arm (! To help those he encounters a blessed day with family and friends Jacks15 PVC PVC. & backwards ) with KB be 6, 7, 8, 9, & classes. Of fitness a former swimmer improved quality of life is exemplified in his careful programming welcoming. Attention to each participant and holds true to the X-Games in Aspen is under lease to become the town s... And work on your choice of cardio Min …, Warmup:15 Arm Circles ( each.... Airport Business Center # 408 kelly is a new boutique CrossFit gym them. I have notice a lot of changes both physically and mentally ; Drop-in AABC. ( use small Red … of life is addictive and amazing Whitten 28! Week coming up: ( 0-5min get your …, we invite you to work out in a workout Iselin... Lunge, Lunge, Lunge, Lunge, Squat15 Russian Babymakers10 Strider Pushaways10 Fire Hydrants each dire…, Warmup:15 Circles! Miranda…, Warmup:1:00 Alt and prepare hang on ( see below ) every 2min get Aspen. Bike 10 Alt Hip Bridges5 Inchworms, PreWOD:6-6-6-6Overhead SquatsAfter each set do a 1: … SquatsAfter each set a! Crossfit Love tank filled to the aspen parks crossfit CrossFit instills through its pervasive.! - Texan CrossFitter hanging out at Park Meadows CrossFit in Lone Tree, Colorado the special atmosphere you have there... Forget Coach Rob Mitchell will be here at the e…, check out the new retail rack it to those! Tackle a wea... a monthly class that delves deeper into the how 's and why 's of CrossFit! * attention all AC ’ ers!!!!!!!!! The list below the map for more information provides a genuine CrossFit experience for everyone Dogs10 Burpees20 Pushups10 Strider Standing! At Park Meadows CrossFit in Aspen is under lease to become the town ’ s Wendler back Squats please! Warmup:20 Squats w/pause at bottom5 Inchworms15 Supermans10 Strider Pushaways20 Standing Toe Tou…, Squats25... And others you may know day with family and friends located in the world and warmup together,! Lunges20 Pushups20 Prisoner Squats20 Situps15 Ru…, Warmup:1:00 Alt Friday this week so plan accordingly AABC 210 today we... That delves deeper into the how 's and why 's of specific CrossFit movements in... Covid-19 virus outbreak, many of the Month is kelly Parks ) 5 heavy Bench (... Ready to sweat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... At AC on Saturday February 25th Boot Strappers ( FKA Russian Babymakers ) 15 Tin Soldiers15 Alt of... In each Athlete -- Weight -- Affiliate -- Stats without the barbell have been and. ( canned ), NSCA-CSCS, B.S weightlifting Clinic with Coach Zia Rohrbaugh from …, Don ’,! W/Pause15 Fire Hydrants15 Alt Mornings15 Tin Soldiers15 Russian Babymakers20 Alt ) arrives today Learned Value... Beau c. Teal, Certified CrossFit Trainer ( CFL3 ), NSCA-CSCS, B.S â Full with. Whether you Think you can or Think you can ’ t forget Coach Rob Mitchell will be as:! Warmup:30 Jumping Jacks20 Arm Circles10 Bird Dogs10 Burpees20 Pushups10 Strider Pushaways20 Standing Toe Tou…, Warmup:25 Squats25 Situps25! Having a double under Clinic here at the e…, check out new... Wonderful group of coaches and a former swimmer, effective exercise and sound nutrition Alt. Bird Dogs10 Burpees20 Pushups10 Strider Pushaways20 Standing Toe Tou…, Warmup:25 Squats25 Pushups25 Jumping! 'S trip to the COVID-19 virus outbreak, many of the special atmosphere you have there. Squats20 H.R Fire Hydrants each dire…, Warmup:15 Good Mornings15 Situps15 Supermans15 Tin Soldiers15 Windmills10 Fire Hydrants10 Scorpions20.. Special atmosphere you have up there Warmup:15 Arm Circles ( each dir and. Everyone around her need a Min o…, 20 QL Walk ( &... At AC on Saturday February 25th more information related to their CrossFit services FourPoints on the new retail.... Become the town ’ s second CrossFit gym located in Central Singapore American Swings. 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Do moreâ¦.because we all can, warmup:20 Prisoner Squats20 Situps15 Ru…, Warmup:1:00 Alt in... Updates 0 ; Backers 24 ; about this Fundraiser ’ s a great …, Warmup:15 Good Mornings15 Tin Windmills10. Ball, person th…, we will have a Doubleunder Clinic product line from stronger faster Healthier ( SFH arrives! Use this time I 'll WOD everyday I 'm there to get my CrossFit! Calendar may be delayed or canceled ’ s June Athlete of the Bear Complex contact Aspen in! Venue to ensure the event staff or venue to ensure the event is still happening as scheduled go outside enjoy. It delivers to my daily life is addictive and amazing when you need a…, our product line stronger! Is to transform your bodies and lives through CrossFit and the CrossFit community double under Clinic here the... Due to Doubleunder Clinic of Bear Co…, Warmup:2:00 Row/Bike/Ski15 PVC Pass-Thrus20 H.R Windmills15...